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Everything posted by JanineA

  1. Congrats and you'll definitely find the forum a great resource in your planning process. Good luck and happy planning!
  2. Hello there welcome to the forum and congrats!! Working with a Travel Agent is always a good place to start narrowing down your choice of resort. Also just try browsing around the forum and reading through threads from other brides marrying in DR, you'll definitely stumble upon lots of info. Good luck and happy planning!
  3. Hi there, just wanted to stop by and welcome you to the website and I hope you find it a helpful resource during your planning process.
  4. Hello there, I am not marrying at that hotel but I wanted to stop by and welcome you to the forum. WELCOME!!!
  5. Congrats and welcome to the forum. Have you checked into the vendor section of the site. Perhaps you can find help in getting a co-ordinator there. Or if you know your destination I am sure other brides from those locations can suggest one. Good luck and happy planning!
  6. Thanks ladies! 25 days till my fairytale takes another turn onto the new chapter.
  7. I will be wearing my e-ring to T&C for our wedding and we are carrying the wedding bands in our carry on luggage. We are going to leave all of those in the safe at home before we go on our honeymoon in Bora Bora. Its one of the reasons we fly back home for one day before heading on our honeymoon, we wanted time to put it in the safe deposit box.
  8. Congratulations! Everything looked wonderful I'm sure you were a beautiful bride. Hope to see more pics. Thanks for sharing!!
  9. Congrats and welcome to the forum. I am sure some of the brides marrying in Mexico will be able to give you tons of suggestions on good resorts. Good luck and happy planning!
  10. I had posted this in another thread but here you go: www.guayaberashirt.com The address and phone is 270 Miracle Mile Coral Gables, FL 305-441-9891 This store is located around the corner from my house and has tons of linen clothes, suits, dresses, everything. Be sure to mention that its for a wedding and they give you a percentage off. Hope that helps.
  11. Thanks for sharing and congratulations! Your dress was absolutely beautiful, would love to see more pics.
  12. Hi Ladies!!!!!! Loua4 thanks for the tip I think I will be using the guestbookstore as well. I like their guest book. MysTea my Shower/AHR was perfect!!! I couldn't have asked for a better night. The weather was perfect, the view/scenery was absolutely perfect, the food was delicious and everyone had such a spectacular time!!! I had one too many glasses of champagne so on Saturday I had a slow start, but I indulged because for my wedding I intend on only drinking water. This week I want to order my guest book and find the ties. I'm gonna just wrap up those last three things this week and I am ready to go!!!!!!!! I know I will only be on sporadically but I will check in on you ladies!!
  13. Hi Ladies!!! Wow! Lots of vents going on. MysTea, I agree with you fully she will have to make the alterations when you bring the dress back and she better have it done in time. Nicdeb, all I have heard for the last few weeks is how I took the "easy road" by having a destination wedding, so much so that the last person that said it to me I just smiled and looked at her and said "who wouldn't want to plan a wedding somewhere they've never been, with planners and vendors they've never met and coordinating everything over the phone or through e-mails with no clear sight as to how it will all come together, not to mention getting all my guests there safely and making sure its up to standard and having a wonderful day. With something that easy who wouldn't want a destination wedding?" She just looked at me stunned, then she realized I was being sarcastic. PEOPLE! So ladies I am happy to report tonight is our AHR/Shower at the Four Seasons. I haven't had to lift a finger because some very very dear friends of ours are hosting the event but I am still nervous. Its the first chance to see everyone before the wedding all in one place. I bought three dresses from BeBe yesterday cause I couldn't decide which one to wear. I am going to start packing my second suitcase this weekend. Things still left to do.....guestbook.....any one have any ideas? I wanted to do something non-traditional. Petal cones (I am making my own) Groom/Groomsmen ties Thats it!!! I can't believe I have everything else done!!! Wooohoooo. I printed my programs and menus this week and took pics of everything in preparation for my planning journal. I have 29 days to review everything and hopefully figure out if I forgot anything. Have a wonderful FRIDAY mis amigas lindas!!!
  14. Absolutely beautiful pics! Love the pic of you holding the records with the verses from E.E.Cummings poem....I heart that poem, I even included it in our programs!!!
  15. Thanks for all the support ladies. I have just let go of the situation cause if she was a friend she would try to be understanding. We haven't spoken since and to be quite honest I don't miss the friendship....I mean if for my big day she can't be understanding then well I guess who needs a friend like that.
  16. No worries, I am just glad they are out of the wedding room. I beginning to be able to see the bed and the nightstand in there, it is slowly but surely coming back to life as a guest room. We have friends coming into town this weekend for our Engagement Shower/AHR so thank God we have another guest room we can put them in. I finished the programs yesterday and I am doing my thank you tags tonight. Its coming together slowly but surely.
  17. Hi Misti, I feel fine except I broke out in a rash yesterday, after getting home from trying on my dress. It was the weirdest thing ever. I didn't itch or feel itchy, I felt fine and then when I got home I took off my clothes (I was wearing jeans and a nice top) to change into something more casual for around the house and there were big red blotches everywhere. I tried going over all the stuff I ate but I hadn't eaten anything out of the ordinary. I took some benadryl last night and it seems to be going away. My FI woke up this morning laughing he thinks its my nerves. I know it is definitely not my nerves...I was married before. Just weird thats all. How are you doing with your planning? Did you ever go pick up the stuff at your apartment?
  18. Hi Kathleen, I agree with Clgriffi definitely think of the places that interest you the most to have your wedding. Then start reading through the threads for the those particular places weeding through all of them until you arrive at your perfect destination. Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  19. Had our joint conference call, Diane is officially now my WC and I am excited. Less than one month to go.....my my my how the days are zipping by. I picked up my dress today!!!
  20. Yup I have one suitcase entirely packed Boo. I picked up my dress today. Actually where I bought my dress they do ask you about bra option ahead of time so that they can sew in cups for you if you want or padded cups, etc. I had regular cups sewn in. I brought home my dress and hid it in the wedding room....thats what I call one of the guest rooms that I am using..."wedding room". I told FI from today forward he is not allowed in that room. I know he won't go looking though cause he just isn't the type, he wants to be surprised the day of. I got a chance to put it all together today at the bridal salon, shoes, dress, jewelry, even my clutch. Now I feel like Mimi73 cause every chance I get I go and peek at my dress, but I haven't been putting it on. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I am so in love with it, I can't wait to wear it. In less than one month we leave!!!! Ok back to me printing out my programs...Ciao!
  21. Welcome to the forum. Happy planning! Sorry I can't help with suggestions since I am not familiar with your venue but I know someone will be able to help. Good luck!
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