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Everything posted by JanineA

  1. Hi ladies two of my friends did the Lemonade Diet, they loved it, though they did say anything in excess of a week or two is bordering on dangerous. For those interested there is a cleansing/detox program done through www.coolercleanse.com a friend of mine who models put me on to it because alot of people in the industry modeling and acting use it and it has amazing results. Selma Hayek became their spokes person after losing all her baby weight in like 4 weeks. I personally haven't used it but just thought I would post it for those interested. Caution though it is a bit pricey. Good luck ladies!
  2. These are my hair flowers. I got them from Mikiye Creations on etsy.
  3. I love your pic!! Looks very high fashion magazine like.
  4. Your brochures look great. I like the idea of top 10 things or perhaps you could put little known facts about San Diego. I don't know how big your wedding is but you could put a pic of everyone in the bridal party and how they know you guys as a couple or some brides even put all their guests (but that wouldn't work if you have a large wedding). Good luck! I hope to see it when you finish.
  5. I'm doing a candy bar at my wedding not at my AHR but I thought I would post where I got my stuff from since it may help someone else. I finished getting all of my candy from http://www.mymms.com http://www.candywarehouse.com and http://www.myjellybean.com I got my scoops from a seller on etsy....I had originally ordered them from theknotshop.com but when they came they were so tiny, so I ordered some with colored beads to match my color scheme from http://www.etsy.com/shop/onehautehostess here is a pic of my scoops I bought my jars from http://search.store.yahoo.net/bevfabriccrafts/cgi-bin/nsearch?catalog=bevfabriccrafts&vwcatalog=bevfabriccrafts&query=apothecary&x=6&y=16 I haven't bought the cellophane bags for the candy yet but I am hoping I can get it locally at Michael's or something.
  6. Welcome and happy planning!
  7. I'm glad I'm starting to see more and more diving enthusiasts. I have to put Ambergis Cay on my bucket list!!!
  8. Everything looks great! I love your bags, good luck with your wedding and enjoy your day!!!
  9. Loua4 we got the guestbook and we love it!!! Thanks for recommending the guestbook store. I still have no ties for the groom or his men.....this week I am gonna pick up a few casual things for my honeymoon.
  10. Your dress is beautiful and you look stunning in it. Congrats on finding your dress!!
  11. Welcome to the forum. I'm sure if you try searching Dreams or check out their thread you're sure to find the info you're looking for. Good luck!
  12. Welcome boutiquebride! I have to agree with Mistibuard the best place to start would be by searching within the threads of the mayan riviera brides. If you work with a TA they will also be able to narrow your search alot quicker. Good luck and happy planning!
  13. Welcome to the forum! Happy planning!
  14. Congrats and welcome to the forum! Happy planning!
  15. Krys, sounds cool I will talk to hubby about it. I am more enthusiastic than him when it comes to scuba. I'm pretty open on Sunday except for my shoot with Ileana at 3pm. Pineapplebride that so sounds like me, I am already so psyched about scuba I can't wait to really experience other waters. I can definitely see myself basing our vacations on good scuba destinations....lol!
  16. My biggest pet peeve is when people walk around with that floss pick in their mouth and while talking to you every now and then floss!!! It grosses me out so much. At my old office all the brokers after lunch would be walking around with it in their mouthes, one of my supervisors used to basically have his all day in his darn mouth and the day I hid his picks, don't you know he went to the lunch room and got a bunch of regular tooth picks....all day with this darn tooth pick hanging out the corner of his mouth! GROSS!!!!!!
  17. Krys!!! You're a dive instructor!! Wow you are simply awesome! Master of all trades. I have loved it since I have started. Of course every now and then I get the jitters but it is sooooo cool. I can't wait to visit some of these places and begin my diving adventures....heck I'll be happy diving anywhere other than the keys. Do you know if anyone gives like a one day certification in T&C. Chris is going diving by himself on Thursday (I refuse to wet my hair before the wedding...lol), and his best friend/best man said he would do a certification course if there was a one day available and go with him. I told him I don't think there is, since it took us about 6 sessions to get our certification (2 class, 2 pool, 2 ocean). I didn't know the photographers at TI dive....that is awesome....do they do any underwater shots for TTDs? Man just when you think you know everything there is to know on this site I find out something new.....way cool Krys!! I'll be in T&C in 18 days!! How about coffee Sunday....sorry I'm completely busy all the days before :-(
  18. Hi ladies thanks for all the responses. Sarah still does the albums but unfortunately she only does one album a month and priority is given to those brides with whom she has done their invitation suite. But thank so much for everyone answering.
  19. Very beautiful pics, you couldn't ask for a better back ground the scenery is beautiful and the two of you look very in love. Thanks for sharing and good luck with everything, you are one busy lady.
  20. Liveaboards sounds so cool! Although I am a completely newbie. When I dive in Bora Bora for our honeymoon will really be my first time diving other than learning in the Keys. I can't go very deep. I do eventually want to do my advance certification. My fiance has a friend who just returned from diving in Thailand and he did a liveaboard. He was there for 3 weeks, one week was liveaboard, the other two were exploring on land. LOL! Australia is definitely on my bucket list, whether by sea or by land I have to definitely explore that country.
  21. How awesome!!!! We picked Bora Bora and the FP Islands because of the diving, all of our instructors and diving friends are jealous. I've also heard Malaysia, Thailand has good diving maybe in the future there. We hope to head to Australia next year so do tell of your adventures once you do go. Unfortunately I have so much to do in Turks and Caicos I won't have time to scuba but my fiance will be going with friends while we are there. Thanks so much for responding.....I was beginning to think that there were no scuba divers on the forum...lol!
  22. Don't worry ladies keep hope alive. I sent my invites out 4 month before our wedding date and received only 8 RSVPs (all family). I received all of my RSVPs after my deadline of August 30th. I basically had to get a list of people from the hotel who had booked with our room block and call the rest. Even at this last minute I am having changes (22 days out!). People don't get the concept and you have to remember that some people are just naturally procrastinators, they will always wait till the last minute. In the end, try not to stress cause it all works out.
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