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Everything posted by JanineA

  1. Congrats and welcome to the forum. Happy planning!
  2. Welcome to the forum!!! Have you checked out the Vendors threads, there are tons of talented photographers and you can read the bride's reviews on them across the board. Good luck and happy planning!
  3. Congratulations and welcome, I've heard Cabo is beautiful, I can't wait to go there. Happy planning!
  4. Congratulations and welcome to the forum. Happy planning!
  5. Welcome, welcome welcome. Happy planning!
  6. JanineA


    Congrats and welcome fellow November bride!! I'm marrying Nov. 13th, but Nov. 14th is my FI's birthday!!! Welcome and happy planning!
  7. Congrats and welcome to the forum. Happy planning!
  8. Congratson your engagement and welcome to the forum. Happy planning!
  9. Congrats and welcome to the forum! Happy planning!
  10. JanineA


    Congrats and welcome to the forum. Happy planning!
  11. Congrats and welcome to the forum. A TA would definitely make your life easier and can probably even suggest resorts. Try looking around in the DR threads and enquiring from the other Punta Cana brides. You can read their reviews or reviews of resorts in the review section. Good luck with your decision and happy planning!
  12. Like azulskies I purchased my hair flowers from Mikiye from etsy. She is delightful to work with and her creations are nothing short of phenomenal.
  13. Congrats ladies!!! Abby I love your little tag: Its so flufffffffy!!! Since seeing the movie its one of the lines I say all the time. LOL!
  14. LOL! Thanks ladies...looks like I will be blinging it out.
  15. I think you should do what you want. If you and FI want it to just be the two of you, then go for it. Lots of ladies on here are in the same boat and having an AHR when they get back. I would have preferred if it was just my parents FI's parents and our siblings but as it is his first (my 2nd) we are having a few extra family and friends (27 guests so far). Its your wedding and like the ladies said you can't please everyone...do what makes you and FI happy.
  16. Glad to hear it has all worked out and I hope you have no more problems from here on out.
  17. I think the idea of having a mutual friend or relative try to handle the BM is a good idea. Last week FI and I attended a wedding (there were two best men, my fi and an obnoxious childhood friend of the groom). Well needless to say the obnoxious one showed his colors at the wedding when it was time to give the speech, everything was going great, then it got long winded, then it began to get rude,he even went as far as to tell the mother and sister of the groom to both shut up (with clench teeth they were trying to cut his speech short), everyone was mortified. We kind of knew that he was obnoxious but everyone thought he would behave. Well he was slurring so much throughout his speech that my FI took the mic and said "Well we all thought the groom was the one who drinks out of nervousness seems like you did yourself in on behalf of the groom Todd old boy". There was a bit of nervous laughter and then my FI went on to give a wonderful speech about the groom which everyone praised him for after. The other BM was so bewildered when it all happened and the grooms father was able to divert his attention after my FI got the mic. I think having a person or persons there to keep him in check is good.....the music at the Oscars idea also sounds great!!!!!
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