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Everything posted by JanineA

  1. Because the food is $115/per plate, I am paying for a cruise for my guests which is $45/per person, the open bar is $45/per person, the welcome bags are approximately $50 each.
  2. Yes I have been completely frazzled! It started with just my mom, but then she told my Aunt who then called and asked me to book for her and so on and so forth till eventually I had friends calling me asking me to just call and make the arrangements for them. I think because everyone knows I don't have a conventional 9-5 (I'm a massage therapist), they figure I have more time on my hands. I did get a discount with the airline, I called AA's group reservations number and got a 5% discount code, so each person gets 5% discount on each leg of their travel. I didn't do a TA because the one I checked with needed us to all leave from the same airport on the same day and that was not possible. Are you using a TA?
  3. My wedding is at 4pm and I was worried about everything being all a bit too rushed to try to get sunlight for the pics. I think 3pm is a great time. Â Mimi73 I feel your pain.....I so know how that goes, it happened to me a few weeks ago. Sorry you had to go through this.
  4. I'm coming in late on this but I am marrying at the Somerset as some of the ladies mentioned (thanks Chrissy and Aisha). I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have concerning Somerset and my planning experience with them so far. Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  5. I don't think its asking everyone to do too much. We posted our discount code on our website for the hotel and airline and ask that people in their own time call and book. Unfortunately it didn't work out that way, instead everyone called me and gave me their CC info and asked me to book and though I have tried putting the responsibility back on them it just hasn't worked so I have been busy planning the wedding and booking everyone's travel arrangements. I'm just not firm enough.
  6. Ooooh I even thought of something better you could put a tag on the box, like if you tied the box with ribbon and then put a small gift tag through the ribbon and on the gift tag it could have Please save the Date and all the other info. And the tags are super easy to get.....you can make them yourself or I've even seen some on theknotshop.com with palm trees. I think bea-coup.com has some you can get them made practically anywhere for super cheap!
  7. I think its super cute!! How are you going to send it out? Perhaps if you wrap it in a beautiful piece of tissue paper (you know the kind you put in gift bags) maybe in a turquoise blue (to match the little bit of ocean around the palm tree) and put it inside like a pouch, or even a little gift box (think the size of like a tiffany's jewelry box and on top you could have a little card that reads "Please save the Date", your location and the TA's info.
  8. Everything looked great! Loved your OOT bags...and the Canada mugs. Liked your timeline card too. Would you mind sharing the template. Congrats on your nuptials!!!
  9. Thanks for all the advice ladies. Since our conversation last I have not spoken to her. I tried calling and I shot her a text but she hasn't responded. I spoke to one of the mutual friends whom she had called (one of the two people she was also trying to rally to get to bring their S.O.'s) and that friend said she completely understood now that I explained how expensive it can get. She had wanted to bring her SO as well but decided to book solo since she has only been dating him about 3 weeks and she admitted a vacation like that is not something she wants to take with someone she is not sure about. I asked her to see if she could reason with my old roomie (we were roommates for 4 years for Christ's sake). Anyway she already tried and said "her boyfriend" doesn't want her speaking to me any more. She has never ever been like this with a guy. I mean no guy has ever come in between our friendship so I guess the fact that she has only been dating this guy two months or so now and he has told her we can't be friends, well I guess he must be some kind of special. Either way it sucks but you ladies are right, during this whole wedding process I have really seen who my friends are. Some acquaintances became friends and friends were reduced to acquaintances! Thanks for all the advice ladies. I'm moving on.......tough for her, her loss...not mine!
  10. Welcome to the forum. Happy planning!
  11. MysTea I bought two hair flowers from Mikiye but I think I still want a veil. I like the flowers though.
  12. Congrats and welcome to the forum. Happy planning!
  13. Welcome to the forum. Happy planning!!
  14. Welcome to the board and happy planning!!!
  15. Congrats and welcome to the forum fellow November bride. Good luck and happy planning!
  16. Congrats and welcome to the forum. You're in the right place, there is so much info here to help in your planning process. Good luck and happy planning!
  17. Welcome to the forum. I can't help with you decision but I know some of the brides on here will be able to. Happy planning!
  18. Thanks for the bit of advice. Congrats on your wedding!
  19. JanineA

    Help me!

    Welcome to the forum. I would have to agree with ambularose, perhaps you should see if a shorter stay for guests is an option. With that said I think Turks & Caicos is a beautiful destination (that's where I will be getting married) but of the places you have listed it is probably the most expensive as well. St. Lucia can tend to get expensive as well depending on where you decide to have your wedding. Have you tried looking at Jamaica. There are usually direct flights to JA from many airports in the USA & Canada and its a very affordable destination. Have you tried contacting a TA, perhaps they can help you narrow down your choices a bit. Good luck with your decision making and happy planning!
  20. Hi ladies so I tried explaining to her the cost to FI and I of having each guest attend our wedding. Things didn't go too well. She started saying why would we have a wedding and expect people not to bring their S.O. I reminded her that she didn't have an S.O. initially when everything was sent out and her response was that no one should have a wedding if they can't afford each guest bringing at least one guest. I was so shocked that really I didn't even say anything back. I tried to explain that she could bring him just not to the ceremony and she said that was an even bigger slap in the face because it would be like bringing him and then excluding him. She went on to explain that HE said even if I changed my mind HE wouldn't let her go anyway.....really I'm still in shock as I am writing this. We kind of just ended the conversation after that with me just saying sorry. Like seriously I tried to be as understanding as I could. Perhaps one day when she is planning her own wedding she will understand. WoW!
  21. Paypal usually takes about 3 business days to refund payments so if this occurred today you won't see your payment come back until later in the week. I am sorry that you had to go through something like this but as the ladies expressed better now than later. I had initially wanted to work with a particular recommended vendor for my monogram, etc but it was hard reaching her and then when I finally did she explained that she couldn't work with me. I totally could understand and chose another vendor who was absolutely fabulous to work with. Don't be too sad, there are lots of wonderful vendors on the site, something will work out. I totally understand how you feel about not knowing they didn't work weekends, thats a bit of a pickle. Good luck!
  22. So I am a little stuck. I invited a friend of mine to our wedding. She and I were roommates for my last two years of university and my first two years after graduating. She recently sent me an e-mail asking if she can bring along her significant other to the wedding. They recently started dating and I am a bit torn as to how to answer her. I know it is weird for ppl to travel to a DW alone but its not like she won't know anyone else there, some of our other college friends will be there as well. We factored it all out and it will cost us (FI and I are paying for our own wedding) $255 for each guest. If she brings him I will be paying $255 for someone I have never met to attend my wedding and then it worries me that the other single ppl will want to bring their flavor of the month (two other persons have already asked since she called them to see if they were bringing anyone and they made it known that if she is able to bring him they want to bring dates...mind you one of them isn't even dating anyone seriously right now, but claimed it may be a chance for him to spoil one of his ladies). In all we have about 18 single people invited. I am just worried that if word gets out I will be paying out of my nose for a bunch of random people to be at my wedding. I tried to make a suggestion that he can come with her to the resort but I really prefer our wedding to just be our guests but she hasn't spoken to me since. What do I do?
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