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Everything posted by JanineA

  1. Greaaaat! I am glad I read this thread so I will be selling all of my plastic key card holders......headed to the post my stuff for sale.
  2. I think if you were one month out I would have said you were nutty but definitely still wouldn't make you the worst bride ever. Welcome to the club...now since you're only four months out, get to planning! Just kidding. Glad the site has been a helpful resource so far...look forward to updates as you plan. Good luck and happy planning!
  3. Thanks for the NOM ladies!!! You guys rock!!! Brandy.....did I mention your bridesmaid cards inspired me to get some....Rebecca is working on them as we speak.....yay!!!
  4. Darn I just wrote you on another thread to find out how you made the packing list as well, then I saw them here for sale, but now they are gone. Rats! Can you share the template and if you made these in VistaPrint.
  5. I totally agree with the other ladies. Now is not the time to sit quietly on the side lines. Speak up before it is your wedding day so that you can hire someone else in time for your big day if you need to.
  6. Your pics are beautiful!! The fire dancers looked awesome!!!! Wish I had some sort of option like that. I really liked your packing list from in your planning thread. Do you mind sharing the template if you have it. Did you use VistaPrint to make them?
  7. Love your response cards!!! They are fab! I love your wedding date too....LOL! That's my wedding date as well!!!!!
  8. I know I am not in the same boat as most women, I am the complete opposite. I have a very fast metabolism and slightly overactive thyriod. Could take medication to slow it all down but then the effects are irreversible, so I have a high carb, high protein diet and I have to work out constantly to keep muscle on me. How come alterations are so expensive.....my alterations were free with the purchase of my dress. These damn wedding salons. Man weddings are a big business I tell you. I'm helping a friend plan her wedding in San Fran and let me tell you it is expensive out there and from the time you mention wedding everyone gets dollar signs in their eyes.....lol! MysTea how is the baby coming? Do you know the sex yet?
  9. Congrats and welcome to the forum. You'll love all the information you find here. Good luck and happy planning!
  10. Congrats on your recent engagement and welcome to the forum. You'll find this site a great resource in all of your planning. Good luck and welcome!!!
  11. I think the best thing for you to do is sit down and have a very candid talk with her. Not so much cause you were expecting the bridal shower etc but because you would like her to know that this role of MOH (the person who has the bride's back and is there to think up of everything the bride can't, the shoulder to lean on, cry on and rejoice with, the person who come wedding day makes you look and feel your best with words of encouragement and support) is important to you and you would like to know in advance whether she will be able to attend. I had picked out two MOHs and neither can attend (one is pregnant with due date a week after my wedding and the other is having serious problems with the IRS). I didn't choose anyone else after that, I just have my two BMs, but I get where you are coming from. Talking it out and letting her know how you feel is the best thing to do. She may be so pre-occupied with the stress of her new job she may not have realized that her enthusiasm is gone.
  12. Nsblum, perhaps you can take comfort in helping me. My wedding is scheduled at the Somerset in a little over two months. (November 13th). It would really be great to connect with another Somerset bride as there are so few on here, and even fewer who come back after to write about their experience, give advice, etc. I have tons of questions for you.....if you're up for it.
  13. Hi Jess, no updates for now. I am sticking by what I told her. I can't stop anyone from bringing a companion to the resort but they are simply not invited to my wedding. I want close friends and family. So far everyone understands once I explain the cost factor. She has been the only person to throw a tiff and quite frankly I have come to the realization that if she is going to throw me, her friend for over 10 years now away just because her "boyfriend" of 2 and a half months says she shouldn't come then so be it. Her loss!
  14. Congrats and welcome to the forum. Happy planning!
  15. Here is a thread that may help answer that question ladies, as you'll see in the thread some of the ladies said they were big hits amongst their guests: Â http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/thread/35759/my-oot-bags-the-big-hits-and-the-things-that-weren-t-used
  16. I think these are some of the prettiest I have seen so far. Your guests will be very impressed!! Here is a link to the store for all the ladies that seemed confused on finding it: Â http://www.etsy.com/shop/apriltwentyfive?ref=seller_info
  17. Have you tried maybe searching for an image of an open clam shell with a pearl in it and using that as the background? Just an idea, not sure if that works.
  18. Congrats and welcome to the forum. Happy planning!
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