Boo I totally understand you feeling blah. Welcome to my club I have been feeling blah for the last month or so.....just too much stress from everyone. I am literally ready to just show up......thats it! Not to plan any more nothing just show up. MysTea knows some of my hell. Anyway, within the last day or two I have decided to just pull myself together. No one or thing is going to spoil this for me. I deserve to be happy right now planning and I am not going to let overbearing family or nonchalant friends rain on my parade. Every time someone tries to annoy me I just say "listen I have to go I have too much stuff to do". In fact my mom recently said "I haven't even had a chance to tell you how I feel about everything and some things I think you should change". I very flatly replied in my sweetest voice "yes I know I am so sorry I have just been so bombarded by 39 other people sharing what they think I should do too....I promise I will call you tonight and we will talk all about it". I think she was so taken a back and didn't realize just how much everyone puts in their piece that by the time I called her back she had nothing to say.....which is great cause we are paying for our own wedding. Boo your wedding should be the happiest time of your life. DO NOT LET ANYONE STEAL YOUR JOY!!!! CAUSE YOU DON'T GET IT BACK!! Ignore the outside forces (if it is ppl talking in your ear...if its deeper than that, well I hope you guys can work through it and sit back and enjoy some part of the planning process). PM me if you ever need to talk girl, we are all here to support each other. Giraffexx I recently got into to running. I run probably only twice a week. Usually I bike ride on evenings then hit the gym (except Tuesdays when I bike ride then head to yoga). Never tried pilates though I think next year I will take it up. I've heard its fun. Mimi73 what color did you dye your hair? MysTea.....Whatup shawty???/ LOL! Hugs and Kisses! Â NOW EVERYONE GET GOIN'!