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Everything posted by JanineA

  1. It may have been tedious but it was so very worth it cause they look fantastic!! Great job and I love your colors!
  2. Congrats on becoming a Mrs. Dafne and thanks for stopping in to share your experience with other B2Bs.
  3. JanineA


    Welcome JBean, you are a lucky girl to have your fiance to help, mine has been able to help with a few things here and there and it is great help since I have no family around and my BM doesn't live nearby. Good luck and happy planning!
  4. Congrats and welcome to the forum. Happy planning!
  5. Congrats and welcome to the forum. The Caribbean has tons of beautiful resorts that I think can be suitable to what you are looking for. Were you thinking of AI? Jamaica has some wonderful AIs. There is also the Beaches chain and there are tons of Beaches brides on the site that can lend their opinion and help. I'm getting married in Turks & Caicos....its beautiful have you considered it? A travel agent can always help narrow your choices. Whatever you decide I know that you will ultimately find the right place for you. Good luck and happy planning!
  6. Hi Cat, welcome welcome welcome. Cruise or not you are a destination bride and we're happy to have you. The site is full of information that will help guide you, inspire you and for sure give you tons of support when you need it. Good luck and happy planning!
  7. JanineA


    Hi Shiela! Congrats and welcome to the forum. Don't worry most of us were nervous and excited at the beginning but with tons of help from this board and lots of support you'll be a pro by the end of it all. Enjoy the planning and good luck!
  8. Congrats and welcome to the forum. This site will be a great resource in your planning. Good luck and happy planning!
  9. Here are a few of the places I have used throughout my planning process:  www.licpaper.com  www.cardsandpockets.com  www.envelopperinc.com  www.paper-source.com  and paperandmore.com
  10. Beautiful pictures. I love the aerial shot....I always wonder how they get high enough to do those. Lovely dress...congrats on your beautiful day. Looked perfect.
  11. Congrats StephAli!! When are you gonna post pics....you know the rest of us are dying to see. Â
  12. Hi there, I'm also marrying at the Somerset....but this November...wow can't believe it is less than two months away. Anyway I know your questions were for Nicole but I thought I would ask about your band Press Gang? Never heard of them nor is it one of the ones I had heard of through Monique or Krys....where did you find them. I'm using a dj. For flowers I'm using EA, I didn't think they were so pricey but then again I ordered specifically the flowers I wanted. Are you using TI for your pics? I'm using Ileana. Good luck with all your planning!
  13. That is awesome! Maybe by the time we head back down next year there will be lots of options.
  14. Aisha the gold one looks identical to the pair of Guiseppi Zanotti's that I want....except I want them in silver. If they are by Guiseppi Zanotti check out Martinez Valero he usually makes copies of GZ's shoes but at a more affordable price (mid $100s). Good luck, girly both shoes look gorgeous!
  15. I can't stop singing her praises but Rebecca ROCKS!!!! I had her design the tops for my survival kits and also a card for me to give to my FSIL since she is my only bridesmaid. I am so happy with the way everything came out. The card will be given to my FSIL with a pair of earrings for her to wear to the wedding. The Survival Kit Tops will be placed on top to seal the kits each kit contains: bath & body works antic bac, lavendar lotion, zip-fizz, tissues, chapstick and sunblock. Â Â Â Â Â
  16. That is so cool Mimi73!!! The last time I was there was in 2008 and before that in 2004 and before that 2001. I only go back every few years. Most of my Aunts live in the US but alot of my Uncles, cousins, etc and my parents still live there. I'm sure your future hubby will love it. Its so relaxing. Lol! You're silly you're not being nosey or a stalker.....I would have asked too. AishaB did and she is from Trini. Its always good to come across a Trini link.
  17. I called vistaprint and there is something that they activated that made me able to change the background color. If you don't call they won't activate it for you. So give em a call girl. How you been? How is the baby? I can't wait till you post pics already.....ok ok I know first things first....wedding then baby. Lol!
  18. Both dresses are beautiful. The reception dress is very young and fresh and fun. Congrats!
  19. Thanks for sharing your review it was good to read someone who did the dances and cake cutting prior to dinner since that is what I plan on doing. I loved your pics.....like the one of you two in the fountain thingy. Wonderful review and beautiful pics.....congrats on your nuptials and thanks for taking the time to share.
  20. Hi Heather, congrats on your engagement and welcome to the forum. You're going to love all the info you find here. Happy planning!
  21. Couldn't have said it better than JaimeLe318, indulge her but do ask her to include your aunt so she doesn't feel left out.
  22. Glad to see you drop by. Your sister is in my prayers. Keep me posted on everything. Catch you on regular email.
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