Hi Melmed, for me I couldn't get a group rate that would allow my guests to book leaving from several different airports different days etc. I have guests that were coming from all over the US as well as Europe. The group rate from the TA I checked with was only valid if everyone traveled on the same day from the same airport....that didn't work for me. So I called American Airlines, explained I was looking for a discount rate for my wedding to T&C, I was transferred to group sales where they set up a group discount code for me where anyone booking on American Airlines got 5% discount on each leg of their trip (so 10% total roundtrip...its not much but its something). This worked out well for me since American is the major airline that services Turks & Caicos with the most flights. Once I had the discount code I sent this out to all my guests via bulletin emails and via the website. Most guests booked for themselves, I did have quite a few guests(mostly family) who were just too lazy and so they called and gave me their credit card info and their dates and I booked for them and I am a softy so I vented in frustration to myself but booked it for them.