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Posts posted by JanineA

  1. Have you tried Costco or Sam's Club. I thought in the beginning that I wanted to buy it in bulk and saw it at Costco (they were in boxes of like 16). I ended up not getting the boxes cause it was just too many to get close to the number I needed. 

    Originally Posted by Ellabaja1983 View Post

    I'm looking to buy SPF chapstick kind of in bulk, does anyone have any suggestions??  Is this even possible?

  2. I definitely agree you should. I have a friend getting married in February and I have told her try on everything, even the things she doesn't think are her style. I would advise all brides to try on everything even the stuff you didn't think looks like you. 

    Originally Posted by jaimeLe318 View Post


    That is AMAZING!! Haha some bridal consultants know NOTHING about what you want but you get lucky with people like that!! Wow, what if you had never tried it on? That's why I am trying on anything and everything even if I feel like I might hate it. Congrats on finding your dress! I love hearing the stories and seeing all the pictures :)


  3. HI Nat, so did you buy it? I never did understand that whole issue of not letting people take pics. Every designer copies another and dresses are sold in so many stores. Miami I guess is so competitive, when you tell a bride she can't take pics she just walks out so even the high end salons let you take pics, the most they do sometimes is limit you to one and they take it for you with your camera. Let us know which one you decide.....try to sneak a pic with your phone when you try it on.....lol. I know I am bad, but super excited to hear how things go.

    Originally Posted by proti007 View Post

    Thanks ladies! It figures that the first dress is from the one store that wouldn't let me take pictures!

  4. Hi Ladies, 


    so I looked up the following thread and it seems there is only minimal info so I thought I would just start this one. FI and I are becoming certified so that we can dive while we are in Turks & Caicos for our wedding and then in the French Polynesian Islands for our honeymoon. I know that Grand Turk is supposed to be the Mecca of diving places in T&C but does anyone know of or can anyone recommend the hidden diving treasures of the French Polynesian Islands (we'll be visiting Moorea, Le'Taha'a, Bora Bora and Tahiti). Also in January we'll be heading to the Bahamas, I know there is lots of dive sites there but any recommendations on which ones are the coolest or you prefer? In February we'll also be doing another trip the itinerary is not yet set for that but I was thinking Jamaica...any dive suggestions there? I hope there are a few scuba enthusiasts out there and I look foward to hearding from you ladies. 



  5. I have to agree with the ladies, fewer days at sea the better. I prefer Celebrity and RCCL but Carnival also has some awesome itineraries. I would go with the Carnival itinerary on this one. Half Moon Cay is a private Island in the Bahamas, its not a really developed island in fact there aren't tons of things to do, but that is the beauty of it. You can go horse back riding, there is a sanctuary on the island and the beach is gorgeous and private. I agree with clgriffi that you should hop the ferry to St. Johns, and Grand Turk is the diving mecca of the caribbean if you like snorkeling or diving. Good luck and I hope you have a fantastic time no matter what you decide. 

  6. Don't worry I think all of us have been on here less and less as the time winds down and we get closer and closer to our date. I still need to find a tie for FI and the groomsmen. I haven't printed my programs or menus yet. I have them typed on the computer but just not printed. 


    Everything else is pretty much finished.....oh I'm still waiting on my bags and water bottles from discountmugs cause they messed up my artwork. 

    Originally Posted by angelov321 View Post

    Hey ladies!!! So I really need to get back to being on here as much as I was in the beginning! I cant believe there is only 46 days till the big day..YIKES!


    So I have really been slacking with planning. " class="bbcode_smiley" height="" src="http://files.bestdestinationwedding.com/images/smilies//sad.gif" title=":(" width="" />  So much to do still.......




    to start the programs

    to get my dress altered

    to put together welcome brochure

    to buy swimwear and honeymoon lingerie

    wedding jewelery

    wedding decor

    OOT bag items

    hairstyle for me and girls

    pick out flowers

    reserve entertainment for cocktail hour 

    get the GM suits (my FI is more of a slacker than I am)

    buy a new tie for FI suit

    pick out shoes for FI

    make place cards

    plan group excursion

    get teeth whitened



    So far I have:


    picked up my dress

    ordered shoes

    ordered guesbook

    ordered totes for OOT bags

    received BM dresses and shipped them out to the girls

    booked photog and make-up/hair

    booked spa services morning of wedding

    picked out menu for reception

    booked sound system

    reserved ceremony and reception location

    Ordered luggage tags to mail along with a pre-travel brochure

    picked out earrings

    picked out gift for MOH

    booked welcome dinner


    and I think thats it. I feel like Im still missing a lot more. Only 1 1/2 months to go and still lots to do!! Hope everyone is doing better than I am! :)

  7. I think clgriffi said it best....who from our parent's age could have thought DW's would have grown in popularity. She has envisioned this day for you for so long according to her vision, her dream that it is now hard for her to imagine it being any other way. I'm sorry that the rest of her side of the family as well isn't making your engagement time one of joy and celebration. Either way this should be the happiest time of YOUR life. Don't let anyone steal your joy. If you've already called to inform them that you are engaged and they don't feel the need to extend a congrats then don't get bitter just move on. I know...easier said than done. In the end plan the wedding of YOUR and FI's dreams and hopefully they will come around with time, especially your mom (I really do think she is just reacting out of shock right now) and if they still don't come around you can always show them the beautiful pics after, they'll wish they had gone. Perhaps an AHR would be a good compromise as well. 

  8. I love the dresses ladies. I found my dress in the first store I went to (Priscilla of Boston) it was the 7th dress I tried on. Actually I saw it as they were taking it out to the showroom and looked at the attendant and said "I don't want something like that", I want something very plain,no flowers, no embellishments, nothing. She snuck the dress into the fitting room and I didn't even notice. When it came to trying it on I was like "I don't remember picking this one", she just kind of shrugged, so I figured I must have picked it, it was in the room. As soon as she put the clips in the back my eyes were full of tears and when I walked out to show my friend she burst into tears. I visited 4 other bridal salons, tried on a total of about 15-20 more dresses but returned to POB two months later and bought my dress, cause I knew that dress was "the one".

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