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Posts posted by JanineA

  1. I think it really depends on your budget and the service. Some ladies have a rule of not tipping anyone who works for themselves, meaning if its their company or they work alone whatever you are paying for their fee goes all to them, where as the waitstaff etc work for the hotel and always appreciate a good tip on top of their hourly pay cause they make alot less. Here is where this has been discussed by a few brides:




    Good luck

  2. Kimberly as Beaches does not allow outside vendors on the property you will not find any photos of weddings that TI has done on actual Beaches property. They have to take the brides off property in order to shoot them. There are a few brides who have gotten married at Beaches and posted their pics of their wedding on property but it was shot by the Beaches photographer. If you would like to see pics of weddings on Beaches property shot by the Beaches photographer please see Meagans Beaches review:



    This second link is to pics of Chrissy's wedding which was also at Beaches.



    As you will hear from each of the girls in their reviews they would have much rather had TI shoot their wedding but because of Beaches policy it is just not possible.


    Hope this helps.



    Originally Posted by kimberlyg View Post

    So I would love to see some video coverage and or photos from Beaches- I am absolutely going to try to have Tropical Imaging do our pictures- but would like to see ANY BEACHES Turks pictures from their wedding photagrapher- can anyone help please?  This is a great site- so helpful.  Thank you!


  3. Hi Brianna, well I received an e-mail from Monique last night asking what my availability was because she wanted to set up a call with me. I'm only speculating but I think she is going to tell me about Diane and that Diane will be handling things from here on out. As for the added costs, I don't think there should be any added costs....you signed a contract with the Somerset and your fees come with the services of a wedding coordinator. I'm sure the Somerset will compensate Diane for her services out of the amount paid to the hotel, they have an obligation after all to honor their contract with you.


  4. Hi Mrsj2011 no that isn't my bouquet, my bouquet isn't ready just yet so I asked her to just at least send me a pic of the little guy next to something so I can show him off, so she bunched some flowers together and put him in the center!!! Isn't he pwetty? LOL!

    Originally Posted by mrs*j*2011 View Post


    yay!  I'm getting so excited!  Is that your bouquet?  It's gorgeous.

  5. MysTea I haven't gotten my pic of my flowers yet. She is waiting for the mums to come in. I should have it soon though....you know as soon as I do I will post a pic. Now what's this about you dragging your feet? I bought my luggage this weekend (FI has had a really nice set and I wanted a complete set of my own.....damn luggage is expensive?!?!).I finished my survival kits this weekend and I also tied the ribbon around the flip flops. Still waiting for my water bottles....come on discountmugs!!

  6. Hi Ladies,


    sorry I am coming in late. Brianna, yes I have been aware for quite some time that Monique has left the Somerset and that Diane will be taking over. In the beginning of September Monique had already moved off the island and when I spoke to her she said she was unsure whether she would be around to do my wedding. She did promise she would let me know closer to my date but did ask that I not panic other brides with the news. I didn't bother to say anything because quite honestly the news should be coming from her and it would have been wrong of me to divulge it. I have only heard wonderful things about Diane.


    On one hand to be quite honest I have to say that I am happy if Diane does do my wedding because that would mean her only focus would be mine.....I've worked in a hotel before so I know how the duties of the WC get divided between helping the brides and all their other duties at the hotel, so I can see how a bride may not always feel like they have the WC's full attention. With that said I am also kind of sad because for the last year plus I have gotten to know Monique and talk to her and plan with her and I do feel like a connection was made especially within these last two months as things have gotten down to the wire. I did send Monique an e-mail on Saturday because after several back and forth e-mails of her helping to plan out exactly my candy bar I just really wanted an answer as to whether I would really get to meet her. (The candy bar has been a bit of a trial and she gave tips and helped me get the right candy....at the end of it all I was so grateful I was like "Monique I really hope I do get to meet you for my wedding"). I have not received a response to that e-mail. I do have her skype, but I figure that when she is ready she will tell me as I believe from what she had said I would be the first wedding Diane would be doing officially taking over at the Somerset or Monique's last wedding before handing over to Diane. She wasn't sure when last we spoke, or perhaps she knew but didn't want to say. I have not received an e-mail from Diane....or Monique but just as I have let patience guide me the entire time, I will let it guide me now. The only thing I did ask Monique is that if Diane would be doing my wedding to at least give me the opportunity to start dialogue with her and get to know her a bit prior to my wedding. I think I would feel extremely strange if someone just walked up to me the day I got there and said "Hi I am your new WC", simply because I know my personality and though I am extremely friendly, this is my wedding we are talking about and I would like to make sure that the person is on the same page as me.  I still have a month so I guess we'll see how things turns out. 

  7. This is a bit tricky. I think since you already invited him, don't un-invite him. Let him know he is still invited but that you would hope that though they are broken up they can still be civil and both still attend and enjoy your day after all the day should be about the two of you (you and FI). 

    As you said he has no job and probably won't be able to attend but I do agree with you FI it would be bad to invite and then un-invite and who knows if they get back together. This is definitely a tricky one. I wish you luck but do let us know how it turns out. 

  8. I just went to the thread and took a look at your dress......BEAUTIFUL!!! I can't believe it was $130....wow, it look gorgeous on you, it fits well and looks fab! Great job!

    Originally Posted by mimi73 View Post


    Congrats Boo!!

    Janine, I deleted the pics off my computer so that FI doesn't happen upon them, but they are posted on the 'Knockoff dress thread' page 164.

  9. By the way I don't know how I managed to miss this but Boo congrats on becoming a Mrs!!!!

    Originally Posted by Boo View Post



    We just had our Legal Day last Monday - Most of the times I am ok  with not acknowledging the transformation to Mrs.

    But…and I had actually mentioned this earlier on another post…


    Fiance/hubbie and I were out on Tuesday, bumped into some random acquaintances and he introduced me as fiancée, and I got sad. We also spoke of finalizing our maraca order and debated between just putting our first names or first names and the soon to be mutual last name. Dearest kyboshed the idea of putting the last name saying "lets not get ahead of our selves". I know he said with the best of intentions but I was like, well this sucks. Its tough cause we still have 1.5 months till The Big Day, so long time to wait. At the same time that should also give us time to loose the freshness of the feelings that we felt last Monday and get to experience them all over again.


  10. Mimi73 post the pics!!!!! And stop trying on the dress its bad luck....you will have ten years of bad luck.....ok sorry not really...I'm lying....its not bad luck but every time I think about you trying it on I freak out cause I am so scared of you ripping it.....sheeesh, I'm crazy its not even my dress and I am scared for you. Lol! 

  11. Hey MrsMysTea!!! LOL!


    Mimi73 what is this about you trying on your dress? Is it at home? Stop putting it on before you step on it or something. Aren't you scared you're gonna dirty it, or worse rip it? Don't make me come up there and hide it from you!!! lol!

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