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Everything posted by wendyjd

  1. I say use the title, you earned it. I'm sure it would be Dr and Mrs if he had the doctoral degree. I plan to be introduced just with first names as I plan to keep my name after the wedding. Its a huge pain to change (it was "fun" with the wedding but after the divorce it was a pain and I was cursing the ex for wanting me to change it the whole day I spent at the Social Security Office). Congrats to all the doctors here: MD, DVM, and PhD's here. I'm a PharmD, just to add to the mix of degrees.
  2. wendyjd

    Aruba Wedding

    Welcome to the forum and have fun planning!!
  3. wendyjd

    Maui Newbie

    welcome to the forum and have fun plannning!!
  4. I vacationed at RHR last summer, it was a very nice place, but I'm getting married at IRHS (never been there though). I'd love to do a wedding at the aquducts but it is super pricey. send an email to the WC and she should be able to send you a price list. The beach wasn't terrific at RHR which is another reason I chose IRHS, but the water slide and lazy river is FUN (even for two 30+yo). My vote is for IRHS, you can find pics of weddings here as well as at tripadvisor.
  5. Hi Juls, welcome to the forum and have fun planning. I'm a Jamaican bride too.
  6. welcome to the forum, have fun planning.
  7. Congrats and have fun planning. Picking the resort is the hardest part.
  8. Looking for ideas as well for hair, mine is shorter than yours, so not much help there but LOVE your dress!!
  9. Hi and welcome to the forum. Happy planning.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyTrunck These are my shoes from Zappos- I hear them! I don't know if they still have them, but if not I think you can get off of the designers website: love those shoes!!! I need to start shopping soon, my biggest limiting factor is looking for wedges.
  11. I've had jewelry insured thru Jewelers Mutual in the past. Its more expensive but they make you have your ring inspected every year or two which is good because the jewelry store can catch any loose stones and fix it. I changed to my homeowners policy bc it was much cheaper. Just make sure to get it appraised every few years and ajdust your policy accordingly.
  12. my favorite lo carb breakfast is a "cheesecake" I found online. its made with lofat and ff cream cheese along with ff cottage cheese, eggs and splenda. it sounds pretty bad but is actually pretty tasty, plus I make it once and it makes enough for a week!!
  13. Its the weather and no way to predict it, just be prepared. I'm planning Oct wedding and will come up with a contingency plan closer to the date.
  14. I think they need to be awesome shoes since the are framed by the bottom of the dress. For the beach, I'm leaning toward wedges. This is the best pair I've found online, but haven't tried any on yet. I have some days off next week and hope to do some shopping then. STUART WEITZMAN OBOE Wedding Shoes and OBOE Dyeable Bridal Shoes WHITE, IVORY
  15. Beautiful earrings but seem kinda pricey, check out ebay or etsy!!
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