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Everything posted by wendyjd

  1. I just did level 2 for the first time. I finished it but it was HARD!! Probably didn't help that my arms and abs were sore from bootcamp yesterday. I haven't lost any weight but at least I can finish the workout and I feel good (aside from the muscle aches) afterward.
  2. The worst gift I ever received was a gag birthday gift, I have a friend who thinks they are the best ever. I received a clown lamp. Clowns are scary to me and this one was particularly bad. He had one shoe with toes exposed and painted toenails. In one hand he was holding wilted flowers. I could only imagine some pedophile clown. If the gift wasn't bad enough, that night when I went to bed (after a birthday celebration with a few drinks) the clown was sitting on my bedside table staring at me. My ex-in laws had a regifting exchange for Christmas celebration so the clown was regifted the next year (after sitting in my garage for a few months... in a trash bag so I didn't have to see it).
  3. 1h bootcamp, early this morning (6am class), which starts the day in a wonderful way, I've had energy all day and accomplished quite a bit tonight after work.
  4. Welcome Maurice, have fun planning your DW!!
  5. Sorry you've had problems with them, I had no problems at all and received my totes in a timely manner.
  6. Welcome Mexico102. I'm in the same boat with FI as most. He doesn't seem overly interested in his clothing. He's planning on wearing linen khakis and a white shirt. He can always wear something he owns already, his loss, more for me to spend!!
  7. Stephy, could you put it on your pinky? I'm planning to have two bands but not to be worn at the same time. I have an eternity band but would prefer not to wear it at work and for errands. I plan to get fingerprint band for work, not sure if I will do anything with it for the ceremony or just keep it at home for daily use.
  8. Congrats on making the decision. I probably could have used their appraisal card but I wanted to make sure I was sent diamonds (and good quality ones as well) which I was. I'm thrilled with my ring and am happy you are as well.
  9. Lolita, beautiful dress surprise its taken, I'm planning on doing this. My seamstress is excited about changing the back (its a zipper back) and adding some color. I've seen some other brides do it as well.
  10. Congrats on a great wedding!!! Everything looks great.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by classadiva I ordered mine from Discount mugs and I LOVE them!!! The quality is great...there is a new 15% discount code: SALE15- good through 5/31. Danielle, did you ever post pics of your totes? I wanna see.
  12. Happy Wedding Day LadyDi. I'm sure it will be a wonderful day based on your planning thread. Enjoy today and the rest of your weddingmoon.
  13. Great job on both of them but I prefer #2. I think they'd look great on an ivory or white boarding pass jacket.
  14. How about teal for girls and black for guys, not sure if this is possible, I like runningbrides idea. I bought pink tumblers for girls and blue for guys (per FI's request instead of green). Still working on getting them personalized. Its been a busy work week for both of us so little DIY time.
  15. Thanks!! Heres a new promo code that will last until 5/31: MEMORIAL it is for 10% off
  16. I think diamond studs would be fine with pearls. I wear my diamond earrings every day (almost). I feel like they match any and everything.
  17. 6am Zumba class this morning. Fun and could be a great workout if I can get the routine/moves down.
  18. Beautiful pics and you were a gorgeous bride. Congrats on a great wedding.
  19. Lisa the pics are great. thanks for posting. I can hardly wait for my turn!!
  20. 9:37pm, trying to get ready for bed. Tomorrow is an extra early 6am zumba class before work.
  21. 10% is pretty standard. I don't think I've seen any higher (or lower).
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