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Everything posted by wendyjd

  1. I'm doing a monday, it happens to be a federal holiday (in the US). I picked an available day based on fall breaks for my family (niece and future SIL are both in school). It happens to be in the middle of our time there (Th thru Friday). Probably some of our guests will leave the next day.
  2. Hi Julie, welcome to the forum. I emailed digipix asking for photos and info about a ttd session, below is the response I received. I ended up going with Marcia Roberts a Jamaican photographer. Her work looks good and she is reasonably priced. you can find her info in the jamaica vendors section. She responds to emails and often calls the same day. HI WENDY BELOW ARE SOME LINK WHERE YOU CAN CHECK TO SEE OUR WORK YES WE OFER ALL OUR SERVICES . PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT US FOR ANY QUESTIONS .THANK YOU Wayne BEST REGARDS DIGIPIX JAMAICA LIMITED SHOP 7 AT PUEBLO PRINCIPE RUNAWAY BAY , ST ANN JAMAICA W. I. TEL 1876 953 8052 1876 484 4560 WEBSITE DIGIPIX LTD E-MAIL [email protected] WEDD SAMPLE GRAN BAHIA PRINCIPE NO POST PRODUCTION http://www.digipixltd.com/weddphojuor/ WEDD SAMPLE IBEROSTAR ROSEHALL NO POST PRODUCTION MAY 1st AIMEE AND GARY ALBUM SAMPLE POST PRODUCTION DIGIPIX ALBUMS
  3. Nikki, I'd love to share some humidity from here, but I agree vegas is so dry. My hands and skin gets so dry everytime I go (not real frequent but once every couple of years). Its been mid 90's and super high humidity. I was drenched after sunrise kickboxing this morning (outside by the river at 6am). Not much wedding planning this week, busy with other stuff: end of residency year cookout, friend from out of town, bunco on monday (11 neighbors at the house for apps/dessert) plus Fathers Day sunday... will worry about wedding next week. I'm feeling okay with the wedding stuff for now. Heartbeat, congrats on the baby and welcome to the group!!
  4. I spend all afternoon here and check it during lunch at work. The best thing for me (my job actually) is that photobucket is blocked so I can't see any pics. Its much more fun to see all the pics. Sometimes I run home to see pics from the posts I saw at work.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by RunningBride24 FYI Wendy, your picture makes me smile every time I see it! Love it! thanks! its from our recent zoo trip. we act like unsupervised kids sometimes. this weekend we may go to the "Moonpie and RC" festival, in a rural town nearby... they even have a 10k that ends with the eating of the worlds largest moonpie. its very hilly and I don't think I want to run it in the lovely 95 degree weather we're having lately. moonpie is a chocolate covered graham cracker and marshmallow cookie sandwich. Sorry to go off topic.
  6. I did level 2 after a week + away. Shockingly I was able to do it all except for the last 30 seconds of plank jumping jacks, I just subbed regular ones.
  7. Same colors. It makes the AHR seem like a continuation of the wedding and you can re-use your decorations.
  8. I've tried searching various subforums and haven't been able to find any info, so sorry if this is a duplicate post. I've been looking for locations for our TTD, and I think I had an amazing idea today. Has anyone done or seen pics of a ttd in the Glistening Waters/ Luminous Lagoon in Jamaica. I can imagine some amazing shots... but I'm not sure about the conditions for photos: dark, luminous water. Any pic I'd take would be a blurry mess, however I'm not a pro. I'll discuss with FI and then see what my photographer thinks. any comments or suggestions or pics? thanks in advance.
  9. Kelly, what a great dress, however if its not what you want now, head out shopping. Congrats on the house too, what a big year!!
  10. Thanks for the ideas all. I ignored them this weekend and FI is not interest this week (so far...heat wave and he works outside so he's exhausted when he gets home).
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Lindobride14 I discovered an awesome site for mugs over the weekend. I was staying with my sister and she had this huge 32 oz insulated mug that had both a straw and the snap top (for beer drinkers) She got it at the movie theater of all places. The website was on the bottom of it. Welcome to Whirley-DrinkWorks! The personalizing option is a bit confusing on the site. I'd call the 800 number and inquire. Hope this helps That is awesome, you could get the yard long ones for everyone to carry around (like all the tourists carry around in Vegas or New Orleans).
  12. Congrats on a beautiful wedding, can't wait to see photos.
  13. Beautiful dress and photos. Sounds like a wonderful wedding. SMB is a great resort. We were there right when it opened.
  14. Congrats on the engagement and have fun planning, from another Jamaican bride2be.
  15. wendyjd

    SO excited!

    Congrats and welcome to the forum, have fun planning!!
  16. Congrats and welcome to the forum from another IRHS b2b.
  17. I can finally say yes!! its been a busy week and I haven't made the time. 1hr yoga (outside in the heat/humidity)...could almost be called hot yoga!! plus 2mi run/walk. yay for me.
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