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Everything posted by Mischaka

  1. this is something I wasn't going to do. only because it's not that big of a deal in my family or his. the idea in itself is great though.
  2. love the dresses!!!! and the chuck's are an awesome touch!!!!!!
  3. congrats!!! I'm waiting to confirm the dates for mine so I can feel like that!!!!
  4. here's another site where you can put some of the colors together and see how they look. Wedding Color Palettes - Trendy and Popular Color Combinations
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by KarenM Hey girls, I totally hear you! We had a hard time deciding at first too but then just decided to go with our two favorite colors - blue & green. It's sort of turned into aqua, a minty-ish green & yellow. BM's are wearing 3 different color dresses - aqua, clover green & a buttery yellow. And I think I want gerbera daisies in orange, pink, yellow - not totally sure, just something tropical. Anyway this website was really helpful for me in choosing colors and they have inspiration boards put together in a ton of combos. If you scroll down a bit you can select by color on the left. The Perfect Palette Good luck deciding! that's where I went and ended up with the same colors!!! I can't wait to see what you put together!!!
  6. Mischaka


    welcome and congrats!!!! there is so much info and ideas here!! you'll find everything you need and more!! happy planning!!!!
  7. you should still put it in the OOT bags like a journal and for the reception!! that's such a great idea I might have to use that. you girls are good!!!!
  8. Mischaka


    Hello and welcome!!!! happy planning!!!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by march132010 Its my last 28 days before we leave and I'm on a mission to lose 15 pounds..... so I'm watching what I eat and working out 3 times a day, so I'm posting for you ladies to cheer me on!!!!!!!!!!!!! you can do it!!!! you can do it!!!!!!!!
  10. 1. How old are you? 29 2. At what age did you/will you get married? 30 3. Do you have children? yes 1 amazing little boy!! 4. Did you think you would marry the person you are with now? I sure did!! 5. Were you ever engaged or married to someone other than the person you are with now? no 6. Do you want a garden wedding, beach wedding, or the traditional church wedding? beach wedding 7. Where did you/will you get married? Rivieria Maya, Mexico 8. First dance - classic waltz, slow and sexy, or fast and spicy? slow and sexy then fast and spicy 9. How many guests did you/will you have? 35-45 10. Do you want/did you have an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding? simple 11. Vows - traditional or something you make up on your own? we will be making up our own 12. How many layers of cake did you/will you have? 3 13. Is/was your wedding/reception at a hotel? hopefully on the beach 14. When did you/will you get married - sunrise, mid-day, sunset? sunset 15. Did you/will you have your reception outdoors or indoors? outdoors 16. Plan every detail down to the napkins or let someone else decide? let my WC decide 17. How did/will the bride enter? not sure yet 18. Song to walk down the aisle to: Here I Stand by Usher 19. Song to make your exit: not sure 20. Will you/did you have a solemn ceremony or a light one? Light one 21. At what age did you think you would get married? 30 22. Who to invite - practically everyone or a select few? a select few 23. Wedding menu - fine dining or simply delicious? simply delicious 24. Champagne or red wine? who knows 25. Honeymoon right after the wedding, awhile after the wedding, or no honeymoon? right away 26. Was your/will your honeymoon be at a place special to you both or somewhere brand new to you both? brand new 27. Who will pay for the bills? split the bills 28. Living together: Not before marriage or absolutely before marriage? we are living together now 29. Anything else about marriage you'd like to say? I am sooooooo looking forward to be officially married!!!
  11. Mischaka


    hello and welcome!!! don't worry...if that's your only place then that's your only place!!! you have more than enough time to save and plan to make it even more grand!!!!! happy planning!!!!
  12. congrats!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see how your hair turned out!!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by jstar83 youre right..i felt horrible for her too... but we are blessed.........unless our future hubbys turn around and cheat on us for being too fat...........blah....negative,i know.... cut it out!!!!!!!
  14. Me and the fiance will be going to dinner and then to a comedy show. Just like Island Bride said...just meet somewhere in the middle. Have dinner maybe rent a room and stay for the night. Just enjoy each others company.
  15. hello and welcome!! there are alot of ideas around here!! congrats and happy planning!!!
  16. love the earrings!!! i'm pretty clumsy too...which is why I don't even need to wear flip flops on the beach..lol
  17. dislike...i'm more of a milkshake kinda girl silver jewelry?
  18. hello and welcome!!!! there is alot of info here. i'm sure you'll find what you want and more!!! happy planning!!!
  19. my TA gave a few choices based on what I wanted and this one stuck out for some reason.(more or less eenie meenie mynnie mo... lol) I try not to put too much thought into things cause I tend to lose it. lol
  20. welcome!!! well for 250-300 PER NIGHT you can find a few nice places!!!! I'm using a TA and that's because i'm extremely new to traveling period. so I didn't want to be out there like a giraffe in a lion's den. scared and confused. lol and I notice most people use TA's cause it cuts down on stress and gives the guess and easier route as to booking rooms and flights. but there are tons of threads that can help more. good luck and happy planning!!!!
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