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Everything posted by Mischaka

  1. great job!!! love the mugs and that's exactly where I'm getting mine. got them in the shopping cart already. lol
  2. this is a good one...you can put the colors together to see how they look together Wedding Color Palettes - Trendy and Popular Color Combinations
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by poohshek Excellent work! You go girl! thanks hun!!!! oh...and 1hr of kick boxing tonight. and that's 4 nights in a row!!! boooyah!!! lol
  4. wow!!! your side tat is HOT!!! I don't have the guts for that. and you look great!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. lol...well we dated for 1yr before we got engaged...and we've been engaged for 8...I know I know...long time.
  6. Hello Tanya and welcome!!! yayyyyy for 2011 brides!!!! i'm sure there are a few reviews on that resort. happy planning!!!!!
  7. I don't plan on saying anything...I know him and he will love it as long as I don't have many clothes on...lol
  8. Hello Tiffany (great name by the way...lol) You should be able to get some kinda pricing. it's well under a year and maybe even in a couple of weeks be able to get the plane tickets. it's still enough time. happy planning!!!!
  9. I'm trying to motivate myself to go to kickboxing tonight without my BM partner. but i'm really tired.
  10. hello and welcome!! there is alot of info on that resort. i'm sure you will find everything you need and more!!! happy planning!!!!
  11. Hello and welcome!!!! you'll find everything you need and more here. you just need to figure out the things you want (ex: all inclusive, outside venders, extra activities, children activities) once you figure out what you want then you can narrow it down. and then you look at prices. but you'll find something and it'll be beautiful!! happy planning!!!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Haha, every girls worst fear! That definitely wouldn't happen. I tell my friends who bring up this same concern that building a little muscle helps burn fat quicker. I've never been as low body fat % as I was while doing P90X and I didn't get bulky. You just use lower weights for toning, higher for bulking and they give you instructions for both. I know for 3 months i've been saying i'm going to get this. I just might. I just don't want that manly look. lol
  13. For some reason I was really looking forward to your review. I guess I wanted to know if your hair came out ok. lol and i'm not even going to the same place!!! so glad you had a great time minus the flight situation. I can only pray the same thing does not happen to me next year. since i'm traveling around the same time. *crosses fingers, holds rabbit's foot, and 4 leaf clover*
  14. Hello Christine and welcome!!!!!!! Don't worry about it. you have time to pull it all together!!! There's so many people here that can help and so much info around...you'll love it!!! happy planning!!!
  15. hello and welcome!!!! this place has everything you would need and more!!!! happy planning!!!!!!!
  16. Hello Sharon...and welcome!!!!! There are many options as to where to stay. You can have your guest stay at a different hotel (though that might be too much for travel) but there is Barcelo Complex which has a complex with 5 resorts. So there are many options. happy planning!!!!
  17. Nicyx- I love how they came out!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm definitely gonna have to try it now!! super cute!
  18. pvbeachbride10 - i love love love the short dress!!! I was thinking of getting a short one to change into!!! that one is too cute though!!!!!
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