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Everything posted by Mischaka

  1. Angel Glitterthong...lol that's cute
  2. I will say that losing weight is hard!!! and when you don't see results right away it can get discouraging. But you have to look ahead...think about those 2-3lbs you lost every week and think about how your body is gonna look in your dress. That's how I do it...lol I bypass how I look now and think about how i'm gonna look a year from now after all the working out. As long as you do something then you should be good. I lost 3lbs in a week...y'all have no idea how i'm feeling!! In less than a month I lost 9lbs!!!! So if I can do it...anybody can do it!!! you just have to do it!!!!!
  3. I found out I lost 3lbs in a week!!!! AND I have the day off tomorrow!!! whoooohoooo!!!
  4. last night I did my 1hr of kick boxing. felt so great that I might go tonight!!
  5. awesome!!!! great job!! I can't wait to weigh in at the end of the week. I hope I loose that much too!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by RaychelRae Welcome, Tara! It sounds like you have a very good start on things! I understand where you're coming from with the photographers. Phots are very important to me, and since there are SO many photographers that shoot the riviera maya area with so many pricing options and packages, I contacted about 10 photogs and got price sheets from each one of them and literally made an excal spreadsheet with the pros and cons of each one. I know it sounds a little anal, but that was the only way I could narrow them down! wow!! i think you should share that!! lol I have a photog that i'm thinking of bringing with me only cause he does work for the FI. and we can get a awesome deal. but i've never seen his work...so I would hate to save so much but my pics are a big disappointment!!
  7. this is one of the main reasons for us doing the DW!! 2 birds..one stone. We plan on making sure that everyone else is gone the last few days we are there...just so we can feel like it is a honeymoon.
  8. i'm using mywedding.com also. it's extremely easy and not to complicated. I'm still adding things to it but to me it's perfect!!
  9. thanks ladies!!!! but I think i'm done...it's making me get a headache..lol and this is my final product..no matter what.
  10. I am with you girls!! I am trying to lose at least 30 to start looking for my dress. 50 is my ultimate goal. I'm going to kick boxing class so that's keeping me active. I've cut down on my starches and no soda. It's hard...God only knows it's hard!!! But I have to do this for me!!! I'm not bothered that one of my BM's won't go to class with me...or if my family wants to go out to eat. I'm the one that is going to be in a wedding dress...so I need to do everything I can do lose this weight.
  11. I didn't watch it only cause to me it's all BS!! the only reason he apologized was because he got caught! his people are thinking it's a good idea only so he can play without a bunch of backlash and so he can get his endorsements back. Don't get me wrong i'm not saying that people are perfect and no one cheats....but had he cheated once maybe even 3 times..i'd might let him off the hook...but he was cheating with multiple women..MULTIPLE womEn!!! no way he honestly feels bad that he was doing this...he only feels bad he got caught. i'm sure Erin is gonna stick around and Tiger will go to therapy...but I believe she's staying for the money.
  12. your pics are amazing!!!!! I hope my boudoir and TTD pics are that pretty!
  13. awesome find!!! I was gonna wait...but with this code....I think i'll get a hell of a headstart...lol
  14. Nicyx the list is cool!!! quite a few in Feb. and that's exactly a year from today. it feels like i'm way behind. lol
  15. you all really have me convinced I should really get this. lol
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by jmb0902 Thanks ladies! I have just a few paranoid questions - like, shouldn't I be feeling/responding in some way by now? All I have are thse kind of weird cramps (which worry me!) occasionally, but no nausea or sickness or bloating or anythign! Do any of you remember what it was like your first few weeks?? don't worry about it!!! I didn't really feel any different until about 4-5 months. had no sickness no cravings..nothing. every women responds to pregnancy different. you just might be the lucky one. also some women get sick later on down the line...so don't rush it.
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