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Everything posted by Mischaka

  1. your photos came out beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Linhy omg Mischaka if you have 10 month left. that means I have 9 month left to lose some major weight! 30 pounds!!! you can do it!!!! believe me!!! you just have to REALLY want it!!! If I can believe me...anybody can!!!!
  3. you look beautiful!!!! don't worry about it!!! you'll look great on your day!!!!!
  4. can I say that I just got a nervous feeling realizing that I have 10 months and some weeks left. lol I feel so far behind but i'm not really!!!!
  5. I just ordered it myself about 10 min ago...lol I love Barnes and Noble!!! and I gave in and ordered the Twilight "the graphic novel"...only cause I can't find my original. that's the excuse i'm giving myself. lol oh and it's ready to ship already!!
  6. haven't heard of it. have you read it
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by melnickovich Thanks! Now I just need to lose 10 lbs so it's not so tight, lol. lol...you can do that in about a month if you really try!!! go for it!!
  8. I have 8 tattoos..lol One on the inside of my right wrist is a symbol of capricorn. and the other wrist has the other symbol of a capricorn. I have tattoo of a double heart on the upper part of my neck on the left. I have my name in Japanese on the upper right back closer to the shoulder. I have heart with a few stars on my left shoulder in the front. I have "S7603M" for my son (Stephon Moore 7/6/03) on the lower outside left leg and I have a lady bug with a trail of a heart on my right foot. and I have "SLC" (mother's initials) on my middle finger on my right hand. lol I love tattoos. all of them didn't hurt but that's because they are very small.
  9. It's friday, it's payday, and I get off work in 15 min!!!!!!
  10. I was thinking of this...but I might just change into my TTD dress later on...just to get a little more use out of it. lol and if I were to get another dress...i'll end up being a 3 dress bride. and that's alot of money.
  11. Becks- that dress looks beautiful on you!!!! and the flower would be a great touch!
  12. ooohhh!! I was just thinking about BDW being on twitter this morning! Had no idea...and i'm quite a twitterer! lol
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by melnickovich After lurking around here for some time admiring all of your beautiful dresses, I can finally say I have purchased the dress! It's Pronovias Estopena! I almost didn't try it on because of the $5,000 price tag, but they were trying to get rid of the sample because the dress has been discontinued so I got it for only $1500! Hopefully these pics work! Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket that dress is BEAUTIFUL!!!!
  14. welcome and congrats! good luck with your planning!
  15. wow!!! unfortunately you know that she wasn't really the good friend she lead you to believe. I've had girls like that in my life. you just need to let those people go. now i'm sure you'll feel alot better on your wedding worry free!!!
  16. Hello and welcome!! I don't know about that resort but there might be a thread around here with some info on it. Just do a search and maybe you'll find something. if not i'm sure you'll find info on alot of other things!!! for sure!!! good luck and happy planning!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by prettypigpig It is around 20-50 cents per page, which can be cheaper that laserjet ink for sure! You can also ask them to do the cutting, $2-$5 per cut, each cut can cut 50 sheets. oooo!! thanks hun! I wasn't going to ask them to cut it but I just might. It will save me a headache and a cramp i'm sure. lol
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