Quote: Originally Posted by Lindobride14 Does anyone have their flight/hotel rates yet? My TA said she's still waiting on the rates from the vacation companies, but I heard somewhere that you can get rates as long as you're less than 330 days out?
I'm getting so impatient! I hate that I booked the resort but have no idea what my guests are going to pay!!
your rates flight rate should be out already. and your hotel rates are probably out just pretty high right now.
I have about another week til i'm able to book my flight. I can book the out going but not my return yet. so once I'm able to book my flights i'm gonna lock in on my rooms. I really don't care what the price is I just want to make sure I have my rooms.
and the whole thing about losing weight, I have a big problem with "dieting". I'm not on a diet. I'm changing the way I eat for the rest of my life!! I'm incorporating workouts into my routine. I'm getting older and I don't want to wait til i'm so old it will take me twice as long to lose weight. Yes, I'm eating mostly salads and staying away from junk food but that's because I don't want my body to depend on that bad stuff anymore. I'm doing more workouts so I can get to where I want to be and stay there. I don't like that whole not eating...I love food...and this is why i'm trying to lose weight now. lol But I just want to love working out also.