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Everything posted by Mischaka

  1. I'd definitely go with the first one just cause of the cute. it's slimming. and even the color is nice.
  2. ok...so these are amazing!!! but the price is not. lol Velvet Angels Limonaire at Zappos.com
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Hunieduew I am looking to book with Jen in the summer months (June to Auguest). I live in Bayside, Queens. Anyone interested in doing a group session?? I live in Brooklyn but if you really want to do a session then maybe more like in August I would definitely love to go!! I'm still trying to lose more weight. lol
  4. I'm kinda stuck myself. I know what color I want but i'm not sure what style I want. And for some reason I've been having a hard time trying to find a nice pair yellow heels. I do want a more sandal shoe though. I thought since Easter season came I could find a cute pair but nothing has caught my eye yet.
  5. knowing that my short hair doesn't look bad at all with my dress. knowing that even if I don't lose more weight I won't look bad in my dress. and knowing that I have less than 10 months til I leave to go!!!
  6. I knew there was something I was forgetting before I went to bed. I guess i'll have to wait til next season. I'm at work and there is not scale around. dangit!!
  7. thank God you do still have time!! and this is the exact reason I want to order my dress as soon as possible.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by josietoms Why do you say that Mischaka cause I haven't found anyone that had a wedding there. It would be better if at least one person had one there. But i'm going in there blind as a bat. lol
  9. yeah...i'm glad this is starting. I feel off the past 2 weeks. I need more motivation.
  10. I was pretty much in the same boat. No experience what so ever. So I ended up getting a Travel Agent. And it was the best decision I've made!
  11. I'm not gonna do a program. That's extra stuff I have to carry...so i'll pass.
  12. I doubt i'll be wearing too much. I'm definitely getting an long-line bra. the way my dress is going to be made(haven't purchased it yet) it's going to be full enough at the bottom so I don't need extra support.
  13. mexbride- I LOVE that show!!!!! And before I decided to have a DW I was gonna try to be on that show. lol But ladies...is it me or is the time going by so fast It's the middle of April and it feels like there is sooo much to do but not enough time. lol
  14. maybe I should have picked this one but i'm going to the Playa Maroma. I hope there are no problems.
  15. I'm getting upset. I don't vote only because i'm not home when the show actually comes on. but from now on i'm voting for every except Kate!! ughhh!! why is she still there?!?!?
  16. I went to Kleinfeld's this past sunday to try on dresses...and i'm actually surprised at how I looked. I thought I would look like the marshmellow from Ghostbusters. But because I have a shape (Thank God and my mother) I didn't look so bad. And it helped that I choose to go with the mermaid style. But the only thing is I can't get into those size 10 samples. I've gotten down to a street size 14 but by the time I get to be a size 10 i'll be leaving to go on my trip. I'm afraid to order a dress and then go back to try it on. and I also don't want to spend alot for my dress.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by bikegirl Just curious, what are you ladies planning to do to lose weight for this challenge? Are you going on a specific diet program, going to the gym, etc? I am going to kick boxing class. hopefully I can win the weight loss challenge that I am in there so I can get 3 months free. I don't do "diets" I want to be able to eat and still lose weight...so i'm just gonna work out more.
  18. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!! I hope it was the perfect day!!!!
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