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Everything posted by Mischaka

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by valentinbride so based on divadivine25´s experience with the invisible braids, i decided to try them out. i am so glad i did! I am in Mexico and it is soooo hot! but beautiful! I love the fact that I don{t have to constantly do my hair every morning! I got wet and wavy human hair 18 inches. I can just wash my hair and go! just let it air dry or dry with a blow dryer, and it looks so pretty!!! I am not an expert with these braids but let me know if anyone has any questions. Getting married on Tuesday-wish me luck!!! I was thinking of this but i'm still not sure. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE post pics!!!!
  2. you ladies are doing soooo much!!! right now i'm concentrating on my making my payments. and trying to wait til maybe the end of summer to try to see if the price will go down again to rebook the room. I already saved $350. (that's a few more summer dresses for me. lol) I know exactly what style of dress but I want to check out some of these dress makers. I might be able to save more money.
  3. I'm having mine at Catalonia on Feb 19. I'm sooo excited. It actually seems to be flying by. Maybe cause i've barely started. lol
  4. i've really been considering leaving my hair alone for the day. but me and one of my BM's have been looking into half head wigs. because the only day I really need to make sure my hair is perfect is on the wedding day..other than that I plan on being free as a bird. we just want something that is easy to deal with.
  5. up or down at least we are being conscience of what we are doing. and we know exactly what we need to do to get there.. and we are making that effort. keep up the good work ladies!!!!!
  6. there was another bride that referred me to Susan Ruddie. I don't know her personally but the lady who told me about her had no complaints. And I do believe she'll come to you. let me know if you want the contact info
  7. yayyyy Jenny!!! good job!!! I'm the only loser who gained eh?? lol not anymore I won't!!!!
  8. congrats and welcome!! for all that you are asking it might be best to get a Travel Agent. A travel agent can give you alot more info based on what you are looking for. I'm not help considering I did an eenie meenie minny moe with my choices. lol good luck and happy planning!!
  9. I knew it. blah. I'm gonna do much better next week.
  10. Natasha my thoughts are with your family. I know the feeling. I really do. I don't think I had a good week...only cause i've been eating the way I want.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by svetayasofiya To actually what in the water? lol..sorry. to actually get in the water. Most of the people that are going want to be in the ocean so I was wondering if the weather was warm enough to get in.
  12. for all the brides that got married in the Riviera Maya how was the weather?? was it warm enough to actually in the water at the beach??
  13. me and the FI had a little date night last night...it's been awhile and it was fun.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by mnh1983 So, with tomorrow starting week 2, how about a challenge? I was thinking that everyone could pick their biggest "guilty pleasure" food and see if they can go the whole week without it. Anyone want to try it with me? I'm going to go without Mexican food, either at a restaurant or at home. No yummy tortilla chips for me! definitely!!! Mine is starch. rice, potatoe, pasta. I've done this before and it was the hardest thing EVER!!! but I lost about 5lbs though.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyTrunck Thanks Eliana! I swear I'm that girl that get's like 5 lbs added during the period. So does anyone ever come home from work and is just SO tired that you go straight to nap? I did that last night, napped from about 530-800 and when I woke up had NO energy to workout or even really eat... I feel great today, so I know I'm not getting sick... this seems to happen once a month or so. Sleep habits are consistent- no extra stress at work. IDK! I sure do!!! I take a nap almost everyday. I get home about 4 and nap from then til about 6:15 then go to my class at 7:15 or 7:30. It's like a charging a battery. But i've always been a napper. lol
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