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Everything posted by Mischaka

  1. You can't please everybody. What people fail to realize is it's not THEIR wedding!!! If you want a DW then DO IT!!! Then take your pics....it's usually just the bride and groom in the most important photos anyway! Do what makes YOU happy!! Go...have fun!!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB Does anyone else count down their weeks by how close the next TB episode is? I need more excitement in my life! LOL I'm late to the party, but I've always pictured Vin Diesel or Jason Statham (from the Transporter movies) as Quinn. LLCJ would have been a super sexy Quinn! Carly - you know my love for that man! There is something about the Rock that doesn't sit well, like he's too ethnic or something. He would be a great panther or wolf. For some reason I want to say that he was strawberry blonde in the books? Maybe I made that up? I don't think he showed up until book 7 or 8, so I'd be surprised to see him this season. While reading I pictured Christina Ricci as Debbie - little and dark. I was so into the books I read them one after the other and they all sort of meshed together. I have to go back and re-read before each season. I'm going to have to do the same thing with Eclispe before I go see it I've read them the same way!!! I need to re-read the 3rd book. Cause I really don't remember what happens. And I read the Twilight series enough to know what's gonna happen and probably can remember exact words. lol
  3. oh my!! poor thing!! I hope she's ok. I can't even imagine though!
  4. yeah..that's more a trumpet. You can still get that dress and ask your seamstress to adjust the top to a sweetheart.
  5. oh no!!! I need to make sure mine is charging when I finish mine. Cause I already started my planning thread. lol
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by simba1234 I'm not a big fan of the bow in the back so I had mine tied to the side. I think it looked a lot sleeker and different. Here's the picture I used as inspiration and sent to my WC. These are some pics from my actual wedding... I don't have my professional pictures yet so it's hard to really see from these pics. But my resort actually tied them EXACTLY the way they were done in the inspiration pic. I thought it looked great and people even commented about it (who knew sashes would make such an impact:) OMG!!! that looks BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!
  7. yeah...once you get the BB you will always want a smartphone. Not to mention all the applications they have. you will get addicted quick!!!
  8. yeah...there is not set price. Each resort has different rates.
  9. I have the Bold 9700. I had the curve and I loved it!!! until I got my bold! I have it with me all the time. I can do everything!!! Not to mention having alot my wedding info on it.
  10. Oh i'm sooo sorry to hear. And I totally understand where you are coming from. My last grandparent died earlier this year. We were really close too. And she was the only grandparent I got to meet. I am the youngest grandchild so I know what it's like to not have a whole generation to learn from. Just be glad you were to able to get some time with him. He's gonna be watching over you for the rest of life.
  11. Mine will be at 4pm. I didn't want it too early cause I know there will be now way i'd be able to get up early while i'm there. lol
  12. that's exactly what i've been doing. I haven't been losing drastically but I have been losing and not really gaining. It's very hard to not eat until i'm FULL! lol and I believe that is/was the reason I gained so much.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by MSBRANDI My guest are getting anxious, so this is what I sent to them for now. I still have to add a picture and a few minor details. mywedding.com/brandiandstanforever I love one of your blog entries about people not saying congrats. lol
  14. I had ask the ladies from the Feb 2010 brides and they pretty much said the same. it's nice during the day and at night it gets a little chilly. I hope it's not too cold though.
  15. Has your mom ever said she will help you buy your dress?? If not, you can assume that she will. You need to sit down and talk to her about your plans and see what her plans are. She might have something else planned or she may not. I am not expecting anything from anyone!! My FI and I will pay for this ourselves. If we get anything from anyone we will happily take it but it our wedding and our decision to have this destination wedding. So in my book...with everyone paying their way to go it's their way of contributing.
  16. I honestly don't remember everything that happened and in which books things happened in because I read the books right behind each other. so I don't want to say anything and spoil it. lol
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by barbiegirl_27 Oh I'm totally intrigued by all these characters you've all been talking about....I think I'll be picking up the next couple books in the series as soon as I'm done the book I'm reading! you really should!!!! and you won't feel like you are spoiling it cause the show really is pretty different from the books.
  18. Welcome!!!! There is really alot of info for you. happy planning!!!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by cougs Quinn - a la Charlaine Harris - Photo - True Blood I had to go google too. I can see it...but I say The Rock might be better. At least better eye candy for me!! lol
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Yeah, I was totally crushing on Quinn in the books. I was trying to think of who could play him this morning and I was having truoble. LL Cool J would've been good for that role a few years ago! definitely!!!!! To bad he lost weight. hmmmmm
  21. I'm excited for you!!!!!!!!! Have a wonderful awesome beautiful wedding!!!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by **~Jenn~** She sure does! LOL Calvin wasn't her BF though, he wanted to be. I think the gyuy they got to play him fits the description in my head perfectly. I think that Quinn is going to be in this season, because while watching an interview with Stephen Moyer (Bill) he mentioned it...Maybe he was just referring to the books? I dunno, but I can't imagine who would play him. He sounded beyound hot! yeah...I know..but wasn't she considering it? I think so. anyway...Quinn...yeah..wow! I'm getting really excited now!! owww!! lol
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