Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB Does anyone else count down their weeks by how close the next TB episode is? I need more excitement in my life! LOL
I'm late to the party, but I've always pictured Vin Diesel or Jason Statham (from the Transporter movies) as Quinn. LLCJ would have been a super sexy Quinn! Carly - you know my love for that man! There is something about the Rock that doesn't sit well, like he's too ethnic or something. He would be a great panther or wolf. For some reason I want to say that he was strawberry blonde in the books? Maybe I made that up? I don't think he showed up until book 7 or 8, so I'd be surprised to see him this season.
While reading I pictured Christina Ricci as Debbie - little and dark.
I was so into the books I read them one after the other and they all sort of meshed together. I have to go back and re-read before each season. I'm going to have to do the same thing with Eclispe before I go see it I've read them the same way!!! I need to re-read the 3rd book. Cause I really don't remember what happens.
And I read the Twilight series enough to know what's gonna happen and probably can remember exact words. lol