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Everything posted by sunkisseddreams

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by echo2_62 I've divided here because FI totally hates flying - he doesn't like the way it makes his body feel, he doesn't like being confined to a closed space etc... he usually drinks to calm his nerves when we fly. I, on the other hand, completely love flying. I probably should be a flight attendant! However, I have mild anxiety issues over other things and always keep a bottle ofRescue Remedy nearby. Oddly enough it was originally recommended to me to give my dog to calm her down for flying, but I know it has a wide variety of applications for calming and relaxation. The bottles are around $10 maybe so it's a relatively inexpensive aid which may be worthwhile. Agreed! I've never been a very good flier but was pretty good for a few years. In December my FI and our families went to Cuba for Christmas and experienced a drop... like my butt was out of the seat! Now I'm not a very big girl and i might be exaggerating a little but I had a small panic attack and we made none the less. Well that experience really messed with me... My FI and I went to Hawaii last month and i was a nevous wreck! However a friend told me about Rescue Remedy so I tried it. It was super helpful and I was happy about not having to medicate myself cause I'm pretty sure that would freak me out even more! I would definitely recommend it to anyone... that and flying West Jet... the attendants were WONDERFUL!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by allegraapple Hi Girls, I just got back from a site visit and the resort is beautiful. I think everyone will be happy. I met Ana and Yazmin and wanted to let ya'll know that they basically are working non-stop round-the-clock on all these weddings. They were very helpful and friendly - and constantly meeting with brides, prospective brides, families, etc. Yazmin told me that sometimes they get 250 e-mails a DAY! Seeing them run around...now I understand why it sometimes takes a while for them to respond to e-mails. They are both super sweet and they are working really hard. They also told me the management is seriously considering hiring ANOTHER person to help them. The more management hears from us, I'm sure that can only help the cause. I saw several weddings while I was there, and everyone seemed like they had a great time. Hopefully we'll hear more specifically from recent brides soon. Anyway - if there are any specific questions I can help answer, I'll try. There were a few check-in and check-out issues, but we dealt with them relatively quickly and basically, our trip was great. If you use conditioner, bring some with you - the resort (at least the room I was in) only provides shampoo. The staff is great, food is good (didn't hear of anyone getting sick), and it's just beautiful and relaxing there. Thanks for sharing! Do you have any pics you can post? You know we all love pics
  3. congrats on your marriage... your photo's are great and make me what to book our weddign there!
  4. wow! Those are absolutely gorgeous... I'm going home to Ontario later this year... I'll definitely Have to check them out! Thanks for posting flipflop.tee!
  5. what a fantastic idea! they look awesome and can be definitely reused... great job:)
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by somethingblue My date is December 6 2010. And Susan is located in Delta too. However, most of what we do is over email and phone. Which works well for me. We did meet once at a starbucks in Metrotown, that was a halfway point for her and I (we live in Vancouver). Susan is really quick to respond, and so is Liz actually. Its nice to know that when I email Susan I will probably hear back in a couple of hours. Wow you and Princess402 are 2 days apart...fun!!! I'm meeting with Susan today... I'll let you know how it goes
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by somethingblue Hey princess402, I am using Liz's business partner Susan! I think they are wonderful dont you? What is your wedding date? Thanks Princess402 & somethingblue! I emailed Liz earlier this evening:) Im hoping for an early May 2011 wedding! Somethingblue, what's your date? Where is Susan Gill located? closer than Delta? (sorry for al the questions!)
  8. Thanks Princess402 & somethingblue! I emailed Liz earlier this evening:) Im hoping for an early May 2011 wedding! Somethingblue, what's your date? Where is Susan Gill located? closer than Delta? (sorry for al the questions!)
  9. Hi Ladies This message is for Somethingblue (Heather) & Princess402 (Angela)... I'm from Van as well and was wondering what travel agent your using? I've met with 2 so far and I've mentioned that DRC is my number one choice right now to both but they seem to talk about the resorts they are "specialists" in... meaning they probably get extra commission when you book one of those resorts! Any help is appreciated! Lisa
  10. Thank you Laura! You look gorgeous! What a fantastic review!
  11. what about some fun old school stuff like Young Mc's "Busta Move" or Rob Base & DJ EZ Rock's "it takes 2" If you want something more current how about Chris Brown's "Forever" or Jay Sean's "Down" Hope that helps
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