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Everything posted by SonyaR

  1. Yeah another bride to be from Ontario. Congratulations and happy planning. This forum is filled with great ideas and suggestions from our fellow brides.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by CND_Redhead Party Packagers also has the paper lanters, round and longer rectangular shaped ones. They also have ones with flowers and such on them. They have some with lights and without. I picked up a bunch but not sure where I'm going to put them either yet! Thanks CND Redhead. I had never even heard of them and it turns out there is one not far from where I live. I'll have to check it out as I'd like to find some bigger ones.
  3. I love your dress. I'm hoping to find something like that. Where did you get it or who is the designer? Everything looks great.
  4. I saw in an Avon book that they have lip balm with SPF 15 on sale for .79
  5. I'm an office manager for a law firm.
  6. Cara, Your wedding sounds perfect and I love your pictures. The under water one is amazing. Congratulations!
  7. Congratuations, doesn't it feel great to have the date set?
  8. Wow, love the arch, love the dress, love the flowers.
  9. What a great template. I may have to use this when putting my stuff together. Thanks!
  10. You look beautiful and your pictures are great despite the problems. Congratulations.
  11. I told my FI that I'm fine with him being casual and wearing khakis and a shirt because it'll be hot but he's insisting on wearing a suit so that's fine by me. I think for the TTD pictures though he'll wear khakis and a shirt as to not destroy his suit. My dress I don't care as I don't plan to wear it again.
  12. It's Friday and I'm going to a BBQ tonight my friends are having and we are asking them to be in our wedding party. Also, found out there is a 2 day wedding dress sale starting tomorrow and I'm going to check it out.
  13. That is so special and what a great place. I love NY.
  14. Wow, they are amazing and I can't believe they are DIY and that you are this far ahead. I haven't even started to prepare out invites. Well done! Oh and I like the blue envelope as well.
  15. I'm doing the pink and orange I think and somehow lime green is working it's way in as well. All I know is I want my BM's in pink.
  16. They are gorgeous and what's wrong with fake flowers? I think you made a great choice.
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