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Everything posted by SonyaR

  1. We booked the honeymoon suite as we will be there during March break and expect it will be busy. We didn't want to take any chances of not being upgraded. Our rate is $1980 + 230 taxes= $2210 each. We figure this is our wedding week and we should be spoiled.
  2. Congratulations Aisha. That is great news all around. Â Happy planning and congrats again!
  3. I saw Inception this week and I LOVED it. I too love clever, intelligent movies that make you think and this movie certainly did all of that. I love Chris Nolan's films and became a fan with Memento which is also a must see movie. I also love what he's done with the Batman movies. Â If you haven't seen Inception, go this weekend. You won't be disappointed.
  4. I agree you are definitely crafty and they look great. You proved that you do not have to spend a fortune on invites.
  5. OK Booty camp hurts at the time and for several days after as I have trouble walking up stairs, sitting on the toilet (why are they so low?) but I do have to admit that as sweaty and sore as I may be I have this energy after class and I feel great. After 8 weeks of this I have to have some good results. I highly recommend. Â I am also doing my best to follow the nutrition guideline which means no drinking ugh..., no sugar, white flour, processed foods, etc. Weekends are the hardest for me as well but I have to do this. Â WE CAN ALL DO THIS!!!
  6. Definitely contact her manager and have prepared all of the things she has messed up and demand that you have a competent TA assigned to you. You should not have to stay with her if you are unhappy with her services.
  7. Thanks Mistibuard, Definitely fruits are a good idea to keep around the house. I totally forgot about sugar-free jello. That's a great suggestion and you can throw fruit on it as well. I have to keep some healthy stuff at my desk as well.
  8. First Booty Fitness Camp was night and I am sore all over today. Even my fingers hurt from the burpees but as much as I hurt after the class I felt energized which I was surprised about as I am usually I'm complaining because I hate exercising so much. I too am soooo hungry all the time. I need to find some good filling, healthy snacks. Any suggestons? My FI is the absolute best. He knows how much I hate exercising and that I usually make every excuse not to so for me to commit to this is a big thing. When I got home last night there was a sign on the door he made that said,"Congratulations on your first booty camp. You are a star". How cute is that?
  9. Hi Ambeato, Thanks for the info and about Ada being pregnant and due in November. That is disappointing as she has been great with me and answers my questions usually within the day. If anyone hears who the new co-ordinator is please post it here. I'm hoping they will inform us but you never know. Can't wait to see your pictures.
  10. Yes, we are working with ITravel 2000 who got us a great group rate and set up an link for online booking for guests to put their deposit down. The group rate she got us is almost $250 cheaper than the posted online rate right now and every 11th person is free. We also got a one time price drop agreement. My invites are out and guests should be putting down their $200 deposit now and have to pay in full by October 18th or the price increases by $130 per person. My concern at the moment is the TA I was dealing with was amazing and answered my questions within the day if not the hour but she left the company about a month ago and the new TA I've been assigned does not seem so great. I emailed her Tuesday with 2 simple questions and to introduce myself and 2 days later still no reply so I emailed her again to make sure I had the correct email address and to ask her to respond and her response was "yes you have the correct email address but I am working my way through the files one by one". What does that mean? She can't answer my question until she gets to my file? Not impressed. If she doesn't respond by next week I have her supervisor's email who will be getting a lovely note from me. Diva, I'm confused by your last post. If you have to have all the money into the TA by November how are you sending out invites at the first of the year?
  11. Good luck and sending my vibes. I wish I had seen this yesterday. I used to work as a recruiter and had to interview people at least 5 times a day so my advice is to be confident, be yourself and answer the questions in a positve manner giving examples of how you accomplished a past goal, task, etc. I used to hate when people would give one word answers and couldn't sell themselves. I always say, "the person interviewing you doesn't know you and only you know yourself best so no need to be nervous". You'll be great!
  12. Thank you ladies for the advice and comments. I was all set to be strong and give her a deadline to decide if she was coming or not and when I spoke with her on the weekend she did a complete turn around and started saying that I am her only daughter and she wants to be there. She also said that she is always negative when it comes to family parties, events and when she goes she ends up having a good time and that she is sure it'll be the same with my wedding and the trip. I am happy that her attitude has suddenly changed and hopes it will not change back next week. I am now going to ask a family friend to share a room with her and once I can get that organized I will tell her I am putting her deposit down and that's it she can't back out. Thanks again for listening and making me feel better. I don't know what I would do without this forum!
  13. Yeah, another March 2011 bride. There doesn't seem to be many of us out there. How is the planning for everyone going? I sent my invites out almost 3 weeks ago and have not heard back that anyone has put their deposit down. I am so afraid that people are going to wait and then the plane will be full. If I don't hear anything by next week I'm going to send out an email reminding people to put their deposit down ASAP.
  14. I'm not covering mine. If they show, who cares. They are part of me and everyone knows I have them. I have a double heart above my left breast that I just got reinked so it will look good for my wedding in pictures. I also have a symbol for female empowerment on my upper back and a dog paw on my inner ankle. I say show them off.
  15. I ordered my dress a couple of weeks ago and am very pear shaped. I was mortified at the size they had to order it to accommodate my hips but it will be way too big on top as is every dress I buy. There is a 4 dress size difference from my top to my bottom and they will have to alter it so much it's embarrassing. I had no choice but to order it now as it won't be in until December and my wedding is in March and we'll still have the alterations to do. Regardless there will have to be alterations to to my size difference from top to bottom so I guess it doesn't matter. This was a reality check for me that I need to get my butt moving and have joined a boot camp that starts Monday for 8 weeks. Wish me luck because I'm going to need it.
  16. I take mine off usually when I get home from work and change into my comfies. I tend to cook, play with the dog, etc. at night and don't want it anymore scratched then it already is. I put it back on in the morning when I'm getting ready.
  17. I am lovin the new site. So far it seems very easy to navigate and it looks great. Job well done to all involved!!
  18. Hi Diva wedding twin, If we can arrange a get together at the resorts that would be fun. Do you think the resorts will let us cross over or maybe we can find a general place to meet up. We don't arrive until Saturday. When are you getting in? I ordered my dress and found shoes and am so excited. It's a Maggie Sottero and is very beachy. Organza and light which will be great for bringing on the plane. Here's a link. I still haven't figured out how to post pictures. My BM's picked out their dresses as well. http://www.maggiesottero.com/dress.aspx?keywordText=kayla&keywordType=any&page=0&pageSize=15&style=A3372 I hate the waiting part. Once people start putting down their deposits and I now how many people are coming then I can start the fun stuff like OOT bags and table settings. I've bought stuff but never know how much I will need.
  19. My mother and I have always had a "special" relationship where I love her for being my mom and raising me as my father passed away when I was eight but she drives me crazy. She did not make my life easy. She constantly criticized my weight and appearance, is jealous of my relationship with my friends and my FI. etc. I can go on. She is very self-centered and everything is always about her. I live away from her and finally stood up to her years ago and told her if this continued I would no longer visit. She has since changed her attitude and is trying but she still has her moments. When we starting planning our wedding I offered to pay for her to come as she cannot afford it and does not travel. She has gone back and forth in her decision to come and has every excuse in the book from "I have nothing to wear", "I hate not sleeping in my own bed", etc. but when I say to her, "OK then you aren't going to come" she will say "I'm not sure, I'll think about it and let you know" . I've explained to her that I need to now as I have to put her deposit down but she still won't decide. I am OK if she does not come and my impression is that she does not want to really be there. She has shown very little interest in our wedding and keeps telling me that no one is going to go anyway. The final straw for me was this past weekend when I called to tell her about my dress that I just ordered and in the middle of describing it she cut me off and starting telling me about these spicy sausages she bought. I couldn't believe it and it was there and then I decided I don't want her there and am now trying to encourage her not to come. Am I a bad daughter or am I justified in my thoughts? Sorry for the long vent.
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