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Island Bride

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Everything posted by Island Bride

  1. Yeah, you made a good choice! And thanks for the good luck.. I will have to pass that on to my moms friend who is mega stressing over it Thats a lot of money to be without when your a single mom with 3 young daughters!
  2. Staceysbride- Oh wow girl! You got alot on your plate! I'm really backed up too and I dont work and Im out of school! So I can only imagine what you are going thru! The starfish on the sand dollar is cute! I would definitly think glue would work to stick the starfish on the sand dollar. I would say make sure its really strong glue so you dont have any oopsy's! If your really stressed for time maybe just do every other one starfish and every other sand dollar instead of combining them both cuz that could turn out to be alot of work pending on how many guests you have. I'll be having more than 100 guests so that's way too much work for me haha. Well I wish you luck on everything!! Wish I could help you out in some way! I still dont even have everyone booked for my own wedding yet tsk tsk.
  3. Well, what about a money clip or maybe a gaming console or game he really wants or likes. What about golf clubs? I know you said hes not active, but maybe it will lite a fire under his butt and make him go out Im having a really hard time of thinking up something for my FI too so I can relate. He literally has EVERYTHING! The one thing he didnt have was a complete gym setup, and low and behold... HE BOUGHT HIMSELF THE SETUP 2 NIGHTS AGO! I cant win haha. Good luck!!!
  4. I can definitly relate. Weighing in at 95 lbs and standing 5'1".. nothing EVER fits right. My dress was too big in the bust area as well and I had to get that taken in. And Hoyt75 a 21 inch waist is like the size of my 4 year old nephews hahaha. At least it seems that way. My waist is 23 inches so I guess I cant really say too much. I'm only an 'A' cup so I cant imagine what it would be like to have my waist and your bust! Guys must be drooling over you girlfran ;P
  5. Hello Lily! to the forum! You will find a lot of useful information here! Wish I could help you with your recommendations! Happy Planning!
  6. Island Bride


    Joint ceremony as in your having a double wedding? That would be so cool! I have heard Cancun is awesome! I have no idea about prices considering I've never been there, but good luck sweetie!! This forum will help you lots. Look for the Mexico threads!
  7. OH awesome! Thats very nice of you! Welcome to the forum!
  8. Snickers- I got them from I Do Wedding Flip Flops by Girl Two Doors Down - Diamond Bridal Flip Flops - Honeymoon Gifts - Newlywed Gifts - Honeymoon Gift Ideas that is the direct link to the flip flops.
  9. Ohh awesome! Just an FYI the raffia is a pain in the BUTT to work with!! We're still not 100% certain how to stick the starfish onto the raffia. As of right now were using hot glue but im not sure its gonna hold If you have any suggestions, please tell me!
  10. Hoyt75- I agree! They were very well priced! But unfortunate for you.. the more you order the CHEAPER they are! Wow, i see your wedding is 2 weeks away! Good Luck girl! Hope everything goes as planned!
  11. I just posted these on another thread, but I'll share here too cuz there just THAT awesome!
  12. ^here are my flip flops. (they are white, kinda look yellow in the picture because I had to turn the flash off so you could read what they said) I am going barefoot for the ceremony, but I couldnt pass these up so Im wearing these for the reception. After reading some of you ladies post I kinda wish I got heels. I am only 5'1" so it would be nice to feel tall!
  13. OH no! I wish I would of found this dress before I ordered mine! I absolutely love it! And it matches my colors! Im so bummed Im kinda iffy about the dresses I picked because they looked awesome on a 6'5" 100lb model but my girls are obviously not that so the dresses look different as I had imagined. boo. But I guess I cant be too sad cuz I see some of you ladies said its discontinued!
  14. Negrilbridetoo- I signed up for Rue La La and Hautelook. What designer did you get your dresses from? I have yet to find a dress on either site haha. These websites might as well be chines to me, cuz im way confused haha.
  15. Never tried them on, but wow! they look nice! craftmanship looks awesome! but remember.. looks can be deceiving!
  16. Wow, I have never heard of hanging your dress in the bathroom and turning the shower on hot and letting the steam get the wrinkles out! Thanks for the advice ladies! I opened my dress bag the other day so show my dad my dress and it was SO wrinkled! I have NO idea how! It was laying across a bed.. since when does that wrinkle a dress? I'm definitly gonna try that ghetto steam job soon as I get a chance!
  17. go for it girl!! just make sure there not so high that you'll twist your ankle walking in the sand.
  18. wow! that is SO awesome! your siggy pic is SO cool! I absolutely LOVE it!
  19. Oh no! So sorry girl! Im getting my TTD like mega last minute so I'm really worried about it not fitting and going thru the same problem! I tried to put a rush on it, but the rush isnt much of a rush for the money! I hope you get this worked out! This is truly a brides worst nightmare!
  20. Sometimes I feel the same way, but in reality its what you and your fiance want -not them. If yall wanted a DW-have one! It will truly show who you mean something too, with the people that are attending.
  21. Oh my god! That is crazy. My moms friend is going thru the same ordeal over a laptop she bought over the internet and what you explained they're doing to you is to a 'T' what they're doing to her! Basically theres nothing you can do about it either. Hope you get your sparklers!! Good luck girly!
  22. Im sad after reading all these reviews! The first option is basically my center piece But noone here seems to like it haha. Oh well, we already bought all the stuff so I cant change it now. We even spent $90 on 12 coconut scented candles for them too.
  23. Does anyone know where I can find these or anything like them. I got this pic from another bride on here, but she only had a couple and I need like 26.
  24. Jeninesmom- I actually bought my curly raffia at our local craft store, Hobby Lobby. Sunandsand- You truly will not regret ordering from this place. They rock! Here is a picture of my practice one: Its a little messy cuz everyone was tugging and pulling at it to see if they hot glue would really hold up.
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