Islandbride317- You sure put a smile on my face! I've been irritable all night (that time of the month :/) Thank you SO much for the support!! I think im going to go to my hair trial (and invite FI's mom) and have the lady put the veil in my hair and tell her flat out if I dont like it. She always tells me "Its whatever you want" so I think I will actually step up to the plate on this instead of cowering away (like I always do cuz I dont want to hurt her feelings) and tell her my true feelings. I just want a plain, simple, small veil. My veil has a lot of beading on it (at the bottom) so I'd hate to cut that all away instead I could just tell her I'll sell it and try and make some of her money back I think im going to schedule my hair appointment for Monday, I just need to find someone I trust first! I will keep you ladies updated!!