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Posts posted by vlvetter7

  1. You're so good with keeping up with everyone Nic! I check in all the time but never seem to have a ton to say or just not enough time to forumulate a proper response...


    I've been trying to make lists of things I still need to do and I feel like there's a ton all of a sudden. I need to figure out bridesmaid and groomsmen gifts, OOT bags, ceremony details (songs, etc), a dress for my legal ceremony (hopefully I can wear the same dress for our welcome dinner at RPRM), groomsmen shirt (thinking this one http://www.islandtrends.com/robert-graham-python-sport-shirt-11850)...the list could probably go on.  We're in the middle of a huge home renovation project as well - nothing like some stress!!


  2. Dreaming of sunshine - great review. Thanks! I'd love to know the name of the tour place you used to go to chitchen itza! Can you email it to me? [email protected].


    Strange about your guest being denied from entrance into the buffet for shorts- this is the first I've heard that men must wear pants. Has anyone else had this experiencce? April might be a little warm for pants every evening...



    Originally Posted by JNagan2011 View Post




    Originally Posted by vlvetter7 View Post



    I'm so glad you had an amazing time. Your pictures (or at least the ones I've seen so far) are AMAZING. Congrats. Did you do the private or semi-private reception?  I can't find you on facebook either...:(




    It was amazing... We did the semi-private since we didn't have enough for the private (we'd have to pay 20 $ person actually there, plus an additional 20 $ per person to get our number up to the private dinner number). It just seemed ridiculous to pay that much. So we had the semi-private cocktail hr from 530-830 with the mariachi band the 1st hour. We brought down a sony ipod player which gave us music to dance to during the cocktail hr. Dinner was then at 845, and it was pretty much private (even though it was the semiprivate).




    This is exactly what I was thinking of doing because we'll have about 30 people I'm guessing. Did you do appetizers during your cocktail party? Was there other music playing over your ipod player or could you hear it? I know Nancy told me they had a sound system for rent if I wanted to play my own music during the cocktail party, but I wasn't sure how much it costs, etc...Also, drinks were provided for no extra cost during the cocktail party, right?


    Also, what were the dinner choices for the semi-private reception? Did everyone get to order what they wanted?


    Will you be doing a review? Sorry for all the questions...I'm getting close now and all of a sudden I feel like I need to know everything!




  4. Nic

    The rings are great! Who cares if they match or not - they are perfect for you and Stephen! That's all that matters.


    I heard back from both Nancy and Ana and got some good information about pricing for semi-private versus private receptions, what is included/not included, etc. If anyone wants me to share it shoot me a private message or an email - [email protected].


    Jana- I can't believe you have less than 4 weeks!! What do you have left to do?


    Happy Friday!

  5. Hi ladies. I've been MIA lately - so busy...just enough time to peek in and keep up, but not enough time to formulate a post that was worth posting!


    Jen - I hope you have an amazing day! I can't wait to hear about it!


    I'm about 4 months out and am beginning to freak out a little about pricing. We've just bought a house that needs a ton of renovations, which is fun, but just adds to the stress. And then the holidays...I'm just hoping I don't run into too many unforeseen expenses when I get there!


    Does anyone have an email address for the new RPRM wedding coordinator? I want to email her to find out what the magic number cut-off is for a private versus semi-private reception. For instance, if I have 40 people do I automatically have to have a private reception and pay per person? What is included, if any, for a reception? So many questions all of a sudden!


    Hope you are all doing well!



  6. Haha janapana! It looks gorgeous so thanks for sharing here!


    We are going on a honeymoon - we're actually going to RPRM the Sunday before our wedding (ceremony on Saturday) and staying there until Monday - so 8 nights at RPRM and then we're hopping over to another resort in Playa - the El Dorado Casitas, for 6 nights! I can't wait. My ceremony date is actually 5 months from today!!! Wow. That time is gonig to go by fast!


  7. Oh Dana you poor thing...is this a small tailor shop or is it actually where you bought your dress? Sounds a little unreasonable to me considering you're leaving in what, 5 days or something??? BTW - I love your attitude about cleansing yourself of selfish friends! I think that's perfect.


    Looking for unique ideas for groomsmen gifts...anyone have any suggestions? My initial plans were either 1) a nice money clip with like a crisp $100 bill in it (or something) or 2) a professional sports jersey with their own name on it with either baseball or football tickets. My fiance has decided no to both...I'm stumped. The girls are easy - spa or jewelry or something...but guys - they are horrible to buy gifts for!


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