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Posts posted by vlvetter7



    Originally Posted by SeeFlowers View Post






    That actually sounds perfect for you. I have a extra hour though... my ceremony is at 4pm. Right now we have some stragglers who haven't booked yet, so we may have anywhere from 25 to 30 guests. So confused.  Oh I forgot to tell you, I asked nancy about playing music at the reception at the outside bar...and she said the bartender would play music if you give them an ipod. I'm gonna have to question her on that a little bit more. I'd be super pissed if something went wrong and i didn't bring my own sound system and then we had no music!




    That's so strange...I have an email telling me it would be an extra 300-350 USD for access to the sound system during the cocktail reception! That's why I figured I would just bring my own!


  2. How many guests are you having? If you have more than 27 guests you are required to have the later seating (unless you do a private ceremony of course).  So I didn't really have a choice because I have 36 guests and I refuse to pay for a private ceremony. 


    I figure with the 5pm ceremony time it will be over by 5:30. Pictures will take a full hour and most everyone will be involved with the pictures, and for those not involved they can find a drink somewhere! Cocktail reception starts ~6pm with the mariachi band kicking off about 6:30. They play for 45 minutes which will bring us to 7:15. From 7:15-8:30ish we'll have dancing, appetizers and drinks and then we'll head over to dinner. We have ordered the full appetizer option and a full bar will be set up for our group. We are bringing our Bose sound system with an ipod playlist for the time the band isn't playing. I think it will all work out perfectly!

  3. Seeflowers - my fiance and I were feeling the same way as you, however, we have decided to do a semi-private reception. We have a 5pm ceremony, then we're doing a cocktail reception with appetizers, the mariachi band and dancing until dinner. So a little backwards - almost like the reception before the dinner. But that way, for the older folks they can head off to bed after dinner and for the young, party group - we can all go out after dinner.

  4. Haha Nic. I think our posts crossed somehow...I was asking what you meant when you said "Did i see a few sneaky pix on TA???? ;-p x" to Jen...


    I did find pyramids. I think the Tulum pyramids will be where we end up going for a day trip.  I think we are also going to go to Xcaret to the cenotes one day. I can't wait! I'll be sure to take lots of pictures everywhere we go!


    I leave April 3! Less than 3 weeks now but truthfully I have so much going on other than the wedding right now that three weeks seems like forever! We are moving the weekend of the 26th - we still have a lot to do to the new house before we move in, not to mention I haven't even really started packing my current house! Haha...oops. 


    We have our legal day on April 2 where we are actually having the church ceremony and then going to dinner with both our parents and our priest at the restaurant where we got engaged.  So much to do in the next three weeks! I hope to be able to finish my planning thread before then!

  5. Celestial - I went through the same battle! I bought several online dresses and ended up finding my legal dress at David's bridal for less than $100!  Keep searching...you'll find the perfect one.


    Does anyone on here know what the best pyramids to visit are? I want to go to Chichén Itzá, but I just read it's a 3 hour trip from Playa del Carmen...any others close by that you all know of that are worth going to?

  6. Quote:

    Originally Posted by celestial419 View Post

    V- Aaww.. that is such a great unique idea!!  it looks beautiful! 


    Does anyone plan on printing ceremony programs and menus?  If so, what should we put since there is no specific details of how the minister is going to do the ceremony.. also do you gals know if Nancy emails the menus to chose from?

    There are two restaurants to choose from and they do email you copies of both menus.


  7. Celestial - I love all of those dresses. Can't wait to hear how they are once they arrive! The Ann dress and top right dress (Nic's choice) are my favorites based on these pictures, but again, we'll see once they arrive!


    Seeflowers - that's a great idea with the picture book!


    We are doing wish lanterns. We are going to put them on the reception tables and have each of our guests write us a wish, and then all light them and set them off over the water after dinner. They are 100% biodegradable. I hope they actually work!! My fiance found them...the video's and pictures on their website look pretty neat. www.wishlanterns.com



  8. Hi ladies. So I just checked and my email came from Nancy February 11, which is just under two months before my wedding, but I had emailed her asking a bunch of other questions, and also asked when I would receive "the email." I got it two days later.


    For the spa - in "the email" it gives you full instructions fro the spa. This was a little tough for me, because I had to book EVERYONE's spa appointments. Trying to figure out what everyone wanted to do, times, money, etc, was annoying. And I had to put down a 50% downpayment to book the appointments. The other 50% is due at the time of the appointment. The spa coordinator (Paula) is very helpful and responsive over email though. We emailed back and forth a few times, worked out the schedules and then I paid the downpayment through paypal. I didn't want the appointments too early in the day (ceremony is at 5pm) but she definitely put a little extra time in "just in case."


    If anyone wants me forward you the email I got from them you can PM me your email address. You can see exactly what it looks like. It is a cookie cutter email - Jen had forwarded me one awhile back and it's exact...just names changed at the top.





  9. Celestial

    You'd be surprised. When I first joined there was an entirely different group of gals on here daily! Some still check in here and there, but it's amazing to see how new people join and it just continues...pretty neat.


    I can't wait to hear how your legal dresses are. I am getting really frustrated because I want some new bathing suits but every one I have ordered online doesn't fit right! None of the stores up here in the north east have spring stuff out yet...so annoying!

  10. We had a little bit of a battle with a certain witch of our own, but the boys really wanted to come and she couldn't say no to them! She would have had to listen to them complain for years to come...so they are flying down with my fiance's parents and staying in their room!


    We have been eating out almost every night because we just haven't had time to cook. I feel like even when I try to be good and order a salad that it's just helpless because of all the extra added calories most restaurants add to their salads. I guess I just need to take some time and really start planning my meals for the next few weeks...I'm scared to get on the scale right now.

  11. That's great SeeFlowers! Can't wait to hear how they all turn out.


    Well, I leave for Mexico one month from today!! We went out shopping for my two 'soon-to-be' step sons last night - we got them each a bunch of new clothes and bathing suits. They were so excited that they wanted to pack their suitcases last night! Ha. I figured one less thing for me to worry about later, so we did it!


    Countdown is on...guess it's time to get back to healthy eating...we've been so bad lately eating out.


    How is everyone else doing?

  12. I can't believe how close I am getting...in another week I will probably be pulling out my suitcase (a little early but I've been waiting so darn long that I don't care!). My interview with Nancy is scheduled...nothing else to really do besides put finishing touches on my OOT bags, get a little bit of shopping done, print emails, etc.


    Nic - doesn't it feel like we've been waiting forever!?!?!?

  13. Hi ladies. Looks like we're all in a similar situation. One of my fiance's groomsmen backed out too - but he didn't even have the courtesy of letting us know. His girlfriend called my fiance to tell him. Similar to you, we had already bought his attire, gift, etc...he does have a good excuse, but it's just courtesy to at least let us know!


    You're right - wouldn't be a true wedding without some sort of drama!

  14. Hi ladies.

    Well, I had my bridal shower this weekend. It was amazing. I hate being the center of attention but I must say I had a blast. They threw a Mexican style fiesta rather than a traditional bridal shower - frozen margarita machine and all! It was so much fun.


    I also picked up my dress at the end of last week and it fits perfect! If I lose any more weight I might actually have some issues...


    Well, I have less than 6 weeks until I leave for Mexico (April 3). I am putting final touches on my OOT bags, sending out a pre-travel brochure with luggage tags for our guests in 2 weeks, and trying not to go crazy shopping for more stuff for the trip...hard to do!


    Hope all is well with everyone. Who is before me? Anyone?

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