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Everything posted by hutchets

  1. I was wondering what you decided to do with these. Let me know!
  2. I'm getting married there 4/16/2011 but I think we will go with the semi-private reception. I'm tryin to keep it pretty laid back - Jamaican style! We are having an AHR a week after we return so I need to use the $ for that instead. I think it just depends on how many people are going and what you are willing to spend. Good luck!
  3. Hello! Â I am looking for around 30-40 finger starfish if anyone has any leftovers from their wedding. Mine is in April 2011 so I have plenty of time. Â Thanks!
  4. Number 3 definitely. I've been trying to figure out how to make these myself. Are you just using Word?
  5. My fiance had really wanting a sleeve tattoo so for his present. We are getting married 4/11, so he will already have his gift. I agreed to a partial sleeve and to pay for a portion of it since they are so expensive by the time all the work is done. I had a lot of input on the design as well and he is soo thrilled to have it and it means the world to him. I have no tattoos myself but his look wonderful and are very tastefully done.
  6. clgriffi7 , I agree with your response as that is what we did. We sent the STD magnet with the wedding date as well as the AHR date so they could save both of them. We sent one to everyone who will receive an invitation also and don't expect many to travel to Jamaica for the wedding which is fine with me. This way though, they don't feel left out and are still being asked to save the date for our reception which is only one week after we return from Jamaica. The magnet directed them to the website with all of the wedding as well as AHR information on it.
  7. MsSmithtobe, I completely agree with you. Most people have never even heard of them and won't know any better if you don't give them. I would never have thought of or expect anything like that if I was attending a DW. Too many other things I have to worry about with my AHR being one week after we return.
  8. I ended up having to purchase them online. Office Max and Office Depot didn't have anything but regular white envelopes and not even in the size I needed. I feel good about it though. I bought recycled taupe Kraft envelopes which will look and feel much nicer and sturdier. I cannot wait to get them so I can address and send out.
  9. Thanks for the info. I will just buy some small envelopes so the magnets aren't swimming in them since I bought the small ones. I bought return address labels from Vista that almost match the magnets so I will probably use them.
  10. Thanks for the information. I guess I'm much more laid back with this since it's my second wedding (his first). I figure I will go with the flow of things but I guess it's a good idea to inquire about the rehearsal dinner and schedule with the spa. We are having an AHR one week after we return so that is where more of my worries will come into play I presume. Thanks girls!
  11. Jen1407, I didn't think that we actually heard from or spoke to the WC until a month or two prior to the wedding. I'm curious as to what everyone is speaking to them so much earlier about. Can you elaborate the types of things you spoke with her about so early?
  12. I had emailed Christina at the Sales office about this change in WC after I read the initial thread. This is the email she replied to me with about my concerns and reasons for choosing ROR. On regards to your email below, I would like to inform you that you do not have to be worry about anything, the information is correct Ms. Chandlyn Edwards is not working any longer for Riu, in her position is now Ms. Tina Dunbar who is a very professional person with a lot of experience in the area, please be sure that you will receive a excellent assistance from her She also has the same email address [email protected] If you shall require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me I really hope that everything goes smoothly for all of you. Mine isn't until April 2011 so I am hoping that they have everything ironed out by then and we haven't had contact with the WC yet. It has to be difficult for Tina as well having to jump in and pick up with most likely no transistion of information. Good luck and I cannot wait to hear your reviews!
  13. I received my starfish STD magents (small) from Vista Print. I was wondering for those of you who have also ordered them, what envelopes did you use and did you use tissue around the magnet or just place it in the envelope? Not quite sure how to mail them so they don't look tacky. Thanks!
  14. That is insane and I feel for you that had to deal with it. They should have communicated with each of the brides asap and did what they could to make it right. I'm getting married there April 2011. I hope they have things figured out. Chandlyn was one of the reasons I went ahead and booked with ROR..All of the great reviews etc... Guess I will email them back to ensure we are on the books!
  15. I was curious as to where you were getting your cake from? Are you upgrading from what comes with the wedding package? Thanks!
  16. I was wondering how many nights your prices you have listed below were for. My TA won't give us quotes until May 16th because she wants to include the airfare which won't be out until then. Is the 11th room free if you do a group rate reservation or individuals linking them to your wedding? I am not sure if I want to do a group rate since the flights and dates would have to be the same for everyone. Some people are planning on staying longer than others. Thanks
  17. Thanks for the wonderful review!! They are so appreciated for those of us doing the same thing.
  18. Does anyone have any pictures of the "free" cake that the ROR provides? I have been looking and haven't seen any and I'm wondering if it would be a good idea to bring some of my own decorations to put on it depending on what it looks like. Please post if you have one or post the link to one which I missed on here. Thanks
  19. Congrats! This site has helped me out tremendously.
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