This is a very touchy subject and often misinterpreted. I think people view prenups as something negative and often look at it as if your significant other doesn't love you as much as he says because he mentioned "PRENUP". This is not so, although I did get offended when my FI brought up the subject. However, we both have pensions that we want to protect and this is one of the reasons why I thought "not a bad idea". A prenup protects the assets you have prior to marriage. Which means that your husband/wife is not entitled to such, if a divorce should arise. However, anything gained after marriage, you ARE entitled to. Another thing to keep in mind is when does the prenup expire? My FI and I have discussed this and we agreed that a 20 yr expiration would suffice, if that's the number he was comfortable with. He stated "After 20 yrs, if you take everything in the event that we divorce, screw it.....You earned it"!! It's protection on both ends. If it were you with lots to lose, you would definitely think about a prenup. Like the others have said, MAKE sure it's two sided. Add something to the prenup that'll protect you as well. At the end of it all, it doesn't make you love him any less and vice versa. It's business and you shouldn't be offended.