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Everything posted by Ashlynn039

  1. Ladies - are you getting married in the wedding gazebo or on the beach? And I'm thinking about the pool deck for my reception but would it be too dark? Do you know what kind of lighting they have near there? Rdsjcr - I'm thinking of going with Real Touch flowers & have been looking through people's wedding pictures on this site & browsing through wedding pictures by color on The Knot to get inspiration for my flowers & just saving any pictures that look great to me. That way I can send the pictures to the florist
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Boo the tables I talked to Ana about sit 8, I think they are the standard ones but maybe confirm with her just to be sure Thanks Boo!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Boo Jeepers creepers can I just say this site is being super slow last couple of days - I am addicted to this blog though now - at first I just thought it was my home computer but it was doing the same thing at work Seriously!! So slow - one of the Mods said it was because the forum needs and/or is getting an update. Do any of you guys know a guesstimate of how many people each table sits for the reception?
  4. Thanks Princess! Is the pool deck you're talking about the one by the infinity pool? I remember seeing pictures of a reception with the blue lights of the infinity pool.. which I loved.
  5. Im trying to get my FI to wear shoes for our ceremony pictures - but that's only because we are very close in height.. so I want him to have all the extra height possible! But the flip flops look nice as well
  6. Welcome to the forum I'm sure you'll find plenty of ideas here!
  7. Oh good! Thanks so much for filling me in I'm definitely reach out to her and get a quote then!
  8. haha okay! I finally found it - since the forum is going so slow it took forever to load the pages! I see what your talking about with the chairs now I like the brown ones! But I would prefer white chairs.. so maybe i'll be going with the included ones And now that you ladies mention the reception I better get in gear and put in a request I guess for where I want my reception!
  9. Oh good - I'm glad it's not just me dealing with it! Carly thanks for the link/info
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Meyer2010 Hello! I used Sharon Nagassarr Designs sharon nagassar designs, Silk bridal bouquets, silk weddings, Custom orders, Latex, Real Touch, Natural Touch & Floramatique Silk Wedding Flowers She did an excellent job and I had many green cym's in all my bouquets... check them out!! Good Luck! ~ Erica Meyer2010 - Thanks for posting your pic. I'm debating the idea of using some of the "real touch" flowers and was wondering what you thought of them? When you see them in person can you easily tell that they are faux flowers or do they look realistic?
  11. Boo - I hate to be a pain but this shows me that we have 29 pages, do you happen to remember around what date those pictures were posted? I can just look back that way if you do!
  12. Welcome Kendra!! Congratulations & best wishes for your wedding planning
  13. Tonir - don't be bummed! It's different for every situation, like you said you don't really have elderly guests coming, the cost is high, and your ceremony is short! Im sure it will be great... chairs or no chairs!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Boo Ashly so far I am renting them from the resort, we are renting 3 sheets of material for the wedding gazeebo on the beach, cocktail table linen as it urks me not to have the linen go all the way to the sand, then linen for the dinner tables and cake table - I think thats it...plus chairs for the ceremony, and I am right now against renting chairs for dinner, it just adds up too quick and I dont know that anyone will even notice Do you know what chairs come with dinner? And now that you mention it I never even thought of the cocktail linens not going all the way to the ground! I'm thinking I may bring some stuff down with me.. like sashes for the chairs.. not sure yet though.
  15. I think we are doing Everything by Michael Buble
  16. Thanks for the advice Roxyqt!! I'll definitely call up the bridal shops before I go to make sure they have some of the Mikaella dresses - and if not I can always try on the Paloma gowns
  17. Well, personally I wouldn't wait to start planning it until a couple of months before.. especially if your not flexible about when you're getting married. If I were in your situation I would probably get in touch with a travel agent now.. just to get the ball rolling and book a resort. And a travel agent who is experienced in destination wedding will be able to help you with the overall time line of when to start doing things. Also if you know what resort you want to get married at check out that resorts thread on the board - the girls on it will be able to offer you advice/tips If you want to use a travel agent from here just go to the top of the page and click on the button about looking for a destination wedding travel planner! Hope this helps...
  18. Welcome Jennifer! Best of luck with your wedding planning
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