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Everything posted by Ashlynn039

  1. Haha! I wish my fiance would say that! However he's in finance and is super conservative and budget conscious with money. So he gave me a dollar amount and told me to make it work. I think if I even go a penny over he'll flip You'll have to post your pictures after your wedding - I bet they'll be beautiful!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Matt May Here's some helpful hints from a photographer's point of view... - Wear them for a full day in advance---a practice run. If you have never worn them before, it's good to see how comfortable you are wearing them. Some bride's eyes have gotten irritated or they blink non-stop. Some women have gotten headaches from them (I'm one...Suzanne, not Matt). And some brides just find them annoying after a couple of hours. - The extensions look phenomenal since they are much more realistic!!! They seem to last longer too. They photograph beautifully...so natural looking! - Make sure that if you use the full lash, it fits the shape of your eye well in its curve and length. Again, the test run will help with this. Some lashes are too long and brides don't notice until it's too late. A fake eyelash that looks fake does not look suddenly "real" in your photographs. The ends that are too long can start poking out in odd directions. - Water proof, smudge proof mascara is important, especially in the humidity of the tropics. - When you do your test run, take a snap shot and see if you like the way you actually look wearing them. - Sephora has the best selection of eyelashes. They carry all the best ones and you can see all your choices in one spot. Don't hesitate to ask the staff about them and tell them it's for your wedding day. These hints are to help prevent discovering all of this when your makeup is done and your are in the middle of your wedding and photo shoot. The camera sees everything! It will see if your lash does not end in the correct place or is affixed precisely along your natural lash line. We have had to do some photoshop magic on occasion to correct improperly applied fake lashes. Have fun, Suzanne & Matt Thanks for the great tips Suzanne & Matt! I would never have thought to try them on and take a picture as a trial run.
  3. Beautiful dress! I fell in love with a Mikaella dress I saw in a magazine, but it seems the line isn't carried by too many bridal stores Is Paloma similar to Mikaella and around the same price point?
  4. Karen I love your jewelry! Thanks for including the link to the Etsy shop - I'm going to go check her out!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by simplnsweet Hi ladies, It appears many of you purchase your dresses online. How happy are you with your dress? Did you have to do alterations after you received it or was it a perfect fit? Was it from a retailer or a company that creates replicas? Also did you try on the dress first elsewhere then went online to get it? If you read through the thread about knockoff dresses you can get more of an idea of what the ladies did who had replicas created, and I think alot of them went and tried on the original first
  6. We were dating for 3 years and will be engaged right at our 4 year mark. I couldn't believe how many of you dated for longer! I wish I had seen this thread back when I was just dating him, she used to get on me ALL the time about how we should be engaged!
  7. Welcome & best of luck on your planning! I'm sure you'll find all the information you need for your DR wedding here
  8. KPEG is right - the hardest part is finding the resort! But welcome & happy planning
  9. Boo - I love Elizabeth Medina's work! I'm trying to figure out if she's in our budget though. I love photography so the pictures are VERY important to me, but I'm not sure yet how to convince the FI that they are very important
  10. Hello & welcome! Good luck with your planning
  11. Hello & welcome! You can always still look at the Riviera Maya, most of us brides are just getting legally hitched back home (very quietly, in my case!) before the wedding in Mexico. Best of luck with your planning!
  12. Hi & welcome! Best of luck with your planning!
  13. Hello & welcome! I'm getting married shortly after you at DRC so maybe we can figure something out for a photographer
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by allegraapple Hi girls, I am officially part of the group now. We just confirmed our wedding date for 12/12/10! YAY!! We are so excited. Woohoo! Welcome
  15. Hi Christie! Congrats & welcome to the forum!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by torywedd ok guys, i posted my dress on another thread, but i figured i should post my dress in the correct thread...lolol.....so i absolutely luvvvvvvvv my dress, i cant wait to get it altered, check out my pics below........the flower sash is optional, i may or may not keep it, they had other sashes that were beautiful as well and complimented the dress nicely, or I can simply go w/o one......the pics do no justice for the details of the lace, it is beautyful, u can see a little in the 2nd photo...:0) Absolutely stunning! I love the flowers on the front and it fits so beautifully on you!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by stacey This website should help The Perfect Palette Thanks for posting this! Such a helpful link
  18. If you do a search you should be able to find some threads that ladies have already started about this.. but a few of the popular ones seem to be Claudia Rodriguez, Cecilia Dumas, Elizabeth Medina & Del Sol Photography. Hope this helps!
  19. How awful After spending the money on your dress you shouldn't have to feel uncomfortable in a too short dress on your big day! Perhaps they'll give in and pay to have a new dress expedited & sent to you.. keeping my fingers crossed for you that everything turns out okay
  20. Welcome! I'm sure you'll find all of the information you're looking for on the board here, best of luck on your planning!
  21. Ashlynn039


    Hi Susan - welcome to the forum!
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