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Everything posted by abbie32

  1. How many lanterns are most of your ordering? A bride just got married at the same resort and she had 24 paper lanterns (small and large). I was planning on having them all the same size (larger ones), so do you think I should get 18-20? Just curious to see how many people are taking. I would like to order my lanterns and LED lights this week. Thanks!
  2. I have 6 BM's. I bought their dresses and I'm going to get them starfish necklaces. I also ordered them make-up bags with their initial on it. We're doing OOT bags for our guests so they will get one of those as well. Some of them aren't getting their hair done because it's naturally curly and has style to it, so I'm not paying for their hair. They get a 20% discount for the spa with their vacation package anyway so I'm not going to worry about it. We're going to buy the GM suits and shirts. I would like to get them something else though....I like the idea of my FI planning an excursion for them. Keep the ideas coming! haha
  3. Hello ladies, I live in Halifax. I'm getting married at the Gran Bahia Principe resort in the Mayan Riviera on April 6th, 2011. Chars....where are you having your ceremony? We're staying at the GBP Tulum hotel but getting married at the hammocks location on Akumal beach and having our private ceremony and reception there as well. There is a Gran Bahia Principe Coba/Akumal/Tulum thread that is amazing!! I don't know what I would do without this forum. I had no clue how to plan a destination wedding until this website. I LOVE IT!! So nice to hear of other brides from Atlantic Canada having a destination wedding too. We can't wait!!
  4. What cut/fit of pants did any of you get, FI and the GM's are all athletic build (big shoulders, small waist, thicker legs) My FI is worried that the Classic Comfort fit would be too Old-man suit style. We're thinking Semi Baggy, Straight, or Baggy..... Any thoughts ?
  5. Hi ladies, I was wondering if anyone ordered suits and/or pants from studiosuits.com. My FI was looking at ordering a linen or silk suit on there for our wedding. Any suggestions, feedback, pics, etc. would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :-)
  6. Hi Chars, When are you getting married in April 2011? I'm getting married on April 6th, 2011 at the Gran Bahia Principe Tulum. Well, we're staying there but we're getting married at the Akumal hammocks beach location.
  7. Congratulations Kitchenwitch! I can't wait to see your pics! I'm so happy to hear you had an amazing time. It makes me excited to think about my wedding and gives me a sigh of relief when I hear how great it was. Trish - thanks for posting some pics of the poolside reception. It looks like there is lots of room. I was worried because we have a big group and I wanted room for dancing too. Can't wait!! Did the resort give you the glow in the dark ice cubes? Those are great.
  8. Our song is "Then" by Brad Paisley. :-) This song has meaning for both of us. I wasn't very lucky in love until I met my FI. lol I was sick one day at his place and he went out to get me some medicine. He came back running in the house saying he heard this song on the radio that reminded him of me and our relationship. He said "he says it a lot better than I could". haha He brought his laptop over to the couch and played it for me on YouTube. hehe I couldn't believe how open he was with his feelings and that he was actually excited to tell me. To me, it was the sweetest, most genuine thing anyone has ever done for me and I knew that day he was different and I would spend the rest of my life with him. I don't know how I will be able to dance and not cry but I couldn't think of another song more perfect for us to dance to. I love him and can't wait to be his wife. :-) If you haven't heard this song before it's beautiful. Click the link below to listen to it on YouTube.
  9. OMG....I would not be impressed! I would find out where she is going. If she is going on a big vacation that would cost the same or more I would be upset.....more hurt than angry especially since you have been friends for so long. You learn a lot about people when you plan a wedding.
  10. I know exactly what you mean. Our family was pretty good for booking except for a two important people but we got it all straightened out. The people who should be the first people to book is your wedding party. Ya right!! My bridesmaids are supposed to be there for moral support and keep my stress levels down. They were my BIGGEST source of stress throughout this entire process. I was only going to have 2 bridesmaids but I've had the same friends since I was young and some of them would be really upset if I didn't ask them to stand for me so I ended up with 6! Well, the two girls I wanted to have of course saved their money and booked right away! The other 4 have been a nightmare. One waiting for a cheaper price (um $1100 plus tax for a 7 night all-inclusive vacation is awesome and you're not going to get much better than that!!), one wanting to buy a new SUV that they didn't need so putting it off, one who is in a relationship that is not sure where's it going even though it's been 7 months so didn't want to "rush" the relationship, and one who just told me she doesn't want to go to the wedding pregnant. She's not even pregnant yet! Seriously!! I was ready to say don't come, just let me know. Thankfully, I managed to get two more to book and one is booking this weekend. The other one I'm considering not going. We were told our resort is reaching maximum capacity, so it was crunch time to get people to book. It's good to know I'm not the only one who is dealing with some issues. I agree with what some of the girls are saying. It's going to be the best day of your life and as long as you have each other a few special people in your life. Anyone that really wants to go to your wedding will find a way to be there and if they don't go for whatever reason they are the ones missing out on a great time! :-)
  11. Hi Hannah, I didn't realize that you could get legally married in Canada AFTER your symbolic ceremony in Mexico. I thought you had to have legal papers for the symbolic ceremony. I don't want to get blood work and get everything translated down there. It sounds like such a hassle and too many places for things to go wrong. haha This changes everything! I'm going to double check with my resort to see what we need. I would prefer to do the paperwork when we come back as well. I also don't want anyone to know that it's a symbolic vs. legal ceremony. My wedding coordinator told us that the only difference between the two ceremonies is that we don't sign papers. I have family members that are very religious and didn't believe in getting married in a place other than the church, so I certainly don't want them to think that this isn't a "real" wedding. To us, our ceremony on the beach saying our vows to each other in front of our closest friends and family is our wedding day and becoming husband and wife is based on our promises to each other and exchanging our rings vs. signing formal papers. Thanks for your input!! I hope we can do the same thing. Not sure if different resorts have different rules. We're getting married at the Gran Bahia Principe Tulum.
  12. I've asked my wedding coordinator to sent me some pics of previous poolside receptions so I can figure out where the lanterns will go and how many I will need. Thao.....I can't wait to see your wedding pics! Take some pictures of the poolside reception for us ladies still in the planning stages. You must be having the time of your life right now!! I'll wait to order them until after you get back so I know how many I need and how it worked out. Congrats to all the brides that are at the resort now! Please post some reviews when you get back. So happy for you all. I don't know about anyone else but I'm not going to be able to contain my excitement as soon as January 1, 2011 comes! The countdown will begin after that. Now I just need to get my butt into shape and exercise consistently. haha Is anyone doing a symbolic ceremony???
  13. Hanna20 - We ended up getting a great early booking bonus with Air Canada and everyone booked as part of a group. I have a few people that waited last minute and are now booking on their own because the prices went up quite a bit and we were told the resort is reaching maximum capacity already. Yikes!! I have a question for all the Canadian brides, is anyone doing the paperwork before they leave? I call it "paperwork" because I don't consider it getting married before you leave. I'm still debating on what to do. I'm just paranoid of anything going wrong and I'm wondering if anyone has done or is planning on doing the paperwork here before they go. I know a lot of brides are doing this but I'm curious to know the process for Canadian brides to do this. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Regardless of what we decide my wedding day is in Mexico, not signing papers downtown. haha
  14. Thao - Thanks for sending me the catalogue of flowers. Nikki&Owen - I'm having the private poolside dinner and reception too. It took us a while to make a decision because it wasn't really in our budget. We were just going to have the dinner at an a la carte restaurant and have the private reception but we're only going to do this once so why not!! haha We won't lose anyone in transit from the restaurant to the reception and it will be nice to do our speeches and have music playing during the dinner. I like the idea of having it all in one place and Eugenia said they can decorate it nicely. I can't wait!!! You mentioned that you hired DJ Bob. Do you have contact information for him? His prices are great. My fiancee doesn't want to get anyone off the resort in case something goes wrong but noone has seemed to have any problems with an outside DJ. Christina18 & Canadian Kim......you must be SO EXCITED!! I hope you have the wedding of your dreams and I can't wait to see pictures! I can't even imagine how excited and giddy I will feel once my big day is close. Have a great trip and best wishes for a wonderful wedding! :-) For those of you who have had a poolside reception, did you have japanese lanterns? I was hoping to get these in my wedding colors. Eugenia said she could put them up for me but I'm not sure how many I would need and how they would actually put them up. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! Did anyone order the groom's suit from Studio Suits? If yes, were you happy with how it fit and looked and how long did it take to come in? Sorry for all the questions but I don't get on here as often as I would like. haha
  15. Thanks Thao! I can't believe your wedding is less than a month away you must be so excited. We celebrated our 6 month countdown and went our for a nice dinner! haha We're going to do something special on the 6th of every month until we get married. We can't wait!! The private dinner could be very expensive. I'm just waiting to get the menus for the different themes and work out a total cost of all the other things I have to take into consideration (flowers, decorations, etc.). Glad to hear the food is good. I guess you're right that you only have one or two choices at a wedding here so what does it matter. I'm hoping that they will be satisfied and not have to hit up the buffet or snack bar but it's a great idea. haha Thanks ladies! :-) Is anyone planning an excursion for their guests? I feel like I want to do something nice for my guests but I don't want to spend a fortune. Just curious to see what other people are doing.
  16. Hey ladies, I'm staying at the Tulum resort but I'm getting married at the Akumal beach location. I found out that your dinner and reception have to be at the hotel where the ceremony is. I was hoping that I could have my dinner and reception at the Tulum. Anyway, my restaurant choices for Akumal are Dolce Vita and Frutos del Mar. I have guests with severe seafood allergies, so the Frutos del Mar seafood restaurant is out of the question. Is anyone having their dinner at the Dolce Vita? We are going to have over 50 people, so we can only have one choice for a main entree. It's all pasta dishes and not everyone likes pasta. I just wish there was a little more to choose from. I would love to hear from someone who is having or has had their supper at the Dolce Vita. I'm looking into a private dinner and reception as well but that could be really pricey with all my guests. haha I'm excited to be making these decisions though because it's all starting to feel very real now. I'm going to hire DJ Bijian as well. I hope he is available for our wedding. 6 months from today will be my wedding day!!!!!! SO EXCITED!!
  17. I live in Halifax, NS and I'm getting married at the Gran Bahia Principe Tulum resort in Mexico on April 6th, 2011. We have 46 people booked so far! I just started working with the wedding coordinator and she's awesome. So excited!!
  18. I can't open the templates. It keeps saying there is a system error. Would you mind emailing them to me at [email protected]? I'm actually getting married at the Gran Bahia Principe Tulum in April 2011, so this would be so helpful. Thanks! :-)
  19. Barbiegirl....that's awesome that you booked your trip! It was a huge relief for me and you actually do feel like your blood pressure drops a few points. haha We have 45 booked now which is great!! However, there is always some stress lurking around when planning a wedding I guess. I have 6 bridesmaids and only 2 of them are booked!!! They should be the first ones booked but they are waiting to see if they can get better prices OR they want a new car or new furniture. I am so PISSED!! I'm paying for their dresses, so basically I'm just telling if I don't have a booking number by the time I order the dresses the first week of November than I'm not ordering their dress. There is only flight that leaves out of Halifax on our date and we're filling up the plane quickly. I'm sure other people are going to Mexico too! haha My only source of stress right now is from the people who are supposed to keep me calm. I haven't asked them to do a damn thing yet and they have already known that they were standing for me for one full year by the time I order the dresses. GGRRR!!!!  On a happier note (hehe)......I hate getting my pic taken but we had a wonderful time getting our engagement pics done and she did a great job. We actually used one of our pics as our STD. We printed it off as a magnet with our website on it. Everyone really liked them. I don't really know how to insert a picture on here so if you want to check out our website our engagement pics are on there. haha  Our website is www.taraanddave.wedsite.com. I must say this was also a GREAT thing to do. I post our updates on it all the time and we made a facebook page to try and keep everyone in the loop, especially getting people on board to book their trips.  I am so excited to actually start planning the wedding!! I feel a little stressed sometimes when I see how much people have done. I find I am in wedding mode for a few weeks than I get busy with life in general and than I get in wedding mode again. hahaha  I can't believe it's only 6 1/2 months till I get married!! Crazy!
  20. Thanks! Has anyone used the videographer? Just wondering what the quality is like. Thanks!
  21. What about a videographer? I don't want a DVD slideshow of pictures. I would like an actual videographer. Are we allowed to hire someone to do this if they don't offer the service on the resort? I want a video just as much if not more than pictures. Did anyone have a videographer? Thanks!
  22. Our situation is the same as Murmel's...... Â My travel agent initially said there was no way we get it for under $1600 so I was a little disappointed. She told me she would call and try to get the best possible rates she could. Good deals always come with a catch but they are worth it with the prices that are out there right now. Most of our family and friends have known that we were doing a destination wedding for over a year so we knew some people who were eager to book and who had all their money saved for the trip already. In order for us to lock in the rate until September 3rd and for them to hold seats/rooms, we needed 10 people to put down on a deposit by today at 4pm and I found out yesterday am! So we had to move fast to get these rates. Â Last night, I tried to reach as many people as I could through various modes of communication. I updated our website with the new travel information, and my FI and I made a Facebook group so people would receive posts we put on there. Â I originally was getting married at a different resort and sent in my deposit and everything and had to cancel our wedding there because our first TA was less than truthful and the prices she promised us were completely unobtainable and way too high!! This was my third travel agent I've worked with to get me this prices. If you're not happy with the quotes and prices you are getting....keep looking with someone else. Â Good luck! :-) Â
  23. Hey girls, Â I had the craziest day yesterday!! Everything just happened so fast and I was so excited! As I mentioned earlier, I felt bad because I was "cheating" on my travel agent and looking for another one to give me some quotes.hehe I was feeling bad about it until yesterday. I found the best travel agent literally 10 min from my house. She was able to get me and my guests a direct flight from Halifax and Toronto to Cancun for a full week for $1100 plus taxes so it works out to be $1342!!!!! That was an AMAZING price,.so my FI and I booked right away! I can't believe we're finally booked to go it's very exciting! I feel like I've been researching and planning forever but nothing was actually happening. haha I finally feel like it' s real and I am getting married. haha We have 15 more people booking today! I'm trying to get as many people as I can to book by September 3rd, 2010 as they locked in the rates for me. SO EXCITING!!! Â Barbiegirl ......check with your travel agent today!! There was a drop in prices yesterday. The TA said they could be up again today. Â I told my guests that obviously not everyone has to book by September 3rd, 2010. It's just a deposit of $250 so I think they would be crazy not to, however, they still have the choice to wait. Some people aren't sure if they can go yet. I just wanted to make sure I got the message out to as many people as I could and encouraged them to book because I could definitely not guarantee we would get that price again. I can't see them getting it any lower than $1100 plus tax. I almost died when she told me the rate. I was so excited!! It has been very stressful trying to get quotes, especially when they are not what you were hoping. Â Good rates are starting to appear so we can breath a sigh of relief! :-)
  24. I agree....he just posted new pics last night and I thought they were great! Does anyone have any pricing for him?? If you do, can you post it on here or PM me? Thanks! :-)
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