Hello!! I'm so EXCITED that I found this site!! Finally some REAL honest opinions and hints! So here is my intro (don't laugh):
I live in California and I am still in graduate school. My boyfriend is a police officer and he lives an hour and a half from me. I only get Saturday-Sunday's off and of course he works graveyard shift thursday-monday. Basically, we see little of each other (we dated for 4 years in college, so our whole relationship has not been long distance). I graduate in September and CAN NOT wait to move closer to him; however due to my Christian faith and personal preference I will not live with him until we are married. So it is pretty imperative that we get married sometime in the end of September-November. I just think it would be perfect if I graduate, my lease ended here, we got married, and then we moved in together. However, September is sneaking up reaaaalllly quick on me and he actually hasnt proposed to me yet. We have picked out rings, I have been sized, we've talked about a guest list, reception/ceremony ideas, but he just hasnt actually asked me to marry him yet.
Regardless, because September is only 9 months away, I am partially looking around and getting ideas.
One night at dinner he suggested a cruise ship wedding because then we could get married on the first island and then have our reception be on the two islands following. So I looked into it and there is a cruise ship that leaves from Long Beach, stops in Puerto Vallarta first, then Cabo, then Matazlan.
So I started to look into wedding sites in PV and found Las Caletas! I most likely WILL NOT be visiting the site before the wedding so I am especially interested in seeing pictures OF the venue. I have looked through everyone's wedding albums and they are BEAUTIFUL but does anyone have any pictures OF the island or the grounds??
Also - has anyone done a cruise and gotten married and had to get back onto the cruise ship? Does the time constraint work out?
ANY pictures will help!!
thanks so much!!!