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Everything posted by jaccat15

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by laurenvuitton Exactly what I was thinking Avong! Just doing rehearsal dinner (you can not have it in a restaurant if its over 30 people). Anyone going to get the embassador suite to stay in for the wedding? I think we are going to do an offsite catamaran cruise for our "rehearsal" dinner/welcome dinner. Something different I think we are getting suite for our stay that weekend - it's in our contract from my TA I believe and I hear its amazing! Did you see it first hand? P.S. Did you ask them about 2 weddings/day? How do they do that?
  2. Missy - did you have another wedding the same day as yours? How did it work out?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by lisanicole Did they ever get back to you regarding having a Jewish wedding? I have asked this question to all the resorts I am looking at and not one has answered that question. Thanks. Dreams said they can bring in a Rabbi and Paradisus hasn't gotten back to me yet - either way, we are going to have a Jewish wedding and if we have to ship one in, we're going to do it.
  4. yikes! Daniela told me they do 2 weddings per day - but 3?! that's insane! I don't know how any place could have 3 weddings per day and accommodate all those people. It's kind of disheartening to hear this No one should feel they get sloppy seconds on the most special day of their lives. My mom and I are trying to go down in March for a site visit and to also check out some back up resorts - Gran Velas and Iberostar. Well, now I know why I haven't heard from Daniela or Cecilia since last Thursday! ughhh
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Kelie11 Have you used quick trim? How much did you lose? Yes...I cut down on my weight training and do a lot of cardio. I spin about 4-5 days a week. I mainly stick with a weight watchers diet. I count points and that keeps me eating very healthy. I just want to get rid of this ten I cant seem 2! I haven't used Quick Trim - i'm kind of hesitant to be honest. You can get all natural cleanses at the health food store or whole foods that don't compromise your vitamins and nutrients that your body needs to function. You can also start with Detox tea by Yogi and see how your body reacts and then move on from there. My trainer told me your body hits a plateau after doing the same routine for a while, so you might want to change it up to a different "sweat fest" for a month or so and incorporate some pilates or yoga to help get more oxygen to your muscles - which also gives you that nice, long, lean look in the long term good luck!!!
  6. it's called Quick Trim - it's a cleanse and diet pills - not sure if it's that healthy for your body though. Have you tried the South Beach diet or have you read "Naturally thin" by Bethanny Frankel? I LIVE by these 2 things - along with the gym. I've also found that by cutting back on my weight training and increasing my cardio helps too.
  7. Hi everyone - just a question I have about the room rates you secured for your guests - did everyone do it through their TA or did you book through Cecilia in the group sales dept? I am asking bc it seems like everyone gets a different rate and policy and I'm not sure what to do. We are having about 80 people and would need 40-45 rooms blocked out for us. Any help is appreciated! xoxo
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by PrincessGinger Well thanks for all of the helpful info that you all are finding out about the resort and various wedding costs. I am working with a destination wedding specialist, and frankly, she has not been that helpful up to this point, hopefully it gets better. Sounds like I need to check with her if there is another wedding the same day as me because all she told me was that we book it, but no further details before she went out of town. Funny thing is I originally wanted Nov. 13, glad I decided against that, looks like it is plenty full! wow! such a popular date! Paradisus is amazing and I looked at Iberostar too but I wasn't so sure of their wedding packages. What wedding specialist are you working with? We were going to work with Luxe but honestly, as long as the hotel as a wedding coordinating dept, you can really do it yourself and save the $$$ I also heard from a friend that they upcharge you for everything bc they get kickbacks - you should be getting the most from your $$ - especially in this economy!
  9. We booked! 10/30/10!!! All that paperwork is done and sent - Just hope she confirms back and I can work on STD's. ASAP. yayyyy !!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by laurenvuitton Well at least we will be able to talk and figure things out if they are both on teh same day, and it wouldnt be a random!! ha LOL - yeah def not random now! crazy. Daniela said they do 2 weddings per day max and they do their best to try and keep the weddings apart. I talked to my fiance' tonight since I went into a little tizzy earlier and we think we are going to book another date. No worries LV We have a friend who is getting married at Paradisus on May 30th so I'm going to email her tomorrow and see what she says about the 2 wedding thing too. I think people get discouraged when they hear there is another wedding that day and go with another date that is open....let's hope i'm right
  11. Hi everyone - my fiance and i are stuck btwn Paradisus and DRC - does anyone know if DRC allows 2 weddings in one day? I just found out that Paradisus does and we are a little put off. Any info is appreciated!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by laurenvuitton I am so confused how are they going to do two weddings? That is crazy... any ideas out there? lol Today she told me they book 2 per day and make sure the weddings do not intertwine.......interesting concept though is what I had thought. We are also considering 10/30 since it's wide open but that doesn't guarentee there won't be another wedding that day. I will keep you posted - PROMISE! I hope I didn't stress you out - don't worry.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by laurenvuitton Hi jaccat15 - We are having ours November 13th! Have you considered going through an agent instead of doing it yourself? We are using destinationweddings.com and it seems a lot easier than doing everything ourselves... look into it, its def. worth the $50.00 deposit. So you are the other wedding on the 13th!!! haha we are getting married that day too - we hope!!!! So funny! I looked into using Luxe and have my TA to work with but I will def look into destinationweddings.com.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Kelie11 I do not know who daniela is...but I know that the deposit is sent to Miami. They Paradisus just changed wedding coordinators from Perla to Cecilia. Things are a bit hectic but don't worry. Thus far I have not had any issues. I would e-mail Cecilia with your date in addition to sending it to Miami. Just a heads up, it takes a few days to hear back from e-mails. Thanks!!! I only have the general email for the hotel - do you have her direct email you can send me? My email is [email protected] Congrats on your upcoming wedding!! Soooo exciting!
  15. Hi everyone! I think we are booking Paradisus for our November wedding!!! Can not wait!!! I spoke to Daniela on the phone today - bc no one was answering emails and she said she is going to send me the info to give the deposit to secure the date - how long did this take any of you to get from her? I spoke to her this morning and still haven't received anything! I just want to set my date.......
  16. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Fairmont Mayakoba - and a girl I know is getting married there on May 30th. The room rates she got seem pretty good but it's not all inclusive so that was the reason I didn't look further into it - otherwise, I would def be looking it myself! you can check her website out on the knot for info: Welcome - The Knot: Wedding Web Page Builder her website gave me some good tips though! Happy Planning!!!
  17. Thanks everyone!!!! I think we are leaning towards the Paradisus Riviera Maya but you never know
  18. Hi everyone! I'm trying to decide bwtn Dreams Riv Cancun and Paradisus Riv Cancun ------- Any tips and help is appreciated! We hope to book our date this week (hoping for November) and this back and forth is killing me! We're inviting about 200 people and hope for 75 to show so we need a bigger resort and kid friendly (just in case). Ana at DRC got back to me with a little info but has not responded yet for a date availability or my question about a Jewish ceremony there. Is anyone on this having a Jewish ceremony there? Paradisus hasn't even answered my emails or RFP's this week and I might have to call tomorrow....any ideas what's going on? All info is appreciated!!!!!
  19. Hi everyone - I'm new to the site - can't wait to get lots of info from everyone! happy planning!!! Jackie 11-13-2010 Riviera Maya - exact resort TBD
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