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Everything posted by jaccat15

  1. Hi there! have you considered bringing someone in from the US? we ended up doing that and it worked out amazing. Let me know if you want our Rabbi's info - she is located in NY but is open to meeting couples in other states via ichat or skype online
  2. Hi! thanks so much - it was really great. Yes, you have tons of time so don't stress at all - try and enjoy the holidays. Our building (26) was very close to the beach and pool - it was a Preferred Club building and all of those are closer to the beach and pool. I know the honeymoon suites and presidential suites are amazing - one couple we had stayed in one and it was pretty incredible. We didn't do any excursions but on our mini-moon when we went to Zoetry a few days later, we did a sunset sail which was nice. Good luck and happy planning!
  3. Hi ladies! i finally posted my review and some pics!!!! let me know if you have any questions. http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/products/secrets-maroma-beach-resort/reviews#4025
  4. Hi everyone! I am back from our wedding/min-moon and I can't believe how fast it went by!!!! I will write a full review once I have a little time on my hands this week but if you have any questions in particular, please let me know. You can also friend me on Facebook to see all the pics everyone has been posting: jackie caterina silver talk to you soon!
  5. Cecilia should email you soon - I found depending on when I emailed her - especially if it was the weekend it took a little longer for her to get back to me. The closer your wedding is - the more in touch she will be -don't worry!
  6. Thanks Simistar! We just finished packing and only have a few last minute things left for Tuesday night before we leave - this time next week we will be poolside and married!!!!!!! I PROMISE to post pics and as much information as possible. Fingers crossed that the weather is good for us
  7. question - my guests are starting to ask what to pack in terms of dinners at the restaurants......when the restaurant says the dress is "Casual Elegance", are jeans allowed? I just want to make sure I am answering everyone correctly
  8. You shouldn't have an issue with bringing it down with you - make sure you divide it up between a few people just in case. Our box finally arrived last week to our wedding coordinator and the only things missing were the alka seltzer and tylenol - so we bought them again and divided them up for everyone to pack Hopefully all goes well!
  9. i knowm, everyone says "halloween?" but it's not! the Royal is so nice, good luck and congrats!!!!! Praying for great weather for us!!
  10. here is a link to sunset times in case anyone needs them http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/astronomy.html?n=923&month=10&year=2010&obj=sun&afl=-11&day=1
  11. Hi Natalie!!! My wedding is the same night!! where are you getting married??? we will be at Secrets Maroma Beach. We have to have our wedding at sunset that night (we are jewish) and I figured this out when i was looking for the time a while back - now I have to remember to remind my guests!!!!
  12. exactly!!! i emailed my TA and she is going to see what she can do doesn't hurt to ask! Thanks!!!
  13. thanks girls! i will definitely keep up on it - do you think i should ask my travel agent to get involved at all or just nag cecilia on my own??
  14. Hi everyone - I just wanted to share my special find (and my wedding dress) for our wedding! Most of us are getting married in hot and humid places so why should we have to carry around a huge ball gown all night long right?!?! and the thought of buying 2 dresses sometimes gets to be too much - David Tutera solves our issues!!! Below is the pic from his website of the dress I will be wearing for our wedding in 12 days!!!! The bottom skirt unzips from underneath and is so easy to just step out of once unzipped - I'll probably "unzip" for the reception He also has some other options as well and I definitely suggest you check them out on his website:http://davidtuterabyfaviana.com/
  15. Hi ladies! I can't believe we're leaving for SMB in 9 days! Time has seriously flown by!!! Question for those already married - the grooms room the night before that is included in the package.....Cecila told me this weekend she can't confirm it yet since it is based on availability - did anyone have any issues with this?
  16. i got a facial 2 weeks ago (wedding is in 3 weeks from yesterday) and i'm keeping up with my regimen - cleansing in the morning and using an alpha hydroxy glycolic toner and moisturizer - then removing all make up at night with make up remover and light cleanser followed by Retin A and a spot treatment I might go back for another "mini" facial next week but my face freaks out and takes a good week to get clear after wards - it's worth it but I think I'm done for now. Next time I go to a spa - will be for a massage!
  17. I shipped everything for our OOT bags and 4 of the 5 boxes have arrived to our hotel safely - the other 1 box (of course the one with the bags and welcome cards) got stuck in customs We worked with Fed Ex and they said the reason it is stuck is bc it contains travel sized medicines - we included Tylenol and Alka Seltzer - and apparently you need a special medical waiver to allow that into the country - ahhhh!!! So, thank goodness my dad is also a licensed customs broker and he spoke to Fed-ex and they want to discard the medicines in order for the box to be delivered. I'm ok with that but I'm affraid about the other more important things in the box!!!! We are now waiting to hear back from our wedding coordinator to let us know when she receives the box, to open it and let us know the contents - thank goodness we forwarded her the packing list to double check - and thank goodness i still have 3 weeks til my wedding so if stuff needs to be replaced it can be brought down. if i would have known this before we shipped the boxes, i would have kept those things in my luggage!
  18. good to know thanks for answering my questions!!! i'm praying for good weather - but it wont be the end of the world if it rains - we're still going to be in Mexico
  19. thanks! i'm glad to hear Cecilia now has a team Nancy was emailing me while Cecilia was on vacation and I'm sure Cecilia needed a break,lol! yes - we're doing a bonfire the night before at 9:00 and doing dinner with the bridal party only before hand. Cecilia said she could set tables up for us at the poolside buffet that night since and not charge extra so we're going to do that. We have 65 people coming down so it should be a fun party. Was the resort full? how was the weather?
  20. hi Ree Ree!! i've been wondering how it went glad to hear overall it was great!!!! can't wait to hear about your review - and if you have pics please send!!! Where did you have your reception? how many people did you have? also, what menu did you have?
  21. my wedding is in 3.5 weeks!!! We had everyone who was booked on Mexicana change their flights - my TA advised us that Mexicana was sending people through Mexico City instead of having direct flights going to Cancun. Our guests are now either booked on Jet Blue or Continental - phew!
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