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Everything posted by bnbrmy

  1. that is so sad. please give your friend my best. And here's an idea. Since the little girl had here hopes up about being your flower girl, maybe when you come home you guys could do a little mock wedding where she can dress up and have her picture made. It is a sad thing, but she still needs fun and excitement. I think the little girl would love that very much, especially since she has all of this on her plate now. You are all in my prayers. I'm so sorry that has happened, I couldn't even imagine what your friend is going through. Truely heartbreaking
  2. Claire's is a great place to shop. Always have sales and they now have "tropical" nail polish it is 3 or 4 colors in 1 and they are in mango lime green pink kinda colors. I went and got some stuff for a few members of my extended family at a beach themed birthday party and they loved them. Hobby Lobby and Oriental trading .com are also good for younger teenagers (13-14)
  3. dollar tree is great, there is also a site that sells travel size meds. I found it in a Bing search just type in travel size meds. Some of the stuff is .17 cents a pack and hangoverkit .com they have pre made kits.
  4. I'd like to go in on this as well. Can you send me what style(s) you are looking at getting? I will need no more than 20.
  5. okay great. I was trying to do something that guys can enjoy (i'm pretty sure soaps and bath salt isn't going to make them explode with joy.) But I can't think of anything and most of what I have heard that make good things to throw in a OOT bag is kind of designed for everyone (like medicine cups etc) But I can't think of anything guy related other than the cigars. as you can see on my list I have 3 things that are good for kids and 3 things that are good for women and 1 can only think of 1 thing for the men. And like I said I have things that will go in ALL of the bags. But the guys arent sports fanatics, don't drink, and I can't think of anything that will be a good gift for the bag other than things that will cost more than I am wanting to spend. like watches and stuff like that... :/ I was thinking about hats, but 1 of the guys doesn't wear hats and the other guy has a million hats. so I'm still a little stuck. I guess if all else fails I can just get them some mens body wash or something.
  6. okay great. I was trying to do something that guys can enjoy (i'm pretty sure soaps and bath salt isn't going to make them explode with joy.) But I can't think of anything and most of what I have heard that make good things to throw in a OOT bag is kind of designed for everyone (like medicine cups etc) But I can't think of anything guy related other than the cigars. as you can see on my list I have 3 things that are good for kids and 3 things that are good for women and 1 can only think of 1 thing for the men. And like I said I have things that will go in ALL of the bags. But the guys arent sports fanatics, don't drink, and I can't think of anything that will be a good gift for the bag other than things that will cost more than I am wanting to spend. like watches and stuff like that... :/ I was thinking about hats, but 1 of the guys doesn't wear hats and the other guy has a million hats. so I'm still a little stuck. I guess if all else fails I can just get them some mens body wash or something.
  7. thnak you future mrs2010 by the way that picture of you is BEAUTIFUL!!!!
  8. I like it cut but I would leave a little bit of train instead of cutting it . maybe cut it where the embrordery starts. I think that would look good.
  9. oh thats somthing i forgot to add. We are putting little game books for everyone for nights in or for the flight. and we were also going to add a little meican folk art trinket to each bag as well as a shirt for each guest. the towels are a good idea but the hotel supplies towels for the beach/pool so i don't think they will be used. I am really stuck on what to get the guys...
  10. Okay I need a little help here, I am doing the OOT bags for our guests (we are only having 5 people there) this is what I have figured out child sand art kit sea horse stuffed animal jewlry women home made bath salt home made soap pashmina men cigars for all of them I am putting canvas totes (of course) home made coasters travel mugs advil/tylonol pepto whistles candle personalized I want to give them stuff that they can us while we are out or they can bring stuff home and use it if they choose they aren't drinkers so I can't use mini bottles, I really can't think of anything to put in the guys bags. any suggestions? and if you see anything that I could add let me know thanks!!!1
  11. everything looks amazing! I'm sure the ceremony will be fantastic. I love your dress. btw-your daughter is too precious!
  12. I met my FI through his sister. I lost my brother and stayed at a friends house for a few months to keep my mind busy and that's how I met his sister, well I didn't feel like going back home because my brother lived with me for a while and it was painful to be in his room and look at the stuff he fixed up for me and everything so I ended up rooming with my now FSIL and met her brother (my FI) well we would text each other on a friend kind of level and one night my friend went out with her ex who wanted to hang out with her brother as well and so I went with my friend and my FI went with the ex. Well we went out to eat and went to the mall, my friend told her brother that I wasn't looking to date anyone he still wanted to try so a few days later he made me a flower made out of car parts (he use to manufacture cars for companies) and he wrote my name on it. I went to spend the night with him and he gave it to me and after a few weeks he had to have a tooth worked on and I went to pick him up, he spent the next few days with me so I could keep an eye on him and his tooth. He told me that nobody has ever treated his so well. and he said he loved me. Honestly I ended a very painful relationship about 6 months before and I wasn't looking for anything serious but he was the only one that could make me really smile and I wouldn't think about my brother or my ex. Since I started hanging out with him he made me feel very special and I was kind of falling for him, but always held back because I couldn't handle any more "bad" in my life. Well two years later we are just as happy and just as in love ready to take the plunge
  13. you look great in both, but thee is something about the second one that really catches my eye. Either one is gonna look great
  14. I had a friend of mine do these for us so I could do some DIY magnets, cups, std playin cards and some other things. The cartoon ones are for the kids. Some of the cartoon ones need to be retouched, but I was happy with what he done. He done 21 all together and he is working on some more for me.
  15. when I read your story I started bawling! lol. That is so sweet how he got your daughter a ring as well. You really have a good guy. congrats!
  16. I would say maybe do a little thing buy the pool or something. Maybe you could just do finger foods?.. and play some music on an ipod or something. We are doing ours on a budget so we aren't planning anything amazing, just something simple, due to funds. But since everyone is spending money to go I would at least do a little something to thank them for being there. A cooler full of drinks and some snacks by the pool sounds like something do-able. Not as much as having a full dinner and everything.
  17. pm'ed you about some of the items. please let me know. thanks
  18. lol thank you for sharing. I have managed to keep the same idea for the reception. We are doing that in turquoise and pink. I have NO clue about the actual ceremony though. And FI likes everything I show him (i taught him how to agree with me no matter what, I'm starting to regret it now ) Anyway. I think we are definately going with the orange flowers. I just don't know what color to make the MOH and FL dresses.
  19. Ugh, I have given myself a MILLION migraines. At first we decided to do Champagne and black for our wedding colors. I am even having a custom made Deep champagne (taupe) dress. Wtf was I thinking? walking down the aisle in a brown dress?!? ...yeah. I don't know. And FI thought I was isane the whole time, he just didn't want to ruin my fun. hundreds of dollars later, I now understand why this isn't the best idea. We were going to have black flowers (wonderful for photos, huh? lol) Moving on...I found a site that sells the realistic foam flowers. I have decided to do my own. FI and I like the orane flowers, so the bouquets will have orange...maybe some pinks and yellows. We haven't got that far into it yet. NOW I need a new dress, I also need to pick a color for the wedding party to wear. I was thinking about doing the pink/orange thing, but I know that would end with me having a butt load of orange and pink stuff. Then changing my mind again. Maybe we should do our wedding at a nudist colony. that way I only have to make up my mind about the flowers and decorations. Nix the clothing all together. lol I am so confused. We are on a really tight budget so I need to make up my mind and stick to it befre we are a couple thousand in the hole. Anybody else have the same problems? It would be nice to know I'm not alone thanks for reading
  20. I've decided to do real touch flowers as well. Do they have a website? If you don't mind me asking how much did you pay? I've found somw people that do good work and the cheapest I found for what I want is a little over three hundred.
  21. we put vinyl in our bathroom. White marble and the glue has come through and it looks dirty all the time. we done black marble in the bedroom and it looks fine. Also I would advise using something called liquid nails, makes them stick better. If you don't use it the tiles will pull up on the sides in time.
  22. do you have any 5/6 in the womens flip flops and 8,9,10,11,or 12 in the mens flip flops?
  23. No, I agree with you completely. Looking at the prices I am having to pay, I know I wouldbe unable to pay for someone else to go. Why doesn't the little sister just lend the money to the oldest sister? Money situations is hard for everyone right now. You need to just worry about you, your FI, your bills and your wedding. If the trip is that big of a deal for the little sister to have her big sister, then she needs to worry about it. You have enough to deal with.
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