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Everything posted by bnbrmy

  1. both are really nice. I might suggest changing the color of the M to green. You done a great job:)
  2. Ohthese are beautiful, I'm sure they'll go quick
  3. I'm so sorry. I couln't imagine how you must be feeling. Good luck. You'll be in my prayers hugs*
  4. Welcome to the forum. I have gotten sooo many ideas from this place. Maybe you can look around and make some suggestions for your son and his fiance
  5. No feel free to ask any questions. I'd be happy to answer anything I can. We are getting Jerome Dieu mangoweddings.com. He is another one that works with the Hilton. And yes I'm also working with Tathiana. I really liked his work. And his prices were one of the cheapest too. He does the "ah la cart" thing were you can pick your time 3 hours 10 hours and if you get the wedding package through the Hilton, they have 1 hour of photography for free
  6. My grandmother begged me to have a mock wedding here and I told her no, no way! AND she keeps laughing that nobody will come and it'll be just me & FI when I told her people are planning on coming she got mad about it. wtf? I have the same issues with being in a crowd. I would just let her that this is not what you want, and it's not fair she's not listening to you.
  7. thats hilarious! Maybe you could practice with him make it a game or something?
  8. lol! no I haven't had any dreams like that. Pretty random though
  9. I am soooo jealous! I want him for our wedding but we can't afford him. FI said that when we go back for our 1 year anniversary then we can use him to do some pictures for us
  10. I hate you're feeling like that, I'm sure it's rough on you. I wish I had some advice or something, but I hope everything gets better.
  11. I finally have been able to long onto their website (I'm not sure why I was having a problem before) I'm gonna see if they can hook me up
  12. Our colors for the ceremony are orange & pink our colors for the reception are turquoise, pink and black. We aren't doing a theme, but I am adding little seahorses to the mix, like in the bouquets, OOT bags and so on
  13. Our colors for the ceremony are orange & pink our colors for the reception are turquoise, pink and black. We aren't doing a theme, but I am adding little seahorses to the mix, like in the bouquets, OOT bags and so on
  14. I would put a letter in with the invites saying its not going to be a child friendly zone, ue to alcohol or whatever, and let the parents make up there mind. If you on't want them coming, I would just tell them that you preferit to be a childfree place other than those in the wedding or for family.
  15. I like the grooms cake idea too, that way it is on his shoulders an not yours. good luck
  16. I am on the same boat. We told everyone we want to come in person instead of doing invites. And so many people have come up asking me which hotel WE ARE ALL staying in and how much it's going to cost them. It makes me want to scream! and we are oing a very tiny wedding for many reasons. After everything we have to have we are borderline broke and then I'm inforned more people are coming, were I have to pay for their meal at the reception, we have booked a little whale watching thing for all of our guests and all kinds of other little stuff. Now I have to pay for additional people! I am pulling my hair out! And the thing about it is all the people are living hand to mouth, when FI and I went last sept, it cost us $10000, I don't see how any of these people are going to afford it, so I don't know if I should let my WC know about added guests or just wait for them to realize they have no money, AND what if they end up saving the money?!? AHH, my heart breaks for you, because if you are anything like me you are ready to snap. lol. I hope everything works out, and if they aren't that close I would just say let go and let god! if they want a vacation do it another time. It's truly annoying how people can just assume they are invited somewhere. good luck girl!
  17. My dad wont be coming because of money issues and I lost my mother, actually the only family I have coming is my niece. I assumed I would just give myself away. If you are close to your FI dad, maybe you could ask him? or if you have any close family that is coming, you could ask them to walk you down the aisle.
  18. lol I understand! My niece will be my mini maid of honor and she's 6, she does whatever - whenever. PERIOD! I'm pretty sure she will also end up in the ocean or I'll have to carry her down the aisle. She's like my daughter, after I lost my brother, my grandmother and I have taken on the daddy roll. So even though she's probably going to run around a set things on fire or strip naked, I still couldn't imagine the day without her. lol
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