I am on the same boat. We told everyone we want to come in person instead of doing invites. And so many people have come up asking me which hotel WE ARE ALL staying in and how much it's going to cost them. It makes me want to scream! and we are oing a very tiny wedding for many reasons. After everything we have to have we are borderline broke and then I'm inforned more people are coming, were I have to pay for their meal at the reception, we have booked a little whale watching thing for all of our guests and all kinds of other little stuff. Now I have to pay for additional people! I am pulling my hair out! And the thing about it is all the people are living hand to mouth, when FI and I went last sept, it cost us $10000, I don't see how any of these people are going to afford it, so I don't know if I should let my WC know about added guests or just wait for them to realize they have no money, AND what if they end up saving the money?!?
AHH, my heart breaks for you, because if you are anything like me you are ready to snap. lol. I hope everything works out, and if they aren't that close I would just say let go and let god! if they want a vacation do it another time. It's truly annoying how people can just assume they are invited somewhere.
good luck girl!