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Everything posted by bnbrmy

  1. It wasn't much at all I'm wanting to say around 50usd. Maybe a little more. I reserved our car from payless online and got insurance with it too. When we got there they said that insurance wouldn't work and we HAD to get it through them. If we didn't the car wouldve been crazy expensive to rent, $2OOO.OO. So if you make a reservation online DO NOT get insurance with it wait until you get there, and get it directly from the company. We ended up wasting about $75 on the other insurance. So keep that in mind so you don't get any surprises like we did.
  2. if you dont end up selling the coasters let me know thanks!
  3. I haven't figured out how I'm going to take them. I will probably make them the night before and take them on the plane when we go. If I have any problems with that I might se if the resort can make them fresh and we can stick them in the bags when we get there
  4. Ok as I've said in a past thread my FI and I have decided to do a little recipe book of mexican dishes. His family loves to cook so I thought this would be great for them. While looking for recipes I came across one for mexican wedding cookies. I thought it would be cute to add these to our OOT bags for the guests as well as putting it in our recipe book. I found the recipe in a search engine but ill put it on here for anyone who might want to do this too. Mexican wedding cookies Servings: 8 What you need: 1 cup butter, 1/2 cup white sugar, 2 teaspoons vanilla extract, 2 teaspoons water, 2 cups all purpose flour, 1 cup chopped almonds, and 1/2 cup confectioners sugar Directions: in a medium bowl cream the butter and sugar. Stir in vanilla and water. Add the flour and almonds, mix until blended. Cover and chill for 3 hours. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Shape dough into balls or crescents. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes in the preheated oven. Remove from pan to cool. When the cookies are cool, roll in confectioners sugar then store at room temperature in an airtight container.
  5. Ok some of you may have seen my other post on the pinatas. I'm still trying to work on most of the stuff. The origami isn't going the way I want so I'm still trying. For those of you that wanted to know how to make the bath salt, its sooo simple! Okay you need epsom salt and sea salt or baking soda. Go to a craft store and get some fragrance and coloring (it will be in the section for making your own soap and stuff) I've heard you can also use food coloring to dye it, but they do make a special dye for stuff like this which is what I used. 3 cups epsom salt 1 cup sea salt oe baking soda Be careful when adding the fragrance and dye because to much moisture will dissolve the salt. Mix as you add the fragrance If you are doing multiple colors then divid up the salt in different containers and add your color. Again mix as you add the dye, I was instructed to only use about 2 or 3 drops but it wasn't as bright as I wanted so I added more. I would say to do 3 drops at a time until its a color you like. Let it set out until everything is dry then put it in your containers. I think the whole process takes around 20 mins or so, other than the dry time. I'll post more pics as I get them completed.
  6. I'm not sure what your price range is but rock and roll hall of fame use to do private parties, I'm sure they still do... Good luck with your search
  7. I'd like the iron on transfers and the lanyards plus I'd tags if the other lady doesn't end up getting them.
  8. FI and I started ttc over a year ago. We had no luck. Recently I had horrible stomach pains (turned out to be kidney stones) but in the process of trying to figure out what was wrong I was told I had a cyst on my left ovary. It is pretty simple to get rid of. Birth control is very effective in removing them, I know about 6 women who all took birthcontrol to remove cysts and every single one of them ended up pregnant within two months or so. Since I found out about the cyst we have become engaged. Now I'm in a situation of do I still try and forget the wedding or do I wait and go ahead with the wedding? Our wedding is in jan. of next year. It seems like we have waited a lifetime (anyone ttc surely understands this) and I don't want to wait any longer. But I would either be giving birth around the time we are planning the wedding or I would be pregnant. So I'm a little confused. I told FI the other night I had something to show him and he rushed home so excited. He thought I was pregnant but I just wanted to show him a bookmark I made. lol. We are both ready to start a family. so I really don't know what to do.
  9. I collect Alice in Wonderland.ANYTHING ALICE IN WONDERLAND!!! currently hinting at a first edition Alice's adventures in wonderland and through the looking glass.
  10. I say let them decide. And it sounds like in between having a new baby and being in school, he is stressed to the max. Not making excuses for him, of course, what he is doing/saying no matter what his intent is not the greatest way to go about whatever he is feeling. i think that if they decide to go to the wedding it will be great for them, maybe get a little personal time and romance back. I would talk to him or have your FH talk to him and see what is REALLY going on. I wish them the best.
  11. I got the stems from hobby lobby 70 pcs. for .89 cents. we are doing our colors in orange and pink, everywhere I have seen that doesn't want to charge you an arm and a leg only offer clear colors and want to charge an extra 20$ for pink and orange. Yes I'm doing to get orange and pink swarovski bicones and make them myself. I've also ordered seahorse charms,I'm going to attempt to use them as well. the stems I'm using is 2" head pin. I'm sure since you make jewelry you have seen them before in the craft section. It took me a while to find them, and I got the lastones they had at our hobby lobby. So if you can't find any let me know and I can send you some of the ones I have. (they are bronze in color) And I was playing around earlier with them, Idon't have the colors I need but I did have some bicones so I was attaching them and making different ones for reference. I think it took me a total of 9 seconds to do 1 stem. VERY SIMPLE!
  12. you can get them on ebay. I saw a few shops that had them. I'm making mine myself. So if you can't find what your looking for that is always an opition
  13. thats adorable! I'm having the same issues, not having my chihuahuas with us. If you don't mind me asking howmuch did she charge for this?
  14. we are giving all the guests activity books and playing cards.
  15. So here is the finished product. All together it cost about $25.00. this was for toys, candy, tissue paper the rest I alreadyhad at the house. Okay. First to make the paste use flour and water. mix it where it is a little runny and add about a tablespoon of elmers glue. rip up news paper then blow up a balloon (I made mini ones so I only blew them up about half way) dip the paper in the paste and spread it on the balloon. put about 2 layers on it then tie a string around it,hang it up and let it dry. **Leave enough of the balloon uncovered so you can fit candy inside. once it dries put the stuff inside and then put a layer of your pasted paper on the uncovered part. let that dry the decorate. I only used tissue paper (folded it up making a flower design) then glued it down you can use anything to decorate it. I really liked the way they turned out,but I am trying to do a million projects at once so they are taking me a while to get them all done. I have about 5 more to go.
  16. I've had the same feeling. I never wanted kids. Never! One day, I wasn'tfeeling good, some friends started to joke around that I was pregnant. (I didn't think that I was, but took a test,just to be on the safe side. When it came upnegative I was heartbroken. This started the baby madness. We tried for a while with no luck.Recently I found out I have a cyst onmy left ovary. We have since become engaged. (I know, I know, we weren't going in the right order.) but I'm kind of confused on what I should do. I can start taking birth control and fix the cyst (also makes most women super fertile.) Our wedding is almost a year away. So do I wait?... go for it now?... And what about the wedding if I do decide to do it now. ahh! we both are ready for a baby, but it seemsbest to wait until after the wedding. Idon't really know. Iunderstand completely aboutlosing sleep due to decor and names andeverything in between.
  17. How I do it is by using E-6000 glue. craft section at walmart or any craft store. I've found this to be the best because once it dries it will never move. pick up crystals with tweezers and dab the bottom into the glue. put it where you want it. The glue dries pretty fast. Best of luck!
  18. I'm sorry you aren'timpressed with your flowers. hopefully they will give you a refund or fix them for you. But in my oppinion,the mums are beautiful the bout wasn't that impressive.
  19. I'm diy-ing my "just married" flip flops I got them from orientaltrading.com for $5.00 and I got some swarovski crystals to put on them at walmart. If you haven't done it before you might want to practice on a cheap pair. I'm doing the barefoot sandals for the wedding and TTD shoot.
  20. Is there any hobby he is really into? for example my FI loves sport bikes (crotchrockets) so I am planning on getting him a new one for a wedding present. if he likes basketball maybe you couldget him tickets to his favorite team or something along those lines
  21. so good to know you are trying to work through your problems. Its gonna take some time and tears but I think it'll be worth itin the end. I wish you two nothing but the best. Good luck with your counsiling and every other thing you will have to work on. Much love!
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