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Everything posted by bnbrmy

  1. Lol no I don't follow college football. Thank you!
  2. here's a cheaper option, get shot glasses at your local store, and if you have a print shop (does car decals and graphics for shirts) they will put whatever you want and you can just stick them on yourself. I got some travel mugs at the dollar store and went and got the decals, they only charges 3.00 for all the decals. (total of 6)
  3. Brand new with tags still attached it is a size 8 but it looks a little big I would say it would fit a 10, and could always be altered to fit smaller. Tangerine orange, long satin dress with an attached sash. Cost 99.00 + tax and like I said tags are still attached, it hasn't even been tried on. We decided to go with something else. selling for 50.00 plus shipping. send me a PM if your interested or want to see pictures. thanks all!
  4. I'm interested in 3 turquoise. Can you put up pics so I can see the shade of turquoise? thanks
  5. OH!!! also I would like the bride and groom luggage tags
  6. if the bikini or pillowcases become available please let me know. Or please tell me where you got the pillowcases. thanks!
  7. I use a glue called E-6000. Its a craft glue and can get it at walmart or any craft store. Once they are on there they do not come off.
  8. I'm changing. I found a little black dress with a draped back, that I couldn't resist.
  9. Well if she would be willing to pay for the flight then I would let her cover that and as originally planned have her in the wedding and if she can't pay the flight then I'd just tell her it is out of the budget and she should just focus on school. As for the other BM since the cabin has to be paid by twos anyway I'm sure your parents wouldn't mind paying, since they couldn't help losing their jobs a little annoying but it has to be covered.
  10. okay newest pet peev of mine... my fiance won't stop saying freedom fries and freedom toast. and &*@# along those lines.. seriously wtf? STOP THAT!!! he drives me nuts
  11. maybe she can get her Yoda to use the force to bring a toyota into her life... O.o
  12. those are my colors too. I picked D but I think it was a tie between C and D for me. However, all choices are nice.
  13. Hey I sent you a PM about one of the conch shells, please let me know. Thanks!
  14. hello. I'm interested in one pack of starfish charms and one of the flip flop playing cards
  15. our photog is costing more than yours did but he said he takes about 500-600 pictures per hour and from some of the reviews I read they got around 300+ pictures. So I would say you got a fair deal.
  16. I was going to get some to put in my OOT bags, but our hotel offers beach towels for the pools and we even ran down to the ocean with them, the staff didn't mind at all. The towels that I fell in love with (they were our colors and had the seahorses that is sort of a theme for our wedding) were 18.00 each. I decided against it because that was more money then I was hoping to spend and more than likely wouldn't even be used.
  17. well I'm not having the exact problem, but my issue is that we are on an almost non-existant budget at this time, due to bills and wedding stuff. We have only invited 5 people. Nobody else has been invited by us. Now since we are only inviting the small amount of people, we are taking them to do a few tourist things, at our cost. Also the price for the meals at the reception is outragious, also at our cost. Now I have people telling me what fun they are going to have when they fly down and I'm like WTF??! I can't afford any more people, I hate to be nasty but I don't have that kind of money, we are paying for 4 fights, the cost of the wedding, attire, and things that we will be doing there, I can't add on any more people. Luckily for me, the people who said that they are going can't really afford to do much of anything, I hate to be mean but I'm hoping they don't show. It kind o pissed me off that they just assumed they were invited and ...I don't know, but I'm like you, I have a feeling this is going to stress me out the closer we get to our wedding date.
  18. hey I'm emailing you now! what I was able to donload will be so helpful and very much needed
  19. I have read of a lot of brides (as well as myself) that have had issues with people not coming and people not wanting them to have a destination wedding. Keep in mind that this is for you and your FI, nobody else. my only family coming is my niece and his only family is his mother and father. There are a lot of family members that can't make it, I promised lots of pictures and left it at that, This is where FI and I have decided from the beginning and we are not going to compromise what we want for anyone. good luck with all your planning
  20. oh wow. I'm in tennessee and thought of using her for some pre-wedding photos. There are some beautiful places in TN to shoot, so I wanted to get some here. Glad I came across this thread. Yo saved me a lot of drama.
  21. This has taken forever! I'm about done, I have to finish up one of the flip flops and I think I'll be about done with the rhinestone portion of my DIYing. I'm going to do a bikini and maybe a yop or something. Just wanted to share what I've done so far. my flip flops. they are the "just married" ones. I paid 5.00 at oriental trading. and done the sparkle myself on the sides I put smoke grey color stones all around them. i liked the way they turned out. **** here is my bag. I also got this at oriental trading, they had a sell on it as well for 5.00 dollars or so. it came as a kit. I liked this the best but the seahorses were a giant pain. ***** my OOT bags. Here is one of them, I got them from another bride on here and done the names. I done this for the girls bags and left the mens bags blank ***** and finally my garter also purchased on this site from a bride. Done the crystals myself and I'm waiting on my seahorse charms to come in so I can finish it.
  22. If this was me and my son, there is no way I would let him go. Anything could happen and who knows if he would be taken care of. It would be a great trip for him, but plenty of people come up missing or dead on these kinds of trips. I would imagine drinking and sex is going to be the main objective for all going, and to name one famous story- Natalie Hollaway...of course him being male he could handle things better than a female might be able to, but males tend to mouth off more and make situations very aggressive. I don't blame you for not wanting him to go, he has his whole life to go site seeing around the world, I think it would be better for him to wait.
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