well I'm not having the exact problem, but my issue is that we are on an almost non-existant budget at this time, due to bills and wedding stuff. We have only invited 5 people. Nobody else has been invited by us. Now since we are only inviting the small amount of people, we are taking them to do a few tourist things, at our cost. Also the price for the meals at the reception is outragious, also at our cost. Now I have people telling me what fun they are going to have when they fly down and I'm like WTF??! I can't afford any more people, I hate to be nasty but I don't have that kind of money, we are paying for 4 fights, the cost of the wedding, attire, and things that we will be doing there, I can't add on any more people. Luckily for me, the people who said that they are going can't really afford to do much of anything, I hate to be mean but I'm hoping they don't show. It kind o pissed me off that they just assumed they were invited and ...I don't know, but I'm like you, I have a feeling this is going to stress me out the closer we get to our wedding date.