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Everything posted by krizstyling

  1. This is kind of amazing. I never thought of it from a males perspective and it makes me feel so selfish! LOL I appreciate you taking the time to post this! Your fiancee is very lucky!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Jennybell1 You are not alone....I joined in August 2009 - we were planning on getting married in Jan 2011 but it just wasnt enough time to save for it all. Now we are planning for Jan 2012 and I dont have a ring either yet. We also bought a house in Dec 2009 and I have a child from a previous marriage so it makes things go a little slower I think. I already have my OOT bags finished along with my Hangover kits and no proposal. I have my wedding dress even! LMAO! HOwever I do know that I will have my ring somewhere between now and the beginning of October. Its only a matter of time for me but it has been an agonizing wait. Every little holiday goes by and you wonder and wait and then a little peice of you feels let down when it doesnt happen - but you cant let it get to you. I have let it all go and I continue to plan but slowly so that I dont ruin too much of it for myslef. This guy is different from the first guy and Ir eally want to marry him, whereas my ex- ummm nope....I thought I was going to be sick in the limo and we arent talking cold feet here - this was cold body - making a bd decision ....so I understand how it feels when you want something so badly and the days keep jugging on by..... Don't worry there are so many of us on here and your time will come...be patient..... THinking of you and all the other ringless ladies on here too!!!! I love your post =) The fact that you have your OOT bags together makes me feel a ton better =) I thought I was going a bit far ahead by just emailing Playa Fiesta for rates and dates available in '12 but seeing that I am not alone in the planning stages (because lets face it, men just DON'T get it) makes me feel a TON better. Wishing Happiness and a proposal SOON to you =)
  3. OH MY!!!!! Am I excited (albeit reluctantly because I too understand the dilemma) to read this post! I have been with my "fiancee" for awhile. I never wanted to get married...I mean we've been together FOREVER. He was always ready to get married, I never was. Wasn't sure I wanted to. It took a lot of "growing up" and realizing it wouldn't be sacrificing my career to get married. Recently (probably a year ago) he asked me if I was ready yet? I realized, I truly was. Since then I have been waiting. He tells me he is going to propose at the perfect time and I need not worry about it because it is going to be a surprise and he knows I ALWAYS find everything out...and he truly wants it to be a surprise! UGH! Long story short, we are going to Mexico (we go every year to Puerto Vallarta) for vacation at the end of May. Of course I have hinted, showing him rings etc (I loveeee black diamond engagement rings) that I wanted to get proposed to on vacation and not in some lame restaurant. I mean, I love this man with all of my heart so truly he could propose to me while we are watching Desperate Housewives (as he only watches because I like the company and he knows it) and I would say yes! I just don't think he gets it! A wedding takes time to plan! ESP a destination wedding. We both agree 2012 would be perfect, but DANGIT!! Can he just propose already? And what if he doesn't propose on vacation? I am probably getting my hopes up because Lord knows he knows I'll expect it then and he wants it to be totally out of the blue but hell, I even expect when I'm in the shower. I am constantly waiting. Sometimes I hate to be this way, always wanting to know a surprise before it happens. Anyway...I just wanted to say...I AM SO GLADDDDDDDDDDD soooooo glad to see I am not alone!
  4. We too are considering using her for our '12 wedding (I know, I'm a bit of a BIG planner). Anyone have ideas on her prices and what's included? I was considering Michelle Turner and a few others, I am still going through the portfolios on their websites.
  5. OKay, your pictures are AMAZING. Some of the best I've seen. I stayed at ASP back in '07 and it is such a beautiful place. You guys look like a LOVELY couple! First, who makes your dress? and secondly, where did you ever find such CUTE bridesmaid gowns? They are absolutely perfect for a beach wedding and I can't seem to find any bright colored yellow dresses!
  6. This was a fantastic review! Thank you SO much in sharing. I am considering having my wedding at LC and was looking at your TTD photos, they are absolutely stunning! Quick question: was it the photographer of LC who you hired to take those shots? They are fabulous =)
  7. I must say this thread has helped me in so many ways I can't even BEGIN to thank you all!
  8. I think that's the best part of having a Destination Wedding. Your closest friends will come and they will also enjoy themselves. A lot of my friends never go away because they are always too busy with work but this is going to force them to take time out and they'll enjoy the week just about as much as me! At least I hope so! Thanks so much for your help! I absolutely love the Velas so I'm REALLY excited. Pleaseee make sure to come back and let me know how it went!
  9. Thank you ladies! Katrese I had to do a double take! Your FI looks exactly like my FI's brother! Haha. Alas upon closer inspection it of course isn't, but they do look similar! Congrats to all of you lovely ladies as well =)
  10. Thanks so much weddinggirl. That bit of info really helped me! I am hoping to get some sort of deal as well for both resorts because I imagine most of our guests will want to stay at Velas Vallarta as Casa Velas is more expensive. We are using FI's mothers RCI Timeshare for our honeymoon stay there which is a life saver.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by weddinggirl72 Some of my guests who aren't staying at Casa Velas Hotel will also be staying at Velas Vallarta. I was able to get deals for both hotels (owned by the same company). Velas should be perfect for my guests who prefer the bigger family style resorts. Also, the Casa Magna Marriott is near by as well. That is exactly what I was looking into! A quick question since you're wedding is coming up and I'm sure you're in the final stages of prep, I know that Casa Velas does not allow children but if you are having a wedding there will they allow you to have two children in the actual reception as the ring bearer and flower girl? Any other info you can give please feel free! I appreciate it and CONGRATULATIONS!!! It's such an exciting time and April seems like the perfect month in PV! We stayed last year at the end of April at Grand Velas (their sister resort) and it was hands down one of our best vacas EVER.
  12. Thank you ladies =) Seems I should be congratulating all of you as well so Congratulations!!!
  13. Thank you all SO much for this review! It was SO HELPFUL!
  14. I heard about this site through a member on TA and am so happy to be here! Our wedding is tentatively scheduled for May 2012 but that MAY change depending on other issues but I figure it's never too early to get started in planning! We DEFINITELY want to have it in Puerto Vallarta and are considering both Grand Velas and Casa Velas (we've stayed at GV before) and also Las Casitas which we've also been to. The only thin gabout Casa Velas is they don't allow children so I'm not sure if they would allow children to walk in my wedding (ala the ring bearer and flower girl).. alright girls and guys! So great to be here!
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