OH MY!!!!! Am I excited (albeit reluctantly because I too understand the dilemma) to read this post!
I have been with my "fiancee" for awhile. I never wanted to get married...I mean we've been together FOREVER. He was always ready to get married, I never was. Wasn't sure I wanted to. It took a lot of "growing up" and realizing it wouldn't be sacrificing my career to get married. Recently (probably a year ago) he asked me if I was ready yet? I realized, I truly was.
Since then I have been waiting. He tells me he is going to propose at the perfect time and I need not worry about it because it is going to be a surprise and he knows I ALWAYS find everything out...and he truly wants it to be a surprise! UGH!
Long story short, we are going to Mexico (we go every year to Puerto Vallarta) for vacation at the end of May. Of course I have hinted, showing him rings etc (I loveeee black diamond engagement rings) that I wanted to get proposed to on vacation and not in some lame restaurant. I mean, I love this man with all of my heart so truly he could propose to me while we are watching Desperate Housewives (as he only watches because I like the company and he knows it) and I would say yes!
I just don't think he gets it! A wedding takes time to plan! ESP a destination wedding. We both agree 2012 would be perfect, but DANGIT!! Can he just propose already? And what if he doesn't propose on vacation? I am probably getting my hopes up because Lord knows he knows I'll expect it then and he wants it to be totally out of the blue but hell, I even expect when I'm in the shower. I am constantly waiting. Sometimes I hate to be this way, always wanting to know a surprise before it happens.
Anyway...I just wanted to say...I AM SO GLADDDDDDDDDDD soooooo glad to see I am not alone!