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Everything posted by Loveisintheair

  1. Kerrij... I am so happy everything is working out!!! We leave March 3rd. I am soooooooooooo ready. I starting going through my own summer clothes and bought a few things as well. I pick up my dress on the 2nd and get my hair done. Since Fi works Friday...Friday night I am going to pack everything for both of us. Saturday is relax day..going to get a massage and a pdei and mani. Still need to do music and finish up our vows and let FI read them to make sure he is okay with them. I do plan on posting a planning thread as well. Everyone has helped me out so much that I feel I owe one. But we will see because my dreams of grandeur get smaller as time flies by. I had some handkersheifs made and waiting for them. Last project is card for the key holder. Oh and FI suit looks perfecto on him. He looks so handsome! I am just the most blessed women to have him. :-)))) And I had two more people book today..happy because I needed 10 rooms for the free wedding and only had nine but now I need to send them pre-wedding packet and make enough stuff for them as well. Only planned for 16 guest now I have 18 guests. The more the merrier!
  2. I saw all of them and they were all beautiful colors!!! I was amazed at such wonderful schemes many of the ladies have put together. I think everyone will love them. The quality is pretty good. Feel really soft.
  3. We are going to wait. I am not ready to go from wedding planning to baby planning. But who knows! Definitely after a year of marriage.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by march132010 YAY for perfect fitting suits, can't wait to see the pictures... glad you got some good news today Thanks! I needed that news!
  5. I am sorry Tammy. It was not intentional and would not want to infringe on anyones time. I appreciate all the great info on the site. She had been so helpful in the past when replying in post. I really trully do apologize to all of you.
  6. 1. Where is your cell phone? desk 2. Your significant other? Dreamy 3. Your hair? plain 4. Your mother? nutiruing 5. Your father? manly 6. Your favorite thing? sex 7. Your dream last night? uhhh?? 8. Your favorite drink? mil 9. Your dream/goal? entrpreneur 10. The room you're in? boring 11. Your ex? scary 12. Your fear? divorce 13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? rich 14. Where were you last night? bed 15. What you're not? sad 16. Muffins? nope 17. One of your wish list items? money 18. Where you grew up? lively 19. The last thing you did? talked 20. What are you wearing? clothes 21. Your TV? old 22. Your pets? none 23. Your computer? work 24. Your life? wonderful 25. Your mood? frustrated 26. Missing someone? yes 27. Your vehicle? dirty 28. something your not wearing? watch 29. Favorite Store? Marshalls 30. Your summer? fun 31. Like someone? yes 32. favorite color? purple 33. When is the last time you laughed? Sunday past 34. Last time you cried? Sunday past
  7. Welcome Courtney!!! Enjoy! This is a great site!
  8. Thanks for the review!!! get married in just a few days there. Thanks for aying that even though not perfect it was perfect!
  9. FI called and told me the suits made it..and it fits him perfect! So excited. Cannot wait to get home to see him in it. I promise to get a pic and post because you all have been wonderful.
  10. I completely understand and actually just read your siggy. Spend so much time here, that it didn't cross my mind. Thanks for the info!
  11. Mee too Rebecca! You are day before me...so close!!!
  12. I didn't think to ask. I spend so much time exchanging info with in the forum this has become my info spot. Sorry if it is a problem :-(
  13. This is a vent for sure.. I had my TA charge my card for one person and asked her to charge another person for their balance. My card was charged for both. Now, there card is denied and I am being told they can't remove my charges until they pay because the paper work has been issued. Oh no!!!! My account is close to being messed up if those remove those charges. It is not my fault that my card was charged for both mistakenly. So frustrated right now!!!
  14. Does anyone know how far Riu Ocho Rios if from Sandals Dunns River Village Resort? We are staying at both and wondering about the distance.
  15. They have been shipped for everyone I had an address. I PM'd the two who I don't have an address. WOOHOO!!!!
  16. Congrats!!! YOu look so beautiful...I can only imagine your unoffical official wedding day. What made you decide to get maaried in adavance? We thought about it as well.
  17. E-mail that suits have been shipped. Thank God!!!! We should get them Monday morning. I will try to convince FI to take a pic so I can post.
  18. The suits will be in Monday.. God is so good. All of my stressing for nothing now they just need to fit! My FI wanted me to order a smaller size than I was measuring on his waist luckily we didn't because then he realized that his clothes were a bigger size. Finished my tropical treat bags. Got the pashmina order! They are beautiful! Going get make-up trial tonight. Oh the workouts have been a beast. My body hurts :-( Baj..I wish I didn't have anything else to do. But I am finishing this weekend so I can relax next weekend. Got a massage gift card at bridal shower so I will use that next weekend. THanks for reading my rants..no family by me so this is my outlet.
  19. Woohoo!!! One box of the order came in last night. UPS forgot the other box at the warehouse and would be shipped today. Just imagine my panic as I verifying our order and a lot was missing. Joseph was very responsive and informed of the issue. I will verify it tonight and ship it tomorrow. I will be using your paypal address unless you indicate a different address.
  20. I agree with the other ladies as well that it is probably just a moment and he will be loving on you tonight :-) But also take some time and reflect to see if you can think of your own examples that he may see as selfish. Marriage is a selfless act. I promise I only speak this because I went through it with my FI. He would tell me I was selfish but I thought he was selfish. But when I thought about it and reflected..I was a little bit selfish and still am in many ways. Once I realized it I was able to change it up some. All that to say most of the time its nothing but miss an opportunity to make your relationship better.
  21. Keerij..How did your alterations work out? Baj.. CONGRATS on the suit!!! I have stressed this company so much about FI's suit and my dad that I know they are ready to ship our order :-) They said they will try to have it out before Saturday and should be here 3 days after that!! I am so happy. I need to find a new veil. Also I founs something blue. My theme is starfish..so I found a blue swavorski(probably misspelled) crystal starfish brooch. I will pin on the bouquet somewhere. Baj.. you are the first to get married...I am so excited for you!!! It is surreal we are all so close.
  22. Vday... OMG!!! You are a trooper. I am happy your day turned out to be everything you dreamed of and then some.
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