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Everything posted by Cindy*

  1. We have 56 guests coming to our wedding. Because of the shear # of people this is what we are doing. All of our family and wedding party, we are going to give them the bags just before we leave as a preparing for the trip/things you will need in Cabo gift. For everyone else, we are bringing the pieces down to Cabo and then assembling the bags there. As we are all flying in together and getting there early in the day, we will give them to everyone else at dinner the night we arrive as a welcome to Cabo/things you may need while here gift. Originally, we were going to take them all with us, but it is just too much to carry so this works best for us.
  2. platform shoes : "yaeh, baby" (in an austin powers voice)
  3. like  fruit in your salad?
  4. get in shape : something I desperately need to do before my wedding
  5. No problem, I have sensitive teeth and I find the straw thing makes a difference with things that are really cold or acidic. Â
  6. Hey ladies, I've never used the apple cidar vinegar but no I'm thinking of trying it. If you are worried about tooth enamel, then I would suggest drinkning it with a straw to minimize any contact with your teeth.
  7. At the very top of the screen on the right hand side. Sometimes it changes to other ads but if you are looking, for instance, at the all new posts screen, it is always there for me. You should be able to find it, good luck.
  8. Glad you guys all seemed to work it out. And glad to hear that non of the lawyers charged you. Personally I have never charged anyone to notarize something. Why bother, it takes like 2 minutes of my time. Glad to see others don't charge either.
  9. Okay, my scale pic and weight are in. J is away so no before pic yet. However, I am in the non-competing category as I leave for my wedding in 7 weeks! So hopefully I can do a lot in the next 7 weeks.
  10. Our song is When You Say Nothing at All by Alison Kraus
  11. Like - especially the soft ones with the salt on them, yummy  Diet pepsi
  12. Yes, I would but I would be smart about it and take any necessary precautions. Â Would you ever move to another country for your spouse?
  13. IMO they are worth it. The supplies are fairly inexpensive and I think they will be very useful. Though Nsblum raised a great point about checking whether your hotel has key cards or actualy keys. Though I think they are still useful for tip $ and ccs even if your rooms do not use key cards.
  14. Janine - your key card inserts turned out great. Sorry to hear you can't use them but I'm sure some other lucky T&C bride will be happy to have them.
  15. Right now we have 56 people booked for our wedding.
  16. My wedding is in Los Cabos, not RM but our DJ is charging $200/hr so we are paying $900 for him to DJ our 4 1/2 hr reception. He is quite a popular DJ in Los Cabos so I imagine that is around the average price in that area at least. Hope that helps.
  17. There are notary services, I think Red Seal is one here in Ontario, no idea how much they charge. If you know anyone at a law firm, most lawyers are also notaries so if you know one, they likely will do it for you for free. Â Quote: Originally Posted by mrs*j*2011 It's probably different in Canada than it is in the States (I live in NY) but I didn't pay anything to have copies of our birth certificates notarized. I just went to my bank and they did it for free. That is different. Here to get something notarized, it must be done by a notary public and you definitely couldn't get that done at the bank unless they had a notary there but they would definitely charge you for it. Â
  18. We picked a Thursday for a couple reasons. 1. most people are going for a week so we figured travelling from the weekend to the weekend mean they only take one week off work and is more conveinent. 2. The charter packages from Toronto have travel from Saturday to Saturday. 3. We wanted it close to a weekend so that if people only wanted to come for a few days they didn't need to take too much time off work. 4. We are travelling Saturday to Saturday and we didn't want the wedding to be the day before we fly out. 5, I wanted several days before hand so I could meet with the wedding coordinator, do a hair trial, etc. and not feel rushed. Overall, I think it worked out well. I guess it also helped that we were really flexible about the actual date of our wedding as we didn't want a particular date i.e. 10-10-10 or something like that.
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