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Everything posted by Cindy*

  1. For anyone in the Toronto area, TeamBuy has a great deal for a canvas wrap print. Regular $203, TeamBuy price is $65 and it includes photo retouching if necessary and shipping so you don't actually have to go into the store at all. TeamBuy is similar to Groupon so you only have today to buy the coupon. Â http://www.teambuy.ca/index.php Â
  2. Oh my gosh Wendy. I am so glad to hear he is doing okay. That must have been so painful, your poor FI.
  3. That should have said: Â Fatty thighs : me (sigh) Â I miss the edit button
  4. So this arrived this week. Unfortunately, the size I got ended up being too big. However, they will exchange them so I have sent it back and am waiting for my new one. Overall, I've been pretty impressed so far. It took less than a week for them to arrive the first time and I have had no hassles about sending them back for an exchange. When I tried it on, it didn't fit obviously but I certainly got an idea of how it will look once I get the proper size. I am quite excited about it and can't wait till i get my new one.
  5. Your pictures are amazing. Looks like you had a great wedding and a fabulous trip. Congratulations!
  6. Yeah, pace bunny rocks! I would love to do a full marathon one day but I know for that I do need to actually train, no way to wing that. I seriously trained for one in University. I did one of those 4 month training plans, my long run was up to 33 kms and then I got tendonitis in my ankle and had to stop running completely for several months and since them, I've just never done serious training. I think a marathon will be my goal for next year. Â BTW Nikki, your avatar always makes me smile. I love runningskirts.
  7. Hey, I just noticed this thread. I do at least 1 or 2 halfs and a bunch of 10 ks every year. This year its only 1 1/2 because with all the wedding stuff, I just haven't been able to make any of the dates for the others. Mine is coming up in 3 weeks. I am the worst role model, I do not train for them. I just do my regular running and some 10ks races and then go run the 1/2. I've been running since elementary school so fortunately, even when I don't train, my body still remembers. Oh and thank god for the pace bunny. I find the 2:15 bunny and just follow him or her. I know if I trained, I would do so much better. And of course, when I do actually train then I don't have to spend the entire day after the run knocked on my a$$. Good luck to everyone who has a race coming up soon.
  8. Not sure where you are in Ontario but if you are in Toronto, both Ritchie and Best for Bride have this dress. It comes in both the back in the picture and a full zipper back. I got the one with the full zipper back for me to wear as my rehearsal dress. Its a Jasmine - Belsoie dress so lots of bridal stores in Ontario should have it. Even if they don't have that dress in store, if they carry the Jasmine line, they can order it for you. Â
  9. Great pics, you guys look really cute. I love that purple top you are wearting in the last ones, gorgeous.
  10. 1 hour of dance lessons - practising our wedding dance.
  11. Yeah, the one hour thing was great because I always only catch spelling mistakes after I post. We had it in the new forum until last week so there must be some reason why they removed it. Hopefully, it will come back.
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