My fiance and I tried this several months ago because it was on special at Costco. We got the favourites package (Canadian one). I lost about 6 lbs and he lost about 8 lbs in about 3 weeks. That was all we could take of the food. Personally I just could not stomach most of it. I have had the remainder sitting in my pantry for months. I thought about donating it to the food bank but thought that would be cruel. Now that I'm engaged I may try it again but my stomach is already turning at the thought. I think the best thing about the diet was that it really put portion control into perspective. The worst, besides the food, was that there were so many add on foods you had to buy and prepare that it is easier in my opinion to just buy your own food but be sensible and watch your portions. Anyways, I hope it works for all of you beautiful brides who are brave enough to try it!