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Everything posted by Cindy*

  1. Hmm, I can't remember her user name but there is a bride on here named Jess who, if I remember correctly, was originally booked at Dreams Los Cabos but they filled up and I believe she said they moved them to Zoetry. I believe in the thread that it was discussed in, Tammy (host) said Zoetry was amazing. Maybe try doing a search for Zoetry and that thread might come up. Hope that helps.
  2. Diane, I believe today is the day you are picking up your dress. Good luck, I hope it is exactly what you wanted. I have no doubt you will look amazing in it at your wedding next week.
  3. I agree, she was likely never a true friend to begin with and you are likely better off without her. The fact that you are able to let it go so easily also suggests that she was never that great a friend or you would probably be a lot more upset. I would focus on your true friends, the ones that are there for you and sharing in your joy and not give her another thought.
  4. Oh my, I am so glad that weigh in day is a week away. FI's friends were in town and we went out for a huge dinner. Like I could barely move and am still stuffed even now. I have a lot of exercise to do this week!
  5. I will take all of them. Blue is my preference but I will take any colour. I will pm you. Thanks!
  6. I love this dress too. There is also a very similar one in the blue/green colour in the Jasmine Belsoie line that I really wanted my girls to wear but none of them wanted to wear strapless and I didn't want to make them wear something they weren't comfortable in. I am tempted to get the Jasmine one for me to wear at the welcome or rehersal dinner.
  7. Chipotle99, I agree completely. Before I met FI, I went to the gym every night without fail and ran all the time. But, slowly I started giving up gym time so we had date time and now 3 years later, I am fifteen pounds heavier. The funny thing is, though I knew we both put on weight, I didn't really realize the change in our bodies till I looked at pictures of us from a beach vacation early in our relationship and went eek, what happened to us. So glad you are all here to support us, and since we are doing it together, FI and I will hopefully be more motivated and support each other.
  8. Congrats, I hope it was everything you were dreaming of.
  9. We are sending out luggage tags before the trip amd doing OOT bags for guests when they arrive. At the reception, we will have pashminas for the women and a cigar roller to make cigars for the men. The cigar roller is so expensive I wanted to scrape it but FI was so excited when I told him about it and keeps talking about it so I think the expense will be worth it.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by butterfly4kathy2 Thanks! I actually got it as a "practice" hair piece because I am getting some real orchids for my hair at the wedding. I got it for like... $4 at Claires lol Wow, that's an amazing find. Your hair looks great.
  11. Your pictures are beautiful! You both look great. Hey, I think I might have the same jacket, is it from JCrew?
  12. Maidenform also has a really good shaping line and it is about half the cost of spanx. I use their shapers and really like them.
  13. We picked up the Costco ones as well. I am pretty happy with them and you can't beat the price.
  14. I am also very busty and thought for sure I'd need a bra underneath but shockingly, I am okay with nothing. THe dress I love has hooks in the back underneath the zipper which act as a built in bra and give me enough lift and support. I still need to do a dance test, but it looks like I am fine with nothing. I guess it depends on your dress.
  15. I considered using them but they took over 2 weeks to get back to me with a quote, by then I had already gotten a really good group rate with someone else.
  16. Preferrably in the blue colour but I will take any colour at this point. I have 40 of them but that is not enough for my guests and I have checked all of the Michael's in my area and none of the stores have any left. If anyone has any that they are willing to sell, please pm me. I will happily pay to buy them and pay the shipping costs. Thanks!
  17. Hi Ladies, FI and I are just starting P90X. We did the fit test and took all our measurements, body fat, weight, pictures, etc. yesterday. Tonight we are doing all the grocery shopping so we are ready for the food portion and then starting the exercise and food program tomorrow as it said to take a day off after the fit test before starting. Wish us luck. My goal is to lose 15 lbs to go back to the weight I was when I met FI and to get fit and toned so I look good on the beach for our wedding in October. FI's goal is to lose about 15 lbs and drop his body fat so that he goes back to where he was when we first started dating as well. I am very happy to see their is a support group for this on here.
  18. We are getting married on a Thursday. I picked Thursday because almost everyone is travelling Saturday to Saturday so this way guests have a full day to rest and recuperate before they have to travel home.
  19. Wow, that is terrible. I hope it all works out for you. I am so glad that you have a back up plan. Good luck!!
  20. Great find. I was so sad when the coach outlets stopped selling collars and leashes because I wanted to get our puppy coach ones to match our other dog's leash and collar but these are a good alternative. I wonder if she makes matching leashes.
  21. Wear whatever you like and are comfortable in. I am wearing 4 inch Louboutins but then I am a crazy shoeaholic and feel my wedding is the only time I can justify spending that much money on a pair of shoes. My feet may hurt but it will totally be worth it as far as I am concerned.
  22. Sounds like you had a great wedding, congratulations!
  23. Are you able to track how many people view it. We are able to see how many people are logging on. It could be that a lot of people have seen it and liked it but just haven't said anything to you. We didn't hear a lot of comments at first, but then a lot of people would tell us how much they liked our engagement story, etc. so clearly they had been to the website. Also, we were quite surprised at how many people, even though we specifically directed them to the website on the save the date, didn't seem to be aware of it. Especially our parent's generation, we had to send them emails with the link in it. Don't get discouraged, I'm sure a lot of people love your website and will let you know soon.
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