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Everything posted by Cindy*

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Crista-Lee~ I missed out! We went to 3 different Michaels in upstate NY this past weekend... we didn't find a thing. We've been checking the Canadian stores and I'm not sure we get the same stock. I'll have to keep my eyes peeled! Lol, I dragged FI to those same 3 Michael's last weekend and 5 Targets. No luggage tags, no Spanish for Dummies but got some good first aid kits and aloe for the OOT bags.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Boo Can I get your ladies opinion, for dresses my front runner is Mathia by Lea Ann Belter, a Canadian designer Lea Ann Belter Bridal - Niagara Collection - Mathia - its quite pricey but def. within the range still The Mathia dress was the first one I liked, but because we were rushed that day, didnt decide then and there, I kept doing a couple more trips, covered 7 or 8 stores, all that I was going to do, and then I grabbed the gang and we went back, its been a couple of weeks so the second time I think the dressed stretched and it has buttons and half the buttons were missing, but I wasnt as wowed of my body in it. Anyhow to know that I checked everything else there, I did ask the sales girl, who is fantastic! to make some other pulls, and as I have tried dresses before that werent in my price range I didnt limit her to price (my own fault) I put this one Romona Keveza Wedding Dresses - Wedding Dresses from Spring 2010 | Brides.com Its a Romona Keveza – Spring 2010, same dress but no embellishment belt, its allot more dress, but it just came in and looked prestene and some of the ladies liked it better - do some of you think its too much dress? its so not in my budget either, but I want to make sure I am making a decision for the dress first, then worry about money as dumb as it sounds. Thanks for all your input!! I think the Lea Ann Belter is gorgeous!! Don't let the condition of the sample discourage you.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by bahiabride2010 WOO HOO! So where to meet up is the question...anyone have a favourite place? Where are people coming from? I will be coming from either Downtown or the beach, but I drive so I am flexible on location.
  4. I think it is good that you wrote your review. I think that is the point, that brides post their experiences good or bad so that other brides can be aware of your experience and take it into consideration when planning. I know that reviews on this site helped me a lot in ultimately choosing my location. If a bride had a bad experience at my resort, I would definitely want to know about it so that I could try to avoid or come up with solutions for whatever the problem was before I got there. Realistically every resort will have someone who has a bad experience and someone who had a good experience. The more info we can share with other brides on this site, the better.
  5. Thank you Jo&delo2010. I really appreciate it.
  6. I agree with the other posters. Also, I don't think this would give you lasting weight lose. You might even gain all the weight back before your wedding date which would completely defeat the purpose of putting yourself through this torture.
  7. I am going to be a Mikaella bride as well. I haven't ordered it yet but I tried on Mikaella #1406 and I love love love it. It is exactly what I was looking for. I will be going back to order it next week when FI's mom can come up (she really wants to be part of the shopping process but is out of town). I will take pictures when I order it and post them. I tried on several Mikaella/Paloma Blanca dresses and fell in love with them. The material and the fit was so nice on them. But this dress was exactly what I wanted. I am so excited.
  8. I will not be able to make the 9th because its Fi's birthday. Hopefully, I can make the next one.
  9. That is so sweet. Your FI is a keeper and you certainly have wonderful family and friends.
  10. I am keeping my maiden name professionally. I have built up a reputation and am kown professionally by my maiden name and I don't want to give that up. FI knows that and is okay with it but really wants me to take his name otherwise. I am really struggling with changing it legally to Fi's name. I said that I would but the idea of giving up my maiden name is hard for me. My maiden name is so unique and, well, its mine. The main reason for me to change it is because I want to have the same name as our children. So I guess I will either hypenate (which really doesn't sound great) or change it to Fi's on paper. Professionally though, definitely no change.
  11. Congrats and welcome to the forum. Happy planning!
  12. Okay, I'm no expert, just someone who has owned a lot of dogs. Here are my thoughts. If he is peeing in his crate, its possible the crate is too big for him. Generally the crate should have enough room for him to be comfortable but not enough that he can go pee in the corner and then be just fine over in his end. A smaller crate generally prevents them from peeing because they don't want to sit in it. Maybe it could be the change in his routine such as not going for his usual walks. Dogs are like kids, they love routine and get thrown off when you change it up. Also, he is still a puppy. There is a chance he is doing it just because he is forgetting to go when he's outside. Finally, could he be marking his territory. We have a puppy and are having a real issue with him peeing on our bed. We know he is doing it to try to mark the bed as his territory (we have 2 dogs). It is very frustrating but we are doing our best to train him out of it.
  13. FI will be wearing a tan suit, shirt and tie for our wedding. I am still debating on the groomsmen. I think I will relent and let them wear a nice light shirt and dress khakis. My preference would be for them to be in suits too but I just don't thik they'd be comfortable. FI and I wear suits to work everyday, including the summer, so we're used to it. I'm having a hard time envisioning my wedding having people dress more casual for my wedding than I dress on a daily basis, but at the end of the day, its such a little thing and I want people to be comfortable so I think I will just let it go.
  14. The funny thing is when I met them in January at one of the bridal shows, they took a really long time to get back to me with a quote. I ended up booking with someone else but now they've called me and emailed me a bunch. I guess they just need to better manage their busy times.
  15. I would go with the DIY. Your bms holding white flowers would look really pretty against the dark purple dresses.
  16. Natasha, what about posting who had the most loss this week so we can still congratulate that person. I know every little bit of encouragement helps.
  17. The dress looks fatastic on you. Who is the designer?
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