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Everything posted by Cindy*

  1. avong1228, did you send save the dates? If so, you are fine. People obviously know about your wedding as you have so many people booked. We are just ordering our invites now and they won't be in for 4-6 weeks, so ours will not go out until almost June as well. I am not really concerned about it. The invites for us are really just a formality as after the save the dates, pretty much everyone who is planning to come has already booked. However, the save the date said formal invite to follow so I feel compelled to send them out, plus I know the parents want them as keepsakes.
  2. I understand your dilemma. My FI and I originally wanted Bahamas or Turks and Caicos for our wedding. However we couldn't find a decent resort for a price that was affordable for our guests. Also, as many of our family and friends have children, we needed to ensure that the resort was family friendly. In the end we decided to change our destination altogether so that we could get both an amazing resort but at a price our guests could afford. In the end, I am very happy with our decision as we have over 50 guests who have already booked for our wedding. Sharing our wedding with our family and friends was really important to us. We will also still get to go to the resort in the Bahamas that we wanted originally, however, it will be for our honeymoon instead of our wedding. I see you are at Zoetry which is amazing. Have you considered Dreams. They are related properties but Dreams is less expensive. Maybe that might be an option. Or maybe because they are related, you could ask whether there would be any break in the costs if guests stayed there (i.e. maybe they could waive the guest pass). It never hurts to ask. If you do keep your wedding as planned, hopefully the fact that people have more than a year of notice will make it easier for them to be able to come to the wedding as they have more time to save. Good luck with whatever you decide.
  3. I am sorry to hear that you are having problems with the resort. I agree with the other ladies above. I would contact Tammy to assist you in arranging your travel/accommodation packages. I have found that a ta can get you a better rate than the resort will offer you. I am also having my wedding at Dreams Los Cabos and have had good experiences to date. I used a canadian ta to arrange a group package for all of my canadian guests and Tammy for my american guests. The wc at the resort I am dealing with is Yarai and she has been great to deal with. Sometimes it takes a week or so to get a response, but she always responds and has been very helpful to date. Good luck.
  4. I think the dress looks lovely. But you should be comfortable and happy with your dress as it is your wedding day. Could you try the dress again maybe all done up (hair, shoes, etc.) If you are still not happy than you could look for another dress. However, with only a month to go, you would have to buy off the rack for a new dress. Also you may still need alterations even if you buy off the rack so keep that in mind time wise. Good luck. Either way, I am sure you will be stunning on your wedding day.
  5. Lindsay, I just saw that on her blog. Can you let me know what the quote is. I was going to ask her about that too. Thanks.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by bikegirl *Cindy, I'm going with Click!! YAY!! Congrats Lindsay. I think you will be very happy with your choice.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by DWbridetobe Mine is almost here. Just another month and I can pick it up! I'm getting excited. Here it is! Brandi, I love your dress. Can you tell me who makes it. Thanks.
  8. Good luck on Thursday. It sounds like you will be a candidate. Realistically, most people are. They can pretty much deal with any challenge these days. Keep us posted how it goes on Thursday. I am excited for you!
  9. bikegirl, I think everyone is just following their own plan. I am simply trying to watch what I eat and exercise regularly. Actually, I am just trying to go back to my habits from before I started dating FI, funny enough.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Oryx The Herzig Eye Institute is on the more expensive side in Toronto... they quoted me $4700 for both eyes. Wow, it sounds like the surgery has really dropped in price. I paid $5400 at Bochner in December 2006. I don't remember the exact price quote I got from Herzig but it was somewhere around $6200 - $6300 at the time. Carly, good luck with your consult. If you are a candidate and you decide to get the surgery, you will not regret it. I don't miss my contacts or glasses one bit. No more dry red eyes from contacts, no more accidently ripping a contact or knocking it out. No more glasses getting foggy in the rain or cold. No more knocking my glasses off the night stand and having to crawl around looking for them. And best of all, I can open my eyes under the water, yeah.
  11. I like the Jasmine dress, but not being able to try it on is hard because you don't know how it will look on you. Is there another store that would have a sample in your size. If so, I would try it on. If you love it on you, then it sounds like that is the dress as you said you keep going back to it. Either way I'm sure you will be a beautiful bride.
  12. Mere, not sure if this helps but what I usually do is turn my bb onto camera, set it down, weigh myself and once the number is "frozen" on the screen, I grab my bb and take the picture. Don't know if I explained that right, but once my scale tells you your weight, the number will stay on the screen for several seconds so I take the picture then.
  13. Wow, great teasers. You ladies are beautiful!
  14. Ladies who are going to tonight's meet up, have fun. I am off with Fi for his birthday dinner and then folks are coming over to our house for drinks. See those of you that will be there on the 23rd in two weeks.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by meldal101010 Just wondering how long it took for any of your Paloma Blancas to come in. I oredered mine at the beginning of February & she said it takes anywhere from 6-8 months...I'm hoping its closer to the 6 because my wedding is only 6 months away. I'm just alittle nervous it will take the whole 8 months & I won't get it on time. I'm probably just alittle paranoid lol Thanks Meldal101010, the store you ordered from should be able to tell you exactly when they expect it in. When I ordered mine on Tuesday, they have a chart that they checked and were able to tell me exactly when they expect it in. Mine will be in by July. I am also getting married in October so yours should be in with plenty of time before your wedding.
  16. So I ordered my dress on Tuesday - Mikaella 1406. I love it. I was all in a panick that I was ordering too late because my wedding is less than 7 months away. Turns out the designer is here in Toronto so my dress will be in by July. Yeah, plenty of time to have it altered before my wedding. I love my dress. I am waiting for my FMIL to send me the pics from Tuesday. When I get them, I will post them so you can see my beautiful dress.
  17. I see I am very late on this, but if the lanterns aren't sold, I'll take them. Sending you a pm.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by sungoddess_08 Do I just need to send a pic of myself and the scale? Yes, to start you send a picture of yourself and the scale showing your starting weight. Then after that you send in a picture of the scale showing your weight each week. I am so excited about starting season 9. My dress comes in in July and I am hoping that it will be swimming on me.
  19. Congratulations and have a great wedding! Your post about your FI made me lol. FI always leaves it to me to pack all his clothes whenever we go away. Sometimes I am annoyed about it but at least I always know he will have what he needs.
  20. Some exciting news I thought you ladies would appreciate. I went to order my wedding dress yesterday. I had tried it on a few weeks ago. Well, when I tried it on the first time, the sample dress fit perfectly. When I went yesterday, she had to use the clips because the samply dress was too big. So even though I only lost 4 lbs on season 8, it already meant ordering my dress one size smaller. Yippee.
  21. I love your dress. Can you tell me where its from. Thanks.
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