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Everything posted by Cindy*

  1. Karen, I love that dress. So pretty. Well my mom has bought 5 dresses and hasn't decided which one she is going to wear for the wedding yet, lol.
  2. Carly that is fantastic! Congratulations!! Trust me, you are going to love having no glasses. In fact, soon you will hardly even remember that you wore them. I'm so happy for you. Lasik was seriously the best thing I ever did (oops other than meeting J of course)!
  3. #1 is much more flattering to your shape, I would go with #1. Both are beautiful though and you will look fabulous in either one.
  4. Hi and welcome to the forum! I am also an October 2010 Cabo bride. Happy planning!
  5. Congratulations and welcome to the forum.
  6. Congratulations and welcome to the Forum. I am also a Dreams Los Cabos bride so I will be looking forward to your review.
  7. Your wedding sounds wonderful and your photos are absolutely stunning!
  8. Beautiful photos. I really like all your different backgrounds, so unique.
  9. I really like the limes but I'm not quite sure this arrangement works. I like Rachel's ideas of adding ribbon and I like the idea of the limes with flowers or the peacock feathers with blue and green stones on the vase. What if you had the limes and peacock feathers separate. Like maybe some tables will have limes and flowers and the others will have peacock feathers and coloured stones. Sorry, I am so terrible to being creative or diy so I guess I'm not a lot of help. Anyways, if this helps, here are a couple cool peacock ideas I've seen. I really love where they put the peacock feather in the napkin.
  10. Everything looks and sounds fantastic. You were a beautiful bride!
  11. I LOVE #1. I think it looks beautiful on you and the light and flowy material is perfect for a DW.
  12. I love halter tankinis. Girls are front and centre and my sad excuse for a tummy is covered! T needs to lighten up, its okay for people to oogle his wifey. He should be happy that people want what he's got and afterall, he knows you're going home with him.
  13. For all our single invitees, we have purposely told them that they can bring a guest. I figure if they are coming all this way to our wedding, I can pay for an extra plate so that they are not by themselves. Besides, the single rate for travel is so much more expensive, I knew a lot of people were more likely to come if they could bring a friend. As it turns out, only one of our single friends is bringing someone. The rest are coming on their own as they know they will have plenty of friends there and have arranged room sharing with each other, etc. As far as friends of friends who we haven't invited. I wouldn't mind them coming and staying at the resort during our wedding week but I certainly wouldn't include them in the wedding festivities.
  14. Copngratulations and welcome to the forum. Happy planning.
  15. Okay, here is the only swimsuit advice I have. Go for a suit without the skirt. A trick I learned about swimsuits is that a higher cut leg will actually elogate your legs and make you look slimmer. A boy short or a skirtsuit cuts you off in the top of the thigh and makes your legs look shorter and heavier. Oh and how to wear such a suit and not worry about the whole world seeing, in my case at least, your pale jello legs - alcohol. Oh a low cut suit will also help. Show off the girls and noone will be looking at your legs.
  16. Jenn, I agree. That is creepy.
  17. Heather - yes its a canadian chocolate bar. Filled with peanut buttery caramel chocolate goodness. Come to one of our meet ups and I will bring you one. And a coffee crisp for Cougs of course.
  18. "pop" was my code word for alcoholic bevies. And it is POP, not soda. You ask for soda and in my books you want club soda.
  19. Every single year for birthday or Christmas, my FMIL gives me the same thing - $100. So this year, 3 months before the wedding, when we really need the cash, she gives me some sticky roller broom thingy that you can wash and reuse and $75. When I opened it, everyone was looking all confused and kept asking me did you ask for that?? Um, no, I guess my FMIL is trying to tell me my house isn't clean enough. I suppose its the thought that counts but I just can't figure out what the thought was.
  20. Well, the pictures appear to suggest that I had a few "pops". I need motivation too. You'd think a wedding in 3 months would be motivation but sadly not for me. If only I could lose weight by thinking about it, I'd be a twig, lol. Please note as I am typing this I am eating a wunderbar. I so fail.
  21. Absolutely disgusting. There is no excuse for this.
  22. clgriffi7 you can get the travel size aloe at Target
  23. That's how I know you're so smokin' hot Cougs!
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