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Everything posted by Cindy*

  1. Wow, I have never seen anything like that before. I'm a 34FF/32G dep. on the bra so I understand your problem perfectly. If you order this and it works for you, please let me know. They are exactly what I would need for my TTD.
  2. CJ - you look gorgeous in your dress! Great choice!! Knacarato - I have 15 lbs that I will happily give you! Free of charge, I'll even pay shipping, lol. Man I wish it worked that way. I have never in my life tried to gain weight but I do have one tip because my university roommate was super skinny and was always trying to gain weight -muscle weight, not fat obviously. He would take these weight gainer shakes that you can get at any health store like GNC. They are specifically designed to help people who want to gain weight in a healthy way. Maybe you could check them out, maybe they would be an option for you. I don't remember the name of it but a health store should know what you are talking about. Also maybe try eating things like nuts, salmon, avacado and full fat yoghurt. Things that are high calorie/high fat but good fats.
  3. TRose - I love your dresses. I really wanted my bms in something like this but none of them liked it so I let them pick what they liked. Gorgeous dress, your girls will look beautiful!
  4. monogamous : penguins (they mate for life)
  5. Love, love, love - the higher the better Crocs
  6. I love #2. It is beautiful! This is your TTD, why not have something fun that will stand out. Good luck with your choice!
  7. Oh and off topic but your dress is gorgeous! Are you wearing that veil? The veil is amazing.
  8. I am no help because I really like both. That is the same esty seller I am planning to order my flower from, great choice!
  9. Wow, your dress is stunning and you are Gorgeous in it!! Congratulations on finding your dress.
  10. Yay CJ!! Please post a picture..or at least tell us which dress it is. We need details!!
  11. If you do a search, there is already a thread on this that should give you lots of ideas. Actually, maybe one of the mods could merge this with that one. I am actually not country at all but am using a country song for my father-daughter dance - I loved her first by Heartland. The song was recommended to me by some other brides on here and I love the lyrics. I sent it to my dad and he thought it was perfect.
  12. I can't refer him yet as my wedding is not until October but I am using Dino Gomez and I am pretty excited about it. He has a website you can check out and is also a vendor reviewed on this site. Good luck finding your videographer.
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